May 24, 2016

F1 on TV: Monaco 2016

I've been in a horrible mood all day.  My apartment's been really hot recently (because it's been hot outside, duh), and doesn't cool off much at night, so sleep was both hard to come by and brief when experienced.  Then I kept trying to doze off at work, which is never a fun experience.  So I'm a grumpy ball of grump right now.

However, this weekend is the 2016 Monaco Grand Prix, and rain is predicted for the race, so that puts a different spin on things!  Here's the map for this legendary track:

Looks a little twisty, but nothing too bad, right?  Well, um... this is MONACO.  We're not talking about Barcalounger with its roomy runoff space, or Singapore with its wide, modern, streets.  No, we're talking about running high-tech racing machines at 180mph through what is, at its heart, a small French fishing village... to the point where the harbor is a major feature of the circuit.

In terms of actual racing, Monaco is usually pretty poor.  The narrow, twisty, decidedly unstraight lap doesn't much lend itself to such things as passing.  Further, the knowledge that a single tiny mistake of any sort will tend to send a car rapidly ping-ponging from barrier to barrier tends to make even the stoutest of drivers break into fits of eye twitching and nervous laughter. 

So the presence of a good chance of rain on raceday makes Wonderduck a giddy, giddy, waterfowl.  The fine folks of the Legendary Announce Team will be doing their usual level best for us, maybe even FROM Monaco itself (they've done that the past couple of years).  Here's the coverage:
Practice 2: 7a - 9a live on NBCSN
Quals: 7a - 9a live on NBCSN
2016 Grand Prix of Monaco: 6a - 9a live on NBC

Nope, no typo there: Practice is on Thursday, not Friday, and the race itself is on NBC-the-mother-network, not any of the junior channels.  This way any of my readers with a TV can watch it!  Then you can make fun of the F1Update! later when it comes out.  As is usual, all times are approximately Pond Central time... check your local listings.  Post no bills.  Past performance is not indicative of future results.   Do not taunt happyfunball. 

And see ya there!

Posted by: Wonderduck at 08:10 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 389 words, total size 3 kb.

1 I promise not to post any word about the race until after you do your writeup.

Posted by: Steven Den Beste at May 24, 2016 10:13 PM (+rSRq)

2 Good to hear.

Posted by: Wonderduck at May 25, 2016 05:37 PM (XQ5ac)

3 Greetings Loyal Pond Scum!!!

I bring you word from Wonderduck!  He is safe and will be returned to you when the appropriate ransom is paid!!!  Watch this space for future instructions!

No hanky-panky Mr. Den Beste!

(his internet is down, and has been since Thursday. Not sure when it's coming back)

Posted by: Ben at May 28, 2016 08:47 PM (S4UJw)

4 MWAAAhaaahaa!

Posted by: Steven Den Beste at May 29, 2016 08:05 AM (+rSRq)

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