Bathtub Battles
A few weeks ago, the players of World of Warships were asked to fill out a survey about how they felt about the game. For the most part, it was all the usual stuff: "would you recommend the game to your friends?", "what do you like about the game?", you know the drill. One of the final questions was "what don't you like?" I'm sure most of my response was echoed by others: destroyers (and torpedoes in general) are waaaaaay too overpowered, too many "paper warships", why Soviet ships and no Royal Navy... and at the end, I tacked on "Oh, and not enough rubber ducks. You really should do something about that."
It appears that the producers listened. It's still a combat game, it's just that now you've got toy ships floating in a bathtub firing... things... at each other. With rubber ducks as terrain. There are other things in the tub, too, but who cares about them?
First I'm partially to blame for Rio: Rainbow Gate! getting a US release, now there are rubber duckies in WoWS? I need to use this power only for good...
I still sink just as readily in this version of the game as I do in the regular game, that's for sure. But hey! Rubber ducks! Thanks, Wargaming!!!
Yes. There are a couple rubber ducks, beach balls, and a few other large floating toys that serve as island cover.
There is a stark dichotomy between the sounds your toy boat makes when delivering fire and receiving it. It's all cutesy boops and bops until you take a sparkling star in the superstructure. Then it's explosions, fire, and the default narrator shouting in your ear.
Posted by: Will at April 01, 2016 11:36 AM (yh0SO)
World of Tanks finally unveiled its April Fools mode, and it's a brain-hurting monowheel sort of ball tank on the Moon thing. The physics is really bizarre.
Posted by: Mauser at April 01, 2016 09:46 PM (5Ktpu)
Flirtin' With Disaster
It's been five years, three months and nine days since I last had a cigarette... not that I'm counting or anything, because I'm not. I only figured out exactly how long its been for the sake of this post. Knowing that bit of information, combined with the post's title, should give you an idea of what's coming.
Fortunately, it's not as bad as you think... I didn't have a smoke. Let me repeat myself: I did NOT smoke a cigarette or any other device intended for the partaking of tobacco.
I only want one about as badly as I've ever wanted anything in my life. Its a damn good thing I'm taking a personal day from work tomorrow, otherwise I'd never be able to resist bumming one from a coworker.
It's not like I want to go back to the bad breath, the smelly clothes, the lack of taste and smell, the stained teeth, the ever-empty wallet, and the lack of wind. But dear heavens above, none of that matters right now.
I'm NOT happy about this. Hopefully the craving will dissipate overnight. Wingtips crossed.
If it comes to it, grab a vapor pipe instead. Better for ya and much better-smelling to boot. We've got a few guys at work who vape instead of smoking and it's helped them a lot.
Posted by: Avatar at March 30, 2016 03:18 AM (v29Tn)
Stay strong, man... and enjoy that personal day.
Posted by: GreyDuck at March 30, 2016 07:26 AM (rKFiU)
It's incredibly hard to be around other smokers when you're a former smoker. An ecig may actually be a good solution. It replicates the behavior without the negatives.
Vaping would be a terrible mistake; it gets you back addicted to nicotine.
I stopped drinking 23 years ago. Occasionally I find myself yearning for Anchor Porter again, and can even remember how it tasted. Or a fine cabernet. But I won't ever start again, even once, because soon I'd be back to binge drinking.
If you quit, the only way to be successful is to really quit. Totally. Forever. No exceptions, no special occasions, nothing.
I don't think any of the self-contained ecigs come with 0% nicotine juices. You'd want to get something like a Halo Triton and some non-awful flavor of nicotine-free juice, perhaps a coffee or chocolate.
Posted by: J Greely at March 30, 2016 05:55 PM (CLiR9)
I'm not sure about mine, pretty sure they had nicotine. It helped me get through the worst cravings when I quit. Thankfulky, they were dissimilar enough from smoking cigs that I didn't adopt it as a separate habit.
I'm pretty sure that vaping would get me back into smoking pretty damn quickly, as I'd go back to the old movements and positions without any of the zoom. Hell, I've thought about getting one so I can have a convenient way of getting "smoke" into some photographs I want to take... but have held off because I know it'll lead to the real thing almost immediately.
Posted by: Wonderduck at March 30, 2016 08:17 PM (KiM/Y)
As someone who basically had a dip of Copenhagen in between my gums and lower lip from waking to sleep for 25 years and has not had one for the last ten + years.
Don't use any nicotine of any strength.
Occasionally I will get a very strong urge to have a chew.
I have resisted, so far.
And every now and then I will dream of having a chew, in those dreams I can taste, smell and even get the rush from the chew.
The hooks are deep with tobacco.
Posted by: jon spencer at March 30, 2016 08:37 PM (LtOnR)
I'm a firm believer that the only valid reason to be smoking is that you are on fire. And the last time I had a friend who quit, then tried to sneak a smoke in my presence, I responded appropriately, with most of the contents of a fire extinguisher. His immediate response was not favorable, but the treatment seemed to work...
Posted by: David at March 30, 2016 11:56 PM (qFBUY)
Memories Of A Time Long Ago
Did anybody here read OMNI magazine? I did, quite a bit. I remember it mostly for the science-fiction stories, some of which were quite good, but the occasional article stuck in my mind as well. For example, I'm sure the first time I heard about the Hubble Space Telescope was in the pages of OMNI, years before it ever made it to space. This morning, after being awakened from a deep sleep by a text that was sent much too early, I remembered something I read 30 or more years ago...
It was an article about the coming environmental disaster, or the hole in the ozone layer, or how we were causing the next ice age, or something along those lines. Contained in the article was a chart showing what sort of prices we'd be looking at for common items... milk, bread, construction materials, gasoline (note: environmental disaster makes gas prices go down from current rates), metal plates, cars, that sort of thing... wait, what?
That seemed like an odd item to compare prices with, at least for the type of article we're talking about here. Everything else were common household goods, and then along comes "metal plates" and everything gets thrown into a cocked hat.
Then came this morning's text-message wakeup call, ruining a somewhat humorous dream about a world-wide raccoon shortage, but also for whatever reason reminding me of the OMNI article. And then it hit me: metal plates, not metal plates!
I was a very intelligent youngster, but I wasn't a smart kid... or adult apparently, since it's taken me 30-plus years to figure out "metal plates." Unfortunately, I've never been able to find that article again... maybe it wasn't in OMNI. National Geographic? Mad? It is a puzzlement.
I read OMNI many, many moons ago. Every once in a while, I get an inclination to try to find a back issue from the early '90s to re-read a short story that I never knew the name of it or its' author, but never had any luck doing so.
Posted by: cxt217 at March 27, 2016 02:00 PM (I/l1o)
Weirdly, I remember OMNI specifically for a list of oxymorons they posted, which included the lovely turn of phrase, "Everybody Generalizes."
Which isn't specifically an oxymoron, nor were half the other entries in the list, but it amused me nonetheless...
Posted by: GreyDuck at March 27, 2016 10:47 PM (rKFiU)
Funny you should mention OMNI - I tripped over it just last night while browsing Amazon. You can buy all the back issues in digital form for the bargain price of $7.99. Each.
Not sure who thought that would be a successful business model.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at March 28, 2016 07:01 AM (2yngH)
Ah, that would explain why the official free archive of every issue was taken down and replaced with the thoroughly forgettable Someone had A Clever Plan To Monetize Content. I suppose we'll have to wait for the bankruptcy auction.
Posted by: J Greely at March 28, 2016 01:34 PM (ZlYZd)
My best friend all through school got OMNI, but I never did. I went to look it up since it was the current topic of discussion, and was flabbergasted to discover it was published by Bob Guccione.
I was never a devotee of Omni ("Science Fiction / Science Fact") but dipped into it on occasion, and it was often pretty good.
The magazine had bad timing on both ends of its life. They were born into a remarkable flowering of magazine-length science writing -- alas, the supply of such magazines exceeded the market.
Omni had solid enough backing (from Penthouse publisher and, on one occasion, unlikely fusion-energy patron Bob Guccione) to survive that, but then folded their tent about a year too soon. They'd run Internet-related nonfiction (as well as some influential early cyberpunk) when that was pretty state-of-the-art stuff, and were online early on.
In some superior parallel universe they might've hung on deeper into the era of popular and overtly commercial use of the Internet, as well as broadband to make a graphics-intensive online magazine more feasible, and become a good competitor for Wired...
Posted by: Ad absurdum per aspera at March 28, 2016 07:19 PM (blF4/)
The metal plate is a usual "France Is Bacon" story. It's usual in the sense that everyone has one. Mine are all Russian though. I remember how Russian version of Astrid Lindgren's Carlson used to say to me "pustyaki, delo zhe teyskoye" ("no big deal, teiski business") in the cartoon. For years I tried to puzzle out what business it actually was. It sounded like something with Roman roots, possibly having something to do with Tretean Court of Justice. It took me reading the actual book to realize that he meant to be saying "pustyaki, delo zhiteyskoe" ("no big deal, domestic affairs").
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at March 28, 2016 07:42 PM (XOPVE)
Broken Wonderduck
I kinda reached a break point last night. Something occurred that pushed me a little too far, and I just sort of... cracked, just a bit. I might be quiet for a little bit.
Spook, Frighten and Amuse Wonderduck Day.
The drawback of taking a "mental health" day when you have mandatory overtime to complete is that you have fewer days to accomplish the task with. As a result, I've done five hours of overtime in the past two nights... and both nights I was the last person in the building. To be honest, this isn't a bad thing. After all, when I was running the Duck U Bookstore, I was always there long after the store closed, and that meant I could pretty much behave how I wished. If I wanted to sing along with my music, I could. If it was warm in the store, I could change into a pair of shorts. Y'know, that sort of thing. So I'm alone in my office, and it appears that I was totally alone in the entire building... what's a Wonderduck to do?
That's right, crank up the tunes and sing along!
And if you're totally sure you're alone, you occasionally throw caution to the wind and do hand motions, chairdance, and once or twice do a stand-up-spin-in-place-sit-back-down thing in time with the music. And for the record, I very much want that scrolling light frontispiece that SNL has on the stage for this performance of Uptown Funk, that's sweet.
...until the cleaning staff shows up, and you don't hear them come in because you've got your headphones cranked, and they walk in on you singing and carrying on. I very nearly jumped out of my shoes, and near to wet myself to boot. Oh dear.
On the way home, I stopped at a local gas station for... motor oil and some two liter bottles of ginger ale. I bet you thought I was going to get gas, didn't you? Hah! Fooled ya! Anyway, y'all know the Duckmobile is old... indeed, it's 20 years old, I've had it for 18, and it's really showing its age in many ways. When I exited the gas station, I smelled a horrible odor, one I've unfortunately smelled before. It was the stench of drastically overheated radiator fluid, burning oil, and melted rubber. It was the smell of automotive death, is what it was. I froze, desperately staring at the Duckmobile, looking for the telltale plume of steam and smoke that always accompanies such smells... and not seeing it. And I should have, the car was wonderfully back-lighted by the bright lights of the pumping area. It wasn't until I got to the driver's side that I discovered that a SUV parked a few cars down from me had its hood up... and there was the huge gout of vapor, too. Poor guy was just standing there, trying to figure out what to do, while his passenger went inside... hopefully to buy a jug of Prestone or something.
Then I finally made it home, got comfy... and found THIS waiting for me:
It amused the heck outta me, I'll tell you what. And now it's the weekend, yay!
Long Time, Long Time
Y'know, I was trying to write about various complaints and gripes and pains and how I have 10 toes but only nine toenails and it took me two hours to take a test at work that should have taken a half-hour and even my walletmoths have walletmoths and I'm sick of cup noodles and I got an unpleasant letter from a friend and I don't want to deal with it and I'm up for potential jury duty and I just want it all to stop so I'm taking a mental health day at work tomorrow and sleeping late and taking a nap or two and I couldn't make any of it interesting so here's a picture instead and I think I can finally now end this incredibly long run-on sentence.
I had to look up "walletmoth", and then I felt silly for not figuring it out on my own.
Sounds like the rest day is very much needed. Here's hoping it does the trick!
Posted by: GreyDuck at March 09, 2016 10:06 AM (rKFiU)
Is it just the sinus thing I have going on (and/or trying to balance out Advil and Benadryl with strong coffee), or when you first look at that picture, does it look like a bunch of penguins in the foreground?
Posted by: Ad absurdum per aspera at March 09, 2016 05:44 PM (erzMQ)
I think it's the benadryl, Uncle Ad, but I'll be damned if I don't prefer your description over reality.
Posted by: Wonderduck at March 09, 2016 11:20 PM (KiM/Y)