December 28, 2010
Wonderduck's Favorite Anime Series Of All Time: Number One
What makes a favorite? There should be something about it that keeps bringing you back to it, obviously. The characters, the story, the drama or the comedy,
something. But lots of shows have great characters, or an outstanding storyline, funny jokes or gripping drama... what makes one series stand out above all others to become a favorite? And what elevates a favorite to The Favorite? Sometimes...
rarely... the entire package is so outstanding that it's hard to point to one part and say "there, that right there makes it just that good." And yet, that's the case of my Number One Favorite Anime Series Of All Time. It's the rare situation where everything is so good that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts... and the parts are all excellent.
Even if it's a show about nothing.
Posted by: Wonderduck at
12:31 AM
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Posted by: Pixy Misa at December 29, 2010 03:11 AM (PiXy!)
This was a GREAT show to work on.
Part of it was the inherent charm of the show. Sometimes you'll have a show that's terrible - the time you spend on it is a sentence. When that happens, you don't spend time running down every last reference or thinking too deeply about how to couch a particular line - you just get it done, to get it the heck off your desk and out of your life.
Sometimes you'll get charmed by a show that's not really all that good, but happens to work for you in particular. That can be hard if you need the support of other people to get the job done right, and they don't feel the same way about the show. I can think of at least one show that I quite enjoyed, but that we absolutely botched, and nothing could be done about it because nobody else gave a rat's ass about it.
And then there were the shows that everybody liked. That's Azumanga for you. I don't think anyone was expecting runaway commercial success or anything. But it got a lot of extra effort put into it simply because nobody wanted to say "you shouldn't be spending so much time on Azumanga." I probably spent longer working on the Azu script with Shoko than I spent on titles I -actually timed-.
Shoko did a bloody amazing job on the translation. And the dub guys really pulled through and turned in some fine work, which wasn't a slam dunk on a show where almost all the characters are young girls. In short, everything came together just right - it was quite possibly, taken in sum, the best time I had working on anime.
It's not great because of the characters - Tomo's annoying, Kimura's creepy, and Chiyo is just plain fake. As you mentioned, Duck, it ain't because of the gripping plot. But as a pure expression of a fine ideal world, it just works - evoking the same kind of nostalgia that you get from Charles Schultz, but with much better production values.
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at December 29, 2010 03:23 AM (mRjOr)
Seconded on all counts. I love this series! I do have one moment that always comes to mind when I consider favorite scenes (involving eating, and the altitude at which said task is performed) but almost everything else in Azumanga Daioh shares second place equally. Even Kimura. As long as I don't think about it too much.
Posted by: Ben at December 30, 2010 04:53 PM (gze3w)
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December 17, 2010
Wonderduck's Favorite Anime Series Of All Time: Number Two
A favorite show should be like an old friend... someone that you've known for a long time, and that you consider family. In the case of an anime, it should be something that you could pop in the DVD player and sink back into your chair, pleased that you're watching it. Maybe you've even got some routine surrounding the series, like you only watch it once or twice a year... but you know, deep inside, that you
will watch it, no matter what else is going on. Maybe you know the show well enough to not even need subtitles (assuming you don't know Japanese). In short, it's a series that, just by watching, makes you happy and warm inside.
Even if it's about sad girls in snow.
Posted by: Wonderduck at
12:09 AM
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You know... maybe it's time to re-watch Kanon. I
did pick up the thinpak set earlier this year...
Posted by: GreyDuck at December 17, 2010 09:55 AM (3m7pZ)
Isn't it time to re-make Kanon again? It only took 4 years the first time.
Posted by: Anonymous Coward at December 31, 2010 07:55 PM (twSPV)
A.C., if you'd ever seen the 2002 version of
Kanon, you'd know why there was a remake in 2006. However, if you think there needs to be a remake after the KyoAni version, you've probably never
seen the KyoAni version.
If someone wants to make a better version of the story though, I'm all for it.
Posted by: Wonderduck at December 31, 2010 10:36 PM (W8Men)
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December 13, 2010
Wonderduck's Favorite Anime Series Of All Time: Number Three
A favorite show needs to transport you to a different place than your own reality. That's one of the advantages of the art of animation in general and anime in particular. Anything you can imagine, and most things that you couldn't, are not only possible, but
easy to do. Giant mecha striding confidently across flaming terrain. Enormous battleships rising out of the ocean to do battle with massive alien fleets. Martial artists that make Bruce Lee look like a newborn infant. Magical energy blasts powerful enough to destroy skyscrapers, called forth by girls in elementary school. Heroes and heroines of every shape and size, saving the world from the most evil of opponents. All of these are entertaining, exciting... and commonplace in anime. To be truly different, a show needs to be outstanding not only in plot and character, but in setting, and not be afraid to tell its story the way it needs to be told, no matter how unlikely it may sound.
Even if the story is that of female gondolieri on Mars.
Posted by: Wonderduck at
10:45 PM
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December 12, 2010
Wonderduck's Favorite Anime Series Of All Time: Number Four
A favorite show should be one of those things that fits like a good pair of shoes or well broken-in jeans... comfortable. You should be able to put on any episode and immediately sink into the backstory like you'd watched everything up to that point in a marathon. Perhaps it's a seminal moment in your fandom, or something that made the whole concept of what a good anime could do click for you. In short, a favorite show should be part of you as an anime fan. Coming in at Number Four on my list is an epically grand story involving secret societies, spans multiple continents, and the whole of the history of Western Civilization, yet at its heart is about nothing more than two young women.
Who happen to be assassins.
Posted by: Wonderduck at
02:27 AM
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This is an absolutely excellent choice, and I understand it both being on the list and not being at the top. Great write-up, sir.
Kirika. The template for any number of "quiet young assassin girls" both in Bee Train sequels and elsewhere. Rarely surpassed, and it's a characterization that works better when you haven't seen it done thirty times already. If you come to Noir after seeing those others... well, detach the "oh god not this again" part of your brain. She may not have been the first, but still.
Chloe. An antagonist who manages to be devious, sinister, creepy, and an honorable opponent all at once. (I don't think I'm spoilering, here. All I'm saying is that she's a great character!)
Mirelle has the thankless job of being our main point-of-view character, the one with the least idea what's going on, and our vehicle for figuring it all out. She is what she is, eh?
I would say that even if Noir isn't a must-own series for anyone who's really getting into anime, I'd say it's a must-see. I watch it through every few years, and other than "no no no not 'Melodie' AGAIN" (see also: "ah, an action sequence must be coming up because the music says so") it's always a pleasure.
Posted by: GreyDuck at December 12, 2010 09:58 AM (7lMXI)
Noir is one of my favorite animes. However, as much as I liked how they used the flashback of the watch scene, and how you slowly saw more and more of the scene, then in the end saw the same scene from another POV, I think they over-used it a bit.
I found myself starting to tune it out after awhile, even though I knew that every couple episodes they'd reveal a little bit more of the flashback scene. Maybe if they'd showed the flashback in fewer episodes, so I didn't have a chance to memorize it so well...
Posted by: Siergen at December 12, 2010 02:44 PM (Gqqsw)
I hereby register my prediction: #2 will be Azumanga Daioh, and #1 will be the Aria franchise.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at December 12, 2010 03:45 PM (+rSRq)
Great show. The dub has one of my favorite dark humor moments, when Mirielle tells Kirika, "You work is just so... garish."
The slow pacing adds to the overall feeling of malevolence that is always behind the scenes.
Posted by: skyhack at December 12, 2010 10:41 PM (R3PHF)
I thoroughly enjoyed working on this show. Not only did it come at the perfect time (right after I'd finished Excel Saga), but it was a show where the lack of dialogue really challenged us to make it count, as it were. We spent a lot of time talking about how to phrase this or that, so that we'd get exactly the same kind of connotation or ambiguity that it had in the Japanese. Shoko knocked it completely out of the park. (I do, however, take credit for the poetry.)
There were a couple of low-budget episodes (I'm particularly thinking of 16, the Hong Kong one... there were a couple spots in the fight scene where people were pretty badly off-model and without any of the usual fluidity or choreography that you'd come to expect from the rest of the show.) But overall it worked, and worked well.
The music was inspired. I'll still listen to the soundtrack from time to time. The best of Kajiura's work that I ever saw, to be sure.
Not EVERYONE loved it. But if you were going to like that kind of show, where you had mixed intrigue and gunplay, you never saw anything better than Noir. Even Bebop, which also had fantastic music and great production values, isn't quite as good.
And the hidden sock puppet theater... I still can't believe we actually filmed it and included it. Or more like, how in the nine hells did we get permission from the Japanese? (DID we get permission?) I actually hurt something laughing, the first time I saw it...
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at December 12, 2010 11:37 PM (mRjOr)
Looks like the Duck is out shoveling snow.
Avatar, that composer also did the music for Mai Otome, which I initially figured out before even checking the credits.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at December 13, 2010 02:01 AM (+rSRq)
Av, I had no idea you worked on
NOIR... you guys really did a great job.
Steven, we only got about three inches, but the cold and wind is the bad stuff right now.
I had to get to sleep early Sunday; today's the first day of Finals Week/Book Buyback at the Duck U Bookstore, and I need to get in early.
Posted by: Wonderduck at December 13, 2010 06:40 AM (vW/MM)
Nobody ever reads the credits...
Funny story about that. I worked for the university doing tech support while I was finishing up my degree. My co-worker AJ had some bootleg copies of Noir and was watching them, paused it at one point and asked me if I'd seen it. Coincidentally he paused it... during the credits... when my name was on the screen. I pointed...
Posted by: Avatar at December 13, 2010 05:03 PM (pWQz4)
I agree with Steven's predictions. I'm going to take a wild guess that the remaining series is
Elfen Lied.
Posted by: Don at December 13, 2010 06:46 PM (utUGf)
I have to admit to being one of the heathens who don't like this series. Love the music, and I'm not generally opposed to the overall storyline, but I felt as if I had seen everything in this show before, not just Kirika. Most love the pacing; I thought it was incredibly slow and boring. My first thought after finishing the last episode was, "That's it?!?"
Noir is one of the few series that I have to just flat out admit that I apparently just don't get it.
But great music. Oh yeah.
Posted by: Ben at December 13, 2010 09:55 PM (gze3w)
A laconic story about fate, friendship and forgiveness where every single frame exudes melancholy...yet, where the closing frames still manage to convey some true hopefulness. Its pacing and structure are clearly not for everyone, but to me, at least,
Noir is one of the most moving works of fiction I've ever come across -- a stirring paean to the power of friendship.
Now we just have to hope that
Starz doesn't ruin it turning it into a TV show!
Posted by: DP at January 01, 2011 07:14 AM (YvG5/)
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December 11, 2010
Attention All Yotsuba Fans
That is all.
Posted by: Wonderduck at
03:20 PM
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Did you order it, or get it at retail?
I was just in Borders yesterday and they didn't have it.
Anyway, thanks for the heads up.
Posted by: Ed Hering at December 11, 2010 05:16 PM (Dh1KI)
Retail; my local Barneys & Ignobles had it on the shelf, along with the new volume of
Bamboo Blade.Of course, the release date for both isn't supposed to be until after Christmas...
Posted by: Wonderduck at December 11, 2010 05:26 PM (vW/MM)
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December 10, 2010
Wonderduck's Favorite Anime Series Of All Time: The Honorable Mentions
What makes a favorite a favorite? Ask that question to a dozen people and you'll likely get a dozen different answers. But just as everybody who watches anime has favorite shows, they'll also have some series that fall just short of that lofty goal, and I'm hardly an exception to this rule. So before I get into my true favorite series, it's time to look at those that just don't make the cut. Understand, all of these shows are quite good but have a shortcoming or two that keep it from making it to the top of the heap: Wonderduck's Favorite Anime Series Of All Time. Without further ado, in no particular order here's the slightly not-as-great shows!
(Image from Toshokan Sensou, which didn't even make the Honorable Mentions list)
Posted by: Wonderduck at
11:55 PM
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My real problem with
Hidamari Sketch (in its various iterations) isn't even that
nothing happens in the show. I'm fine with that; the characters are engaging and I don't mind spending time with them.
It's just that they do all kinds of stupid things with the artwork. Okay, using real textures in an animated production
occasionally will work; but not when you do it all the damn time.
In fact, all the artsy stuff they do ends up being a serious distraction, and I end up wondering if the point behind the animation is to show how artistically complex they can make it, rather than to tell the story of a few girls living in the same apartment building. That's why I don't enjoy it as much as I otherwise would.
Posted by: Ed Hering at December 11, 2010 12:34 AM (Dh1KI)
I couldn't get too far into GSG:IT, due to the horrid downgrade of production quality between the two series. I'd read the manga so I knew the (quite good) story, and this is one of the few cases where I didn't really care to see how the anime portrayed it further. (Usually I
prefer the animated medium.)
You're spot on about GSG, though. A well told tale about a downer, somewhat squicky premise.
I keep meaning to finish F/SN... taken two stabs at watching and keep falling off before the halfway point. Sigh.
Posted by: GreyDuck at December 11, 2010 01:13 AM (7lMXI)
Ga-Rei Zero didn't make the top four?!?'s got Laser Weasels and Pocky sticks! And two girls
eating Pocky sticks in the back of a Hummer!
Posted by: Siergen at December 11, 2010 01:05 PM (Gqqsw)
F/SN just has three storylines, and unlike a lot of games where it's just "which girl do you end up with", the stories are pretty radically different. Archer is almost completely missing from the Fate storyline path, but the UBW path is all Archer all the time; the Heaven's Feel path is a ghastly nightmare of continual rape that I don't even WANT to play through.
You couldn't possibly integrate all three into the same TV series (other than Higurashi-style, but this was before that aired). So the TV series did the Fate storyline but threw some other stuff in there, mostly to keep some of the secondary characters from being purely "extras". It was... not really an improvement; the show could have been a much more tightly-paced 13 or 14 episodes and done quite well.
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at December 11, 2010 03:45 PM (mRjOr)
I think I have a pretty good idea what the top four are, now that you've eliminated HidaSketch. Still looking forward to finding out, though.
Posted by: Andrew F. at December 11, 2010 04:42 PM (OVQR0)
You might guess three of them, Andrew, but I'm pretty sure that nobody will guess the fourth.
Posted by: Wonderduck at December 11, 2010 05:28 PM (vW/MM)
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December 06, 2010
Megane no Kanojo OVA
In this day and age of anime otakudom, the internet gives you just about anything you could possibly want to ever want to know about every show that's running, has run, or is going to be coming down the pike. It has also given us the chance to dislike shows even before we see them, and to tell everybody that the shows are awful weeks before they hit the air. Every season it has become routine to hear the call of "worst season ever!" These calls are never right. There are
always shows that come from out of nowhere that
sound horrible but turn out to be decent, good, or occasionally even great. It is therefore rare that something sneaks through the vast web of bloggers, websites and twitterfeeds until it is actually released. I don't consider myself particularly plugged in to the Great Horde, but yet I still seem to know a little bit about just about everything that's coming out every season.
Which is why the
Megane no Kanojo OVA has come as such a surprise to me, and I suspect quite a few others... I heard nothing about it prior to the day someone subbed it. That's a shame, because in this time when cynicism about everything anime is
de rigueur, this little show is quite a breath of fresh air. The OVA consists of four unrelated short (around 10-12 minutes running time without the OP and ED) episodes about, as you may have guessed from the title, girls who wear glasses. As of the time this is written,
UTW has released two of the episodes.
The first one is about the Sempai of a high school Literature Club, and the boy who joins because he saw her
without glasses once and thought she was cute. Shocked and horrified by the fact that she wears glasses constantly, he then spends a year trying to get her to take them off, just once... until she discovers that his eyesight is horrible. Hijinks ensue.
The second episode is about "Japan's most popular Idol." In her time off, she puts on a pair of glasses, a different hairstyle, and a floppy cap as a disguise, then sits in a coffeehouse and relaxes... until the day that one of the waiters asks her out. They go on a date, while she frets the entire time that he knows who she is... until she figures out that he really has no clue, then she frets about the fact that he
doesn't know.
There's no way in the world that I'd claim that
Megane no Kanojo is a great show. The art isn't particularly good, the two stories so far aren't particularly deep (to be fair, there's only so much you can do in 10 minutes), the characters are basically stock, and on and on. But yet, they're refreshing. There's no pretensions towards great art here, just short stories that are entertaining, friendly and fun. Ten minutes is about the right length for them; shorter and you won't get around to actually liking the characters, longer and the amount of story the plots can support would run out. The production team clearly understood this and did the best they could under the constraints they had. The results turned out pretty good. Heck, I had a smile on my face after I watched each one, and what more could you hope for from a show like this?
Posted by: Wonderduck at
12:11 AM
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It fits into my available spare time.
It is aimed at my
And appears to be pleasant.
I am the target audience.
Posted by: Brickmuppet at December 06, 2010 04:14 AM (EJaOX)
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