March 11, 2013

Getting Better, Not Gotten Better.

Hey everybody, I've got great news!

The Dacia Sandero will not be appearing in this post!  Oh, and I'm feeling better already!  As you may remember from that long ago post from... yesterday, I think it was, I had been diagnosed with bronchitis, suffered a damaged muscle in my side, and was generally feeling just rather medically unhappy.  To solve the bronchitis, the doctor gave me azithromycin, an antibiotic that costs $15.52 per pill, which fact blew my tiny little mind and made me so very glad I have a full-time job with pretty decent health-care benefits.  To take care of the muscle-thingy, he... well, he didn't really do anything.  Not much he could do, to be honest, except say "find a position that makes it hurt less when you cough."  I've done so, and I'm awfully glad my job tends to keep me in the back room.  Makes it ever so much easier to and then .  That's just embarrassing to do every time I cough.

But to deal with the unhappiness, he gave me Cheratussin AC.  This is a foul tasting syrup that supports a dose of an effective expectorant... and codeine.  Truthfully, it's not doing all that much other than making me cough, which hurts, but the codeine is making it not hurt so much.  It balances out.  The bad part of all of these wonderdrugs is that, well, I came home from work, had something to eat, then immediately crawled into bed and stayed there until just now... meaning I didn't do the first official post of the new F1 season tonight.  I'll do it tomorrow, I promise.

Posted by: Wonderduck at 10:32 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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1 Heating pad is good for the strained chest muscle. Also that Vicks Vaporub. I suggest the Vaporub on your neck, not your chest, because overheated menthol isn't pleasant.

Also, chai tea with lots of spice and milk, and turmeric like the grannies in India would insist upon. This will distract you. (Obviously the optional germfighting shot of whisky doesn't mix with codeine.)

Some herbal teas include chamomile, valerian, linden, etc. to help you sleep, and they do work, but probably also don't mix with codeine. (Especially valerian, which tastes horrible and puts you out like a light.) If you're not allergic to valerian, linden, etc., this is good stuff. If you're allergic to pollens in the rose family, though, you're probably not going to like linden much.

Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at March 11, 2013 10:43 PM (cvXSV)

2 OT: F1 Loses

Posted by: Steven Den Beste at March 13, 2013 11:50 AM (+rSRq)

3 Sure, sure.  It's the widest, the lightest and the stickiest.  The only question is why anybody thought it'd do any better?

Posted by: Wonderduck at March 13, 2013 04:21 PM (1BL+a)

4 That tire-jumping video. On the one hand: Oh, JAPAN. Sigh. On the other hand... I can't believe how much I laughed at a bunch of tires being rolled down a ramp.

Maybe that's the sleep deprivation, though.

Posted by: GreyDuck at March 13, 2013 10:13 PM (xbP2x)

5 Greyduck, I laughed waaaay too hard at the last one.  Trying to get over a cold and it sent me into a coughing fit.  It was worth seeing once though.

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at March 13, 2013 10:27 PM (k3SCe)

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