Panzer Vor (If You Know What I Mean)!
One of the many surprises involving the recent series Girls und Panzer was the lack of heavy fanservice. Oh, don't get me wrong, the girls are cute and pleasant to look at, but pretty much the only true fanservice shots are for the tank aficionado.
Oh baby, do those treads go all the way up?
And that's fine, great even. It's a wonderful thing when shows take the high road and avoids blatant pandering to succeed upon its own merits. I mean, I love the Strike Witches franchise, but there's no way to use it as an example of the fine art of anime... there's just not enough pants in that show. However, a casual glance at a well-known repository of anime-related fanart (link ridiculously NSFW) makes it clear that there's a demand for Girls und Panzer fanservice. Which is why it should come as no surprise that the Blu-Ray release of the first volume of GuP in Japan contains an OVA...
Being devoted to my readers, I've decided to take on the challenge of providing suitable coverage of this OVA for your edification. Join me, won't you, in an excursion into GuP OVA #1: Water War!
Actually, I am deeply disappointed. I'd seen the shot of the SCUBA suit and thought they were subverting the trope. alas...this instead of # 11.
Posted by: brickmuppet at January 07, 2013 10:32 AM (vp6an)
Okay. I have a person-who-doesn't-know-very-much-about-tank-design question. I looked up the tanks used in the series (mostly on Wikipedia, I must admit) to get some historical perspective. The Churchill was noted in the wikipedia article for having "all-around tracks", which must mean something other than I think it means...because I know what a track is and how it works on a tracked vehicle. What are "all-around tracks"? Is this an historical reference or an engineering reference?
Posted by: Ben at January 08, 2013 10:09 PM (/Mdmg)
I think what that means is that the top part of the track goes higher than the side of the chassis. Why that might be a good thing is beyond me; it can't have been very important because the Sherman and T34 didn't do that.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at January 08, 2013 10:42 PM (+rSRq)
4Here's a great picture of a Churchill's treads. One advantage of this tread design is that you can put hatches in the side of the hull. Whether they are useful is another question.
Posted by: Wonderduck at January 08, 2013 11:41 PM (cymHZ)
It would seem, then, that the "all-around track" on the Churchill was primarily a holdover from the Mark I - IX tanks.
Posted by: Ben at January 09, 2013 12:55 PM (/Mdmg)
It would seem, then, that the "all-around track" on the Churchill was primarily a holdover from the Mark I - IX tanks.
Only in terms of design requirements. The Churchill was designed to fulfill the British Army's requirement for an infantry tank. As the term suggests, such AFVs were intended to provide direct support for the infantry. As such, an infantry tank did not need to be fast, but it did need to be able to go anywhere that the infantry could go.
Running the track over the chassis/hull, as well as equipping it with extra road wheels, gave the Churchill arguably the best all terrain performance of any tank of WW2. It would not be able to win races on the road (Even when new, and the Churchill, like people, got slower as it got older and put on weight.), but it could handle steeper slopes than any other tank of the era, and move better over rough country than most. Since the infantry it supported could not walk any faster but often did have to fight in terrain that would prevent the use of other AFVs, the performance advantage was very significant.
Incidentally, the rhomboid shape used by the WW1 British tanks might given them the best poor terrain performance of any AFV deployed - but their lack of suspensions or shock absorbers detracted from that advantage.
Posted by: cxt217 at January 09, 2013 04:07 PM (metzn)
I think the Churchill could probably climb over a higher barrier (e.g. a stone wall) than a comparable tank whose track didn't do that.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at January 09, 2013 05:36 PM (+rSRq)
I think the Churchill could probably climb over a higher barrier (e.g. a stone wall) than a comparable tank whose track didn't do that.
Of course, even if a tank could climb over a barrier like that, most tanks and their crews would not risk it if there was enemy opposition. It is usually much better to find a way around, or wait for the engineers to blow a hole through, than climb a barrier in a tank.
Posted by: cxt217 at January 09, 2013 06:45 PM (metzn)
hey i get an email of these pics in full size? for.... research
Posted by: panzerkero at October 17, 2013 10:01 AM (p37C2)
and on the churchill it should be noted that is was designed to be "mechanical infrantry" so the tracks were designed to spread the weight of the tank and allow it to go on sand, also they were bent up to allow a high clearance. ( although its debatable whether it realy helped)
thats just my 2 cents hope it clears it up
Posted by: panzerkero at October 17, 2013 10:16 AM (p37C2)
Adventures In Anime Ordering
Now, far be it for me to say that I have wildly varying tastes in anime. To be sure, I tend more towards the light comedy / slice-of-life genres, but that's hardly the only stuff I watch. However, even I had to scratch my head when my latest order from Robert's showed up at the Duck U Bookstore...
One of these things is not like the others / which one is different, do you know?
I suppose it's possible to find more wildly dissimilar shows than HidaSketch and Black Lagoon, but you'd have to work at it. Both are really good shows, but in completely different ways... and that just made me think of a crossover between the two series. That makes me weep. Yuno in Roanapur? Sawyer the Cleaner at Hidamari Apartments? Wait... that one would be pretty cool, actually.
In Praise of Chuu2
Did you watch Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! (aka "Chuu2") when it aired in the Fall season?
Well, did you?
If you didn't, you've missed something awfully special. I'll admit, I was unable to watch it when it was airing, but I've made amends for that. Wow, is this a good show. The basic setup is simple: guy goes to highschool intent on leaving his fantasy-tainted youth (he called himself "Dark Flame Master"... in public) behind and just live a normal life. Then he meets... her.
Rikka, possessor of the "Tyrant's Eye." Or a colored contact lens. One of the two. Unlike Our Hero, she still believes in her fantasy-tainted youth; in fact, she lives it whole-heartedly. I'll be honest... I was embarrassed on her behalf for the first episode. Not like I emphasize with her or anything, heavens, no... I'm merely a hyperintelligent duck with the ability to type. If you can get past that initial embarrassment, however, you find yourself in the middle of the best anime in quite a while, perhaps of all of 2012.
Along the way, Rikka decides to form a club and somehow manages to attracts other fantasists, including a cheerleader, an upperclassman, and a middleschooler, to her side... oh, and the Dark Flame Master gets dragged along, too. Hijinks ensue. Ridiculously entertaining hijinks, might I add. There is a story being told here, which reveals itself around Ep06 or so, but it's a touching one, never angsty without good reason. And for every angsty bit, there's humor and action aplenty, usually at the same time.
It should come as no surprise that, as a Kyoto Animation series, it's absolutely gorgeous. Details that other companies would gloss over or ignore altogether get nearly as much attention as the main images. Characterization is new and fresh, and I found myself actually caring about them. For a flinty-souled duck like myself, this came as a stunning surprise.
I cannot recommend this show highly enough. Go watch it. What are you waiting for?
UPDATE: I neglected to mention something. Blogsuki nailed it with his description of Rikka as an opposite-Haruhi Suzumiya. Rikka doesn't have powers but acts like she does. Haruhi DOES have powers, but doesn't realize it. True, there's almost nothing else similar about them, but it's an excellent observation about their respective personalities. Haruhi would simply hate Rikka... or pity her, which is even worse.
I got a few episodes in and just wandered off. It's cute, it's pretty, it has good characters, I just don't know why it didn't 'grab' me.
Posted by: GreyDuck at January 02, 2013 08:33 AM (xbP2x)
Watched each ep as soon as they were subbed by Mazui. Loved it.
Posted by: skyhack at January 02, 2013 09:44 PM (3ESSA)
Started watching it after this post. Just got to the scene where Rikka's house used to be in episode 7. It was a bit heartbreaking watching her go through her "magic start up".
Posted by: Ben at January 14, 2013 10:43 AM (/Mdmg)
Japanese Military Animation: Then And Now
A couple of years ago, I learned about an movie titled Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors. It's considered the first Japanese feature-length animated film and it was released in 1945. As you can imagine, it's obviously a propaganda piece, and all copies were seized and destroyed after the war... except for one. That one copy was discovered in 1983 and rereleased the following year. Ever since I found about about the film, I've desperately wanted to see it, but the only digital version extant was a poor quality copy with sound so muffled that it was impossible to understand (and subtitle). Until recently, that is. A copy has popped up at BakaBT, and while it's still not subtitled, it's also not exactly difficult to understand what's going on, as it was meant for children. It celebrates the paratrooper attack on Celebes at the beginning of the war, and surprisingly got some of the important details correct... I learned about the action from a book with the poetic title of Blossoming Silk Against The Rising Sun. I just finished watching the movie, and some little bit of insight struck me afterwards. You see, earlier this week, I watched Strike Witches: The Movie. Let's take a comparing look at the two of them:
Pilots then:
Pilots now:
I suspect that somewhere, Mitsuyo Seo, the director of Divine Sea Warriors who passed away in 2010, is either smiling... or whirling dervishly in his grave. One of the two. It's not impossible that he had actually seen the Strike Witches tv show. I'd love to know what he thought.
Planes then:
Planes now:
While what is obviously meant to be an A6M2 Zero is seen briefly in Divine Sea Warriors, the plane we see the most is the Mitsubishi G3M "Nell", the twin-engine predecessor to the better-known G4M "Betty". Meanwhile, in the Strike Witches movie, the Mitsubishi F1M "Pete" is rather overshadowed by the magical girls of the movie's title.
Really, the Divine Sea Warriors film is something of a perfect storm for me. True historical anime and military history both? Excellent! It's not deep... heck, it really isn't all that good... but it's a classic, nevertheless.
They both do anthropomorphificiation, to boot.
Ben-To Ep04
So, hi! I bet you thought there'd be another three-month break between
writeups, didn't you? Yeah, I bet you did. To be fair, I can't blame
you for that. If you're already wondering just what's going on, and
let's be blunt here, we are talking about one of my writeups, here's Ep03's writeup, just so you can refresh yourself on the subject matter. Now that that's out of the way, let's get to the writeuping! Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?
Or are you here for the hungry prepackaged foodfighters beating each
other up for mediocre meals? We seem to have a new person on the
battlefield today, someone intent on smashing everybody in the way of
that lovely, lovely bento... bentos? Bentii? I'm two paragraphs into
this post and I'm already confusing myself.
One with legs that appear to be six feet long, clad in Chuck Taylors... oh look, it's an American! Probably blonde, too, right?
Yeah, no bonus points for that guess for a couple of reasons. One, all
Americans are blonde in anime, and two, I've seen the show already. Of
COURSE I know the details behind this new bento battler. I'm pretending
not to know what's going on so as to take you on a (simulated) voyage
of discovery, so as to better connect with the reader. It's a standard
literary technique, and I'm not ashamed to say that I'm not half-bad at
it. Oh sure, one could accuse me of blowing my own horn, but I know what I'm good at, and I'm good at being ignorant. Did that come out right?
As our mystery babe makes her way out of the supermarket, hard-won
dinner in tow, a sharp-chinned bishie watches her walk away, muttering
under his breath "The Beauty Of The Lake." She doesn't seem moistened,
nor is she lobbing scimitars at the rightful King of England...
Whatever you decide to call her, she's apparently important enough for
the production staff to change the entire OP to suit. Not that I'm
complaining, heavens no! It just seems somewhat early to have her take
over the show is all. Oh well, what would you expect from a show as
tightly crafted as Ben-To?
Gashapon In The Post
There are days where I love blogging, and days that I hate it. Then there are days like today, where I'm terribly, terribly conflicted about the whole thing. Sometime last week, I got an e-mail from fellow blogginator Ben from the mysteriously monikered Midnight Tease, saying that he's got something to send me and asking for my shipping address. Being the trusting duck I am, I provided it, and a few days later I got another e-mail saying that he'd sent me a package and that he was "sorry".
As one can imagine, I was both perplexed and terrified by this, and when a small box at the Duck U Bookstore with my name on it, I contemplated calling the campus bomb squad. Saner heads prevailed, however, as it was pointed out to me that Duck U doesn't actually have a bomb squad. Resigned to a box full of spring-loaded custard pie, I retreated to my office and opened it.
Ben-To Ep03
Well. It HAS been a while, hasn't it? Nearly three months since I did the last episode, I'm back with Ep03 of Ben-To!
For those of you who've forgotten just what this series is about, and I
can hardly blame you considering how much time has passed, the first episode writeup is here, the Ep02 missive can be found at this link, and here's sixty pounds of bacon on a counter.
Now that you've gotten yourself caught up on our little
martial-arts-meets-prepackaged-food series, let's get onto some new
content: Episode 03!
As you may remember, in Ep02 Our Hero officially joined the Half-Pricers Club, learned the rules of
bento battlin', and took home a miso-mackerel bento for his first
victory. Right, that's where we stand. Let's see what wonders the show shall bring us next, shall
Oh, this can't be good. The school incinerator, surrounded by police tape and guarded? What, did Dale Sveum walk by and decide to end it all or something? Yes, it's a Chicago
Cubs reference, even though it's December. At the time I wrote it, it
was interesting and topical... or at least topical.
Oh god, no, it's worse than the Cubs' 2012 record. Our hero comes
charging out of the school dressed only in his skivvies for reasons
we're... apparently not going to be let in on, because suddenly the
credit sequence begins.
Well. Okay then. If that's the way you want to play it, Ben-To, fine. I'm game. And while I'm at it, camouflage boxers?
What, are there Vietcong in your shorts? Is that what kids are calling
it these days? "What were you and Jill doing, Bob?" "I had Vietcong
in my shorts." So wacky, these kids. Next you're going to tell me that
somewhere there's a recipe for White Castle Sliders Stuffing... but I'm
cheating, because I knew about that one already. Maybe not as good as 60 pounds of bacon, but it still sounds pretty tasty.
I like your thoughts on curry, I tend to the more heat side of the spectrum but truly find goodness in them all. I've traveled a bit and recommend United Noodle here in Minneapolis for just about as varied a selection as one can find.
PS: I plan on my re-watch of Ghost in Shell this week, is there a better SF anime ever?
Posted by: vonKrag at December 11, 2012 01:04 AM (XIY2m)
Thanks for picking this back up! I was seriously considering doing it myself, but one, I don't have any readers, and B, I imagine writing these isn't nearly as much fun as reading them.
Looking forward to next time...
Posted by: Anonymous Coward at December 16, 2012 08:51 PM (ASd7f)
Too Cool For Stu
Over at Steven's place, his recovery is coming along well. However, there was something interesting in his comments today, where he said:
There Steven goes again, being too cool for the room. He probably thought that it'd go against his image as a grumpy grump what grumps grumpily to be alpacafied. Well, we here at Wonderduck's Pond are nothing if not willing to help Steven out! It's ALPACATIME!!!
D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! If that isn't enough alpaca for ya, here's more!
But wait, that's not all! There's also this:
There. Now Steven's all alpacacized! Y'know, I wasn't sure what I was gonna write about tonight...
Sword Art Online... Huh, Who Knew?
Let's get this out of the way right now: Sword Art Online is not my type of anime. Not a big fan of sword-and-sorcery, don't play MMORPGs, the virtual-world-in-anime is pretty much played out after Summer Wars nailed it, and on and on and on. There's zero reason why I should like the show.
Other than plot, characterization and animation quality, that is. Our Hero seems to be a nice guy, until he gets called out in Ep02... then he turns into a (justifiably) egotistical jerknard, awes his detractors with his cool new jacket, and walks away. Our Heroine seems to be as much of a loner as he is, except bythe end of Ep02, we've basically only learned her name. The plot? Well, eh, killer video game, except the victims have a chance to fight their way out of it, or live there until they die or are killed... either in the game or in real-life. Over-used, I suppose, but it feels better this time around for some reason.
I guess the animation could be better, but it's certainly good enough to get the job done. I've read enough to know that the story that's being told right now isn't the actual story of the series, but we'll see about that. Either way, it's got me hooked.
I'm led to believe that the anime is continuing, but I'm probably going to let it go after, what was, it, 14? Yeah. (I'd explain why but spoilers.) It's a good stopping point, and I'm not that invested in our dynamic duo.
But, it was pretty much the only thing I could stand to "finish" out of last season, so there's that. Better than it had any right to be, I'd say.
Posted by: GreyDuck at October 18, 2012 11:05 PM (xbP2x)
I was enthralled reading the light novels the series is based on. Watching the anime has been...I like it, but there are too many 'meh' moments in it that make me want to wander off to do something else.
The light novels themselves were not free of problems - whenever Reki Kawahara wanders off into discussion of technology, it is not too bad, but get into military, history, or politics (Especially American military, history, and politics.) and it takes a trip into the kind of never-never land that five minutes with Google and Wikipedia would have avoided - and problems cover, surprisingly enough, some of the Japanese discussion. Even Dale Brown is better at those than Kawahara, which is an achievement of sorts.
Posted by: cxt217 at October 19, 2012 01:51 PM (pYv3v)
I've been rather impressed by it. "Better than it ought to be" is an apt description, but I found it really got interesting when the male and female leads started to get close. I almost stopped with 14 too because it was was perfectly satisfying to leave it there, but I'm really curious as to what direction it's going in now, especially after the end of last episode, so i'll be at least watching it a bit more.
Posted by: brickmuppet at October 19, 2012 02:48 PM (e9h6K)
Okay, I probably shouldn't do this, but the first picture is bugging me. If she is wearing that kind of armor... wouldn't that indicate that she was left handed? And shouldn't her sword be on the other side?
Posted by: Tom Tjarks at October 22, 2012 10:50 AM (FYKqK)
Apparently it's a play on Japanese archery harness. It is a familiar sight in anime. Might be not applicable to a swordswoman, but who cares.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at October 22, 2012 12:05 PM (RqRa5)
Vert wears something like that in the first episode of Dog Days 2, but it protects her right breast, not the left. And she uses her bow right-handed. (Hers is leather, not metal, but it performs the same function of protecting her breast from the bowstring.)
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at October 22, 2012 02:16 PM (+rSRq)
What weird, the archery thing can be hung off the left shoulder (a-la SAO) or right shoulder. There's even a page where you can see both together, although they always shoot right-handed.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at October 22, 2012 05:34 PM (RqRa5)
I dunno about anyone else, but I give you my permission to give up if the pain is too bad. I gave up on Upotte, after all.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at September 23, 2012 12:42 AM (+rSRq)
It's not that the pain is bad, Steven. It's just been a series of things, one after the other, that has prevented me from thinking in an entertaining and coherent manner. Throw in the show aggressively avoiding any sort of linear plotting in the first episodes, and it's just hard to work with.
Posted by: Wonderduck at September 23, 2012 07:41 AM (DLZof)
How A Manga Helped A Duck
Warning: this post is going to have a bunch of Wonderduck details from a dark time. If you're not in the mood for that sort of thing, thanks for stopping in and here's a picture of a cute girl.
For the rest of you, thanks for sticking around.
I watched a lot of Marmalade Boy back when Dad had his cancer (he's okay now, almost 15 years later). Served a similar purpose for me, though from a different direction - no matter how down I was, I figured, I still dealt with it better than the characters in that show!
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at September 21, 2012 01:36 AM (GJQTS)
I was watching Someday's Dreamers today, and they talked about how our dead want us to live happily, because they love us. So yeah, I'd guess that your find of that particular manga was no coincidence.
But that said, it's also true that comedy and lighthearted stories get a lot of guff as not serious art, but the brokenhearted do not usually want any part of angsty dramadrama. I would never throw epics into the toilet; but Polar Bear Cafe has been saving my sanity this year.
Posted by: Maureen O'Brien at September 23, 2012 06:57 PM (cvXSV)
WONDERDUCK is hereby requested and required to report to Quatier Capitaine Danjou in Aude France for enlistment in 4e Régiment étrange for 15 weeks of basic training.
There: I hope this helps.
Posted by: Brickmuppet at September 16, 2012 08:38 PM (e9h6K)
Oh, so about a week or two before the first two Puella Magi Madoka Magica movies open.
"We need to go wider! WIDER!"
Posted by: cxt217 at September 16, 2012 10:49 PM (juwHe)
Going from Kokoro Connect being the only thing I'm watching, to at least three anime series and three live action shows (Doctor Who, Castle, and Fringe), plus Torchlight II and XCOM dropping this month and next... It's Christmas!
Posted by: Pixy Misa at September 17, 2012 08:13 AM (PiXy!)
Ben-To Ep02
So here we are again, at the intersection of 'lack of motivation' and
'sleep deprivation'. It's been more than a few weeks since I tackled Ep01, which I'll admit was not my
plan. Still and all, "life is what happens when you're making plans,"
right? Anyway, let us see where this odd little gem of a show takes us,
shall we?
Oh, right, that. A little bit of research turned up a fetish called
"trampolining," where someone gets off on being stepped on and, I guess,
jumped on, like they were a trampoline. I dunno, man... I mean, one
person's perversion is another person's turn-on and all, but this
"trampolining" thing just sounds too weird for me. What ever happened
to simpler times, back when all you had to worry about was sax on
television, or the debate about making Puerto Rico a steak. Next
they'll be wanting a baked potato with sour cream, too! Wait... what?
It's "trampling," not "trampolining"? Really?
Never mind. Turns out Desaturation Lass had a sore back from a late
night of fan-fic writing, and The Ice Witch's legs looked soooo soft
and... well, y'know. Sen, the Ice Witch, gives our two rookies a quick
little speech about not sitting at the club table unless they are
prepared to become Wolves, and then...
...she tears off the head of our hero and swallows his spine. Well, she
did say that she's the only member of the Club, now we know why. No,
no, no, bad Wonderduck! BAD.
You promised yourself to be closer to reality for this show, and
already you've got The Ice Witch doing... terrible things. Stop that.
The Half-Pricer Association now has three members, huzzah!
...and Ep02 is off to a rousing start. Did I say "rousing"? I meant to
say "what the heck is this, soft-core pr0n without the nudity?" Nope,
it's Ben-to!
The rugby club is one of the eleventy-three people/groups slapping Sunohara around in Clannad, as well. (He gets used as the ball for a scrum in one of the first couple episodes.)
So the question is, is the rugby team ever used for something other than comic relief in Japan? (And how ripped must all these mangaka be to get away with it?)
Posted by: Mikeski at September 10, 2012 07:55 PM (1bPWv)
Posted by: Mauser at September 12, 2012 12:59 AM (cZPoz)
I'm just waiting for The Gaijin to blunder in and, using his Gaijin Smash power, grab the half-price bento before the Half-Pricing God has finished his work.
Posted by: Will at September 12, 2012 08:35 AM (qVNAd)
Thanks, Wonderduck... You're making the series much easier to.. ahem.. watch.
Posted by: Tom Tjarks at September 12, 2012 10:12 AM (T5fuR)
K-On!! The Movie
Okay, let's get this right the heck outta the way: if you liked K-On! or the sequel K-On!!, you'll love The Movie. If the combination of cute girls doing cute things while playing cute music cutely didn't or doesn't appeal to you, then skip it... this is definitely not for you.
Azu-nyan thinks there's something wrong with you, though.
For all of you that do like such things, or are KyoAnimaniacs, or both, then The Movie is a must-watch. It finishes the school career of the Original Four members of the Light Music Club: Mugi, Mio, Ritsu and Yui... and it's time for the rite of passage known as the graduation trip. The decision is made to visit London, and they decide to bring Azuna along, since she's been the driving force behind the club. And then, say it with me now, hijinks ensue.
If you're wondering just how they could afford such an extravagant trip, just... well, be quiet and let the rest of us enjoy it, kthnxbye. That little excursion into reality aside, the movie is chock full of fun moments that fans of the show or the characters will absolutely adore.
If you don't know what this is a tribute to, I'm speechless.
Of course there's plenty of music, and wonder of wonders, there's even three or four performances! I think that's twice as many as the original two series combined had, which was my biggest complaint with the show. It's a show about a high-school rock band, why so few "live" performances? But I digress.
If there's one thing we learn from The Movie, it's that Kyoto Animation has lost absolutely none of the zip off their fastball. It's not the best looking thing they've done (that'd be The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, that franchise's movie), but it's certainly the liveliest, most vibrant production they've put together. AND it looks great, too.
It goes without saying that The London Eye is turning in this scene (in fact, I didn't notice that until I was putting this post together). What's most impressive is that everything that should be moving, is. No static backgrounds for KyoAni, nope. It's all understated in its grandioseness, if that makes sense, but it's still a tour de force for the reigning champion of anime visuals.
If there is any major fault with The Movie, it's in the story. The trip to London is nice, but the over-arching plot of the Original Four trying to write a farewell song for Azuna got a little old for me, as did the laser-lock the thing had on Yui and Azu-nyan. K-On! works best when the entire ensemble gets into the act, and that happened only rarely here. It's not a deal-breaker by any means, but when Mio's most memorable moment is this... know there's a problem. Having said that, I'll still give K-On!! The Movie a solid four stars out of five, and I'm not even that big a fan of the franchise. I'm pretty sure I never finished the second series, for example. It's just a fun, lighthearted romp... a fuwa-fuwa time, one might say. Go watch it, you might actually smile!
One of the more memorable experiences I had came during the Bandai Entertainment panel at Otakon 2010. They had started to make announcements regarding the English dub for K-On!, when, as the grand surprise of the evening (There were several.), Bandai brought out Cristina Valenzuela (Mio's English language VA.) and including among her appearance a rendition of Fuwa Fuwa Time - in Japanese. The audience were bouncing off the walls.
Posted by: cxt217 at August 20, 2012 10:31 PM (sVB41)
Posted by: Wonderduck at August 20, 2012 11:00 PM (djyNz)
I really enjoyed the first series, but quit watching the second about halfway through. Not enough plot movement; not enough music. Not enough Mio or Mugi.
Posted by: Ben at August 21, 2012 10:01 AM (/Mdmg)
Ben-To Ep01
I've discovered that there's always a certain excited anticipation in my
thoughts when I start an episodic recap for a new series. Like a
runner in the blocks waiting for the gun, a parachutist standing in the
door waiting for the signal to jump, a F1 driver waiting for the lights
to go out, a fast-food employee waiting for the french fry machine to go
"ding", I find myself wondering in what direction a show will take me.
Will it be serious, like the early Ga-Rei Zero reviews or snarky like... well, like everything else? So, Ben-To, how will I be watching you?
This is Our Hero... and I think I know which way the writeups will be
going. It's nice when the show makes it easy for you, isn't it?
Y'know, in some ways, this series will be quite difficult to recap
because I really liked it. Heck, I'm on record as liking it before it even started airing,
and it did nothing to change my opinion as I watched it. It's not
perfect, though... in fact, there's enough flaws that I should be able
to do terrible, awful things to the poor thing. Probably undeserved,
but what the heck, it's what I do.
So enough talk... let's get ourselves into the underground world of martial arts combat for supermarket prepackaged dinners. Ben-To begins now!
Wacky premise, clueless male lead, bevy of weirdo girls... talk about a hit-or-miss scenario.
Posted by: GreyDuck at August 15, 2012 09:01 AM (Buiw/)
I wanted to like it, but I only got three episodes in when I realized the eye-candy was all that was keeping me. Your write ups are much more interesting.
Posted by: Tom Tjarks at August 15, 2012 09:53 PM (yNpP3)
Can anyone comment if this scenario has the slightest basis in real Japan, as opposed to Animeland? Are half-price lunch boxes really that coveted?
I recall a reference in Mahoraba "Heartful Days" to the half-price god, although there he was just uncle half-price. His passing caused a terrible storm of housewives. This is the only similar reference I have seen, even in Animeland.
Posted by: Anonymous Coward at August 17, 2012 04:27 PM (QbDss)
All Right Already, Hold Your Horses!
11pm. I'm sitting in the thronecontrol living room of Pond Central. I receive a text message. Brickmuppet is having lunch in an Italian restaurant (spaghetti and steak) somewhere in the heart of Tokyo on his way to Harajuku to be swarmed by cosplayers wanting to speak to a native English speaker. If I miss my guess, he'll also be shopping, but what do I know?
This text message, from 14 hours in my future and halfway around the world, is berating me for not having finished my writeup for Ep01 of Ben-To.
Saturday night. I promise. Okay, maybe early Sunday morning, but tomorrow. I've got the final registration day for incoming Duck U fledgelings tomorrow morning, but after that I'm off until 830am Monday. So I'll get it done, I promise.
I mean, if someone's gonna text me from flippin' JAPAN to prod me into doing it, guess I'd better do it, eh?
The Next Series: Voting!
You've nominated shows. I've whittled them down to series I'd be willing to do, then added some titles as well. And now... you get to vote. But first, the final nominations:
Perhaps a strange choice, since it's on my list of favorite series of all time, but oh, is it ripe for the pickin'! Little girls with terminal illnesses or severe injuries are taken away from their families, turned into cyborgs, trained as assassins and let loose on the enemies of Italy. That's about as perfect a setup for a Wonderduck Episodic Review ever.
Humanity is fading away. The fairies have come. They're weird. There's skinned poultry running around. What more do you need to know? (note: I've gotten all this from reading other reviews, I have no first-hand knowledge of this show)
Happy-go-lucky nuclear family hijinks. No, wait, that's wrong. Let's try again... Dark. Grim. Violent. Cute. This is the way the world ends. I'm almost SCARED to try Elfen Lied, it could be the greatest review fodder ever... or the worst.
High school guy gets asked on a date by a beautiful classmate. Woo! Who then turns into a dark angel and kills him. Oh. He gets better. Yay! Because a devil brings him back to life as a servant. Oh. As far as shows go, it could be fun. It could suck. Either could make for good review stock!
The best show about martial arts combat for half-priced bento you'll ever find. Fanservice, action, stupidity, cute girls, AND a surprisingly good story... it's nigh-on perfect for a review series! I really liked it, wouldn't mind visiting it again to savage in one of my patented episodic reviews... I mean, I didn't like it THAT much. Heh.
Girls with guns? That's for amateurs! In Upotte!, the girls are guns! Really, how can this be bad? It doesn't take itself seriously, except when talking tech-specs or everybody is shooting one another at short range. I watched the first six episodes or so then let it go, but it showed great promise as a review topic.
So there are the choices. It's up to you, my readers, now. Voting closes at 10pm Central Pond Time on Sunday, July 15th. One vote each, so make it count! And let the "best" show win.
Best series on the list, though ep 3 airs next week, so it could get worse.
Posted by: sqa at July 13, 2012 10:47 PM (5/dUV)
Elfen Lied... a work of art, but one I'll probably never revisit. GSG is a hard one to work with since it gets really slow-paced in the middle-to-late stages. And I know almost nothing about the rest.
Hmm. Blogsuki already had some fun with blogging Ben-To, but of the listed anime it's probably the one I'd find most amusing for you to take on.
Posted by: GreyDuck at July 13, 2012 11:12 PM (Buiw/)
Posted by: thenullset at July 14, 2012 02:06 AM (Pc/aK)
Hmmm, I've seen Gunslinger girl, and Elfin Lied, DxD is on my downloaded but not watched section, and I checked out the first episode of Uppote on CR the other day and wasn't terribly impressed.
So I'm voting Ben-To, because those fairies looked awful.
Posted by: Mauser at July 14, 2012 02:25 AM (cZPoz)
Upotte!! (Remember the second exclamation mark!)
Posted by: Wonderduck at July 16, 2012 06:31 AM (p5kAx)
Yeah, I know the voting's closed... But I love GSG and Elfen Lied. Elfen Lied seems fractured, they should've made it longer and maybe less gratuitous.
Posted by: skyhack at July 19, 2012 07:52 PM (3ESSA)
The Next Series: Nominations!
Well... the episodic reviews of High School of the Dead were a success, I think. What the heck, lets do it again! Last time, I
chose the series you got to vote for... this time, I want your help!
Give me the name of two series that you'd like to see me bring my
special brand of reviewing magic to in the comments. I'll compile the
list, add a couple of titles to it, THEN open it up for voting.
There are a few restrictions, though. I'd prefer 12 or 13 episode
series over 24-26 eps. They need to be easily obtainable. I'm not
opposed to older series, but I find newer "widescreen" series to be
easier to work with, picture-wise. I'd also really like a show where
things actually occur; I love the ARIA franchise, for example, but doing one of my episodic reviews for any of
the three series would be pretty much impossible. Nominations are open
until 10pm Central Pond Time on Friday, July 13th.
Since this is a Wonderduck episodic review, there needs to be a certain amount of fail present in the series. I don't think something like Bakemonogatori, or Mahou Shojo Madoko Magica is quite right, much as it might be fun.
How about High School DxD, Sankarea, or maybe Ore no Imouto?
Posted by: David at July 09, 2012 10:16 PM (vyRm+)
If he rejects Medaka Box, I could go with High School DxD...
I suggest the current summer anime Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita which reminds me of FLCL, but with more plot and sarcasm. Several anime sacred cows are bludgeoned, including the UN, corporations, cute fairies, noble villagers and victimized meat animals.
Posted by: conrad at July 10, 2012 11:25 AM (II9hl)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at July 11, 2012 03:43 AM (PiXy!)
Hell, Pixy, if we're going to ignore his preference for a short series, I'd request Star Driver. Princess Tutu is great, too great for Wunderduck's MO - he needs a little trainwreck in his anime to make his process work, you know?
Posted by: Mitch H. at July 11, 2012 08:24 AM (jwKxK)
Posted by: skyhack at July 12, 2012 05:25 PM (3ESSA)
Skyhack, I've got 'em. And as far as Nazo no Kanojo X goes, no need for me to do it, 'cause friend Mauser has that covered nicely. I might be able to equal him, but I wouldn't be able to improve it.
Posted by: Wonderduck at July 12, 2012 05:48 PM (PHdMw)
High School Of The Dead OVA
Okay, this is against my better judgement, but if I don't do an episodic
recap of this OVA, I'll feel like I've left the series incomplete...
and I hate that.
Unfortunately, this OVA is also one of the dumber things I've ever seen,
so there's that going against it. In the end, I know that if I don't
do it now, I'll end up doing it down the line, but only after its been
dangling over my head like a zombie of Damocles. So, like tearing
surgical tape off a hairy arm, it's best to get it over with quickly.
Now that I've set your expectations low, let me explain something about
this OVA. It's outside of continuity, meaning that whatever happens
here doesn't really happen. If
I was forced to jam it into the actual storyline from the series, it
wouldn't even fall between episodes... the best (and most likely)
solution I can come up with would be between 21:10 and 23:00 of Ep12...
in other words, during the final credits sequence. Considering that it
came packaged with Book 7 of the manga and never broadcast, I suppose
we're lucky it could even be shoehorned in at all. It's not worth the
trouble, though, trust me on this one. May as well get it over with...
Ladies and Gentlemen, the cast of HSotD is proud to present their version of On The Beach.
The part of the nuclear submarine will be played by a wooden rowboat,
Australia is played by a beach, and the fallout is played by zombies...
war. War never changes. Oh, and the crew of the submarine will be
played by a bunch of high schoolers. Other than that? Exactly the
On the run from the undead, harried and cornered no matter where they turn, The Fellowship finds a nuclear submarine rowboat and heads for... um... the sea! Because the sea is perfectly
safe at all times, no matter how small the boat you may be in! Why,
there's never even once been a rainstorm, typhoon, tsunami or flock of seagulls that's done in boats or ships!
But Frodo and Hirano got tired of rowing. They've ended up on some
island near the city... one that these lifetime residents of the city have never heard of! Wow, what are the odds? Good news, no zombies! Bad news, no nothing else
either! No shelter of any sort.
After all, we can't take it easy on The Fellowship, can we now? Where's the fun in that?
The link to the Rei picture is broken; there's an "[im" in front of the address.
Hydrangea leaves are an element in another zombie anime/manga, Sankarea (out this spring season), so this might be a shout out to that series.
Posted by: muon at July 02, 2012 10:16 AM (JXm2R)
Just to add to the general air of adolescent pervishness: the swimsuit screenshot of Rei has an advertising poster in the background, in the lower right-hand corner. The ad is for some canned beverage, likely a brand of beer; the model has opened the can, and foam from the can is spraying over her face. The foam looks remarkably like a certain biological fluid that I won't name here...
As for the swimsuit screenshot of Hirano--I'm lucky I had a wastepaper basket next to my desk. **barffff**
Posted by: Peter the Not-so-Great at July 02, 2012 02:34 PM (KiYAY)
Okay, the Rei picture is fixed... again... and it works on my end... again. If it doesn't work for you, the reader, now, I have no idea what the problem is.
Peter, I had to stitch that shot together... how do you think I felt? And believe me, there was MUCH worse in the OVA.
Posted by: Wonderduck at July 02, 2012 07:13 PM (7W8ch)
If you need another antidote to the Kouta swimsuit image, here's a NSFW image from the artist (measurements in cm).
Posted by: muon at July 03, 2012 09:54 PM (JXm2R)
Actually, there's a small problem with the picture of Rei and
Saeko kissing. It's currently a still image, and it should be a video...
Posted by: Siergen at July 03, 2012 10:31 PM (PuIGa)
It was a still image in the video, I'm afraid...
Posted by: Wonderduck at July 04, 2012 12:04 AM (3AWAq)
The symptoms of hydrangea poisoning include things like vomiting, bloody diarrhea, and not being able to breathe or have a heartbeat. It's similar to cyanide in shutting down ATP transfer. It's poisonous to pets as well as humans. All parts of the plant are toxic.
The only way it causes hallucinations is if you're suffering from anoxia. If they were having anoxia all night, they'd probably be dead (and they certainly would have vomited all over each other).
Don't trust animes for medical info.
Posted by: Maureen O'Brien at July 04, 2012 04:30 PM (fGqjI)
There is (or was) a similar trope in some '80s anime RomComs involving
wacky hijinks from eating wild mushrooms. Of course the wrong kind of
mushrooms will generally kill you dead.
I wonder how many Otaku have poisoned themselves with hydrangeas because of this.
Posted by: Brickmuppet at July 04, 2012 07:33 PM (e9h6K)
You often see Amanita in such comedic situations. It's used that way in one scene in Ninja Nonsense, for example.
Amanita is, in fact, a bit poisonous but apparently not very, and it does have a reputation for causing hallucinations.
Another reason for using it is that it is very distinctive looking, with a red cap carrying white spots, so it's become a visual trope.
To be fair, they inhaled the smoke from the burning leaves instea of ingesting them, and wikipedia says that it is smoked as an intoxicant.
Posted by: muon at July 05, 2012 06:52 AM (JXm2R)
Some people won't stop looking for drugs until they've gotten glue and garden flowers banned, and then they'll probably start sniffing FTL fluid so that we can get starships banned too.
Posted by: Maureen O'Brien at July 05, 2012 06:56 PM (fGqjI)
High School Of The Dead Ep12
Okay. Here we go. The final episode of High School of the Dead's first, and to date only,
season. For those reading along at home, this takes us up through Book
4 of the manga. Six have been released here in the US, the seventh
comes out in a month or so, and then that's it. There ain't no more,
and the two Satos (Daisuke and Shouji, not related) involved in the
creation of the series have sort of... well... gotten tired of it, I
suppose. In any case, there is (barely) enough source material to
generate a full Season 2, so we can always hope. But that, my true and
dear readers, is in the future. We, on the other hand, are here in the
now, and we've gots ourselves the first season to finish up. If you
remember correctly, at the end of Ep11 all was chaos as nuclear missiles were flyin', Bug-Haired Rei actually
stopped whining and acted kinda heroic, and the ORGYBUS had been
expelled from Lothlorien... and if ever there was a sentence fragment I
never expected to write, that was it right there. Sounds like really
bad Lord of the Rings-Partridge Family crossover slashfic. As opposed to all that really good LotR-Partridge Family crossover slashfic you can find. Do not go looking, I don't want to know. Seriously. Not interested. Don't. Just... don't.
I've never been more relieved by the sight of a nuclear missile. Oh
sure, it's a harbinger of the end of the world, but on the other hand, I
won't have to deal with the thought of Galadriel and Reuben Kinkade
doing... things. In more
pleasant thoughts, there are four missiles in the air, the last
reflexive spasm of a Chinese leadership turned into a merrily glowing
parking lot. We later see that they're DF-21s, which have a relatively
short range; they don't even cover all of Russia, and they surely can't
reach Europe... but they can hit anywhere in Japan you'd like. Say
goodbye to Akihabara! No more iDOLM@STER games. Hello Kitty? Melted
by a heat higher than that of the sun. Sayonara, Hatsune Miku...
...that is, if there weren't ships of both the JMSDF and the US Navy patrolling off the coast of Japan. The USS Shiloh (CG-67), a Ticonderoga-class cruiser; the Kongo and Kirishima (DDG-173 and -174), both members of the Kongo-class of destroyers based on the US Navy's aegis destroyers, and finally the USS Curtis Wilbur,
DDG-54. All four ships have Ballistic Missile Defense capabilities due
to the combination of the Aegis radar system and the RIM-161 SM-3
missile. As you would expect, the ships go into automatic mode and
engage the incoming Dong Feng-21s. There is much rejoicing as one by
one, the nukes are taken down by the defenders... all but one, Curtis Wilbur's target, and she hasn't fired yet.
It appears that the crew started reading the Meriadoc/Laurie Partridge
story. They dabbled in a realm men dare not go. God help us all if
someone finds a Danny Partridge/Eowyn slashfic... mere military might
will not be enough to defend us from that monstrosity. Oh, or the crew
has been zombified, one of the two. As the crew of the International
Space Station watches on in horror, the remaining DF-21arcs over and
reaches its target.
Lothlorien, the Fellowship, ORGYBUS, Humvee-kun, Zeke... all of them
gone in a single blinding flash, followed by a fireball the likes of
which have only rarely been seen upon this planet, and a sad tune by the Ink Spots. Just like that, in a blink of an eye.
Thanks for reading.
Aw, man, you know you haven't lived until you've read the fifty -three chapter Sam/Frodo/Danny Partridge epic threesome fanfic....
As for the shopping mall, perhaps they have an S-Mart in there.
Posted by: Mauser at June 28, 2012 02:58 AM (cZPoz)
So I shouldn't hold my breath for more manga after they meet up with the lady with the spear? That's a shame. I'd at least love to see a showdown with Shido and a conclusion to that storyline.
Posted by: Tom Tjarks at June 28, 2012 01:43 PM (T5fuR)
In any case, there is (barely) enough source material to
generate a full Season 2, so we can always hope.
Actually, I started heard a rumor that season 2 diverges from the manga, and instead the fellowship commandeers a boat and makes their way to an island that is surprisingly zombie-free. Apparently the island owes their good-luck to a particular female dealer at the local casino...
Posted by: Siergen at June 28, 2012 09:13 PM (PuIGa)
(I meant to send this earlier, but my computer kept crashing. It's been updated with information about a possible second season.)
On the TVTropes WMG page, there's a rumor of a rift between Daisuke Satou who wants more horror and psychology, and Shouji Satou and the publishers who want more action and fanservice. This might be true. The last two arcs have less fanservice with the main chars
(We see Rika in her sports bra while Asami never takes her uniform jacket off, and Rei's hot mom is more covered up than Saya's hot mom for example) while Shouji S. is drawing more zombie panty shots in the background.
For those who want more Shouji S. art, he's been doing his own series, Triage X (a team of medical vigilantes), with volume 1 scheduled to be published in English in October. He's done a full color version of the first four chapters, which has been translated into a hardcover compilation. This August in Japan, he's published an artbook, Lightning Pop, with new HSotD (half the book) and Triage X artwork.
UPDATE: Or maybe not. Daisuke Sato released a light novel called "Highschool Of The Dead: Owari No Hi" in Japan. Scans of the Dead has this report from Shouji Sato's Q&A at the AnimagiC 2012 anime convention in Bonn Germany July 28-29. "As we expected, Shouji was asked about when the manga would return from hiatus. He answered that he is busy right now working on Triage X and doing research for future Highschool of the Dead chapters. This research involves studying weapons, vehicles, and other things so he can draw with the high level of technical detail for which he is known. He asks that fans be patient and give him time to bring us the same high quality we have come to expect.
This answer seems to put the long delay on him rather than Daisuke Sato. To me, it sounds like maybe Fujimi Shobo wanted Triage X to be monthly to boost its popularity, they chose to put HOTD on hiatus because it would be too much work for Shouji, and now he is doing the preliminary work for chapters Daisuke already has planned out so it will be less work when HOTD returns and Triage X doesn't then have to go on hiatus itself. That's just speculation, though it does sound more plausible than other theories I've had in the past. In any case, things are looking very hopeful now that we know work is being done on the series."
That's definitely not Asami (hairstyle and color is wrong), but it is her supervisor. Here's a color picture of Asami from a series Shouji S. did comparing Triage X and HSotD heroines. There's a pre-apocalypse omake in vol. 5 showing Asami's sempai dressing her down.
Asami is written almost as the anti-Rika. She does little fanservice, isn't an action girl, is initially an indecisive leader (although she gets better), and, tragically, is a bad marksman.
Compared with other zombie works, there may be fanservice, but the chars in HSotD aren't idiots. The bath scene may have been gratuitous, but they'd checked to make sure they were safe, unlike the fish fry in The Walking Dead. I'm really glad that Alice doesn't constantly wander off. In contrast to World War Z, HSotD shows that military airpower and firepower are devastating to zombies, and professional soldiers don't panic.
That's an unusual problem the series has with continuing, at least with the Fellowship: too much competence. The JSDF are competent in fighting zombies, and, as the manga shows, running an evacuation camp. Rika (if she ever meets up with the group) and
Rei's mother would be the best choice to become leader. It took an ill-timed EMP to remove the Takagi estate as a safe haven. The only way I can think for the "High School" group to remain on their own is if they're left behind during the evacuation.
Something I've been wondering: How would a greek style phalanx using improvised spears and shields work against zombies?
Posted by: muon at October 01, 2012 01:39 AM (JXm2R)