October 31, 2006
PockyPalooza II: Electric Boogaloo is TONIGHT!
Halloween. A time for candy and costumes... and the Librarian and the Wonderduck will NOT disappoint!
Stay tuned for writeups on the Pocky... and COSTUMES!
UPDATE: We made it through about half the Pocky flavors. Writeups and pictures will be available probably 11/1/06.
Posted by: Wonderduck at
11:04 AM
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October 29, 2006
It's time to skewer...
...everybody's favorite incredibly cute anime series,
Bottle Fairy.
And who better to do it than the legendary AMV creator Dokidoki?
Here lies HELLo FAIRY.
Steven, if you ever watch an AMV, make this be the one. Hey, it's got Max Headroom in it, how can it be bad?
Posted by: Wonderduck at
10:48 AM
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Post contains 52 words, total size 1 kb.
Part of the problem is that I am
very leery of P2P programs. I don't understand how they work in detail, for instance. I know that while I'm using one of them, I'm hosting uploads as well as doing downloads, but I don't know what controls just what someone else gets from me. Does it mean my disk is wide open for plunder? The one I was using (which I got from Pixy Misa back when) didn't tell me.
I also know that P2P programs are a really good way to get your computer infected with all kinds of marvelous malware.
And in any case, music videos collectively and AMV's in specific just don't
do anything for me. It really doesn't interest me at all; there just isn't any spark when I watch them.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at October 29, 2006 06:47 PM (+rSRq)
I know you're not much interested in AMVs... we exchanged e-mails regarding that a year or so go. *shrug*
For what it's worth, AMV.org isn't P2P, they do straight download from their servers ('local download', they call it). Which is what makes it such a great thing: no virii of any sort.
Also FWIW, I've used P2Ps for a few years now, and have yet to catch any ickware, virii, whatever. As far as HDs open to plunder, you tell the program what directories are open to be d/l'd from, and that's all it'll look at... in theory. I've seen no sign of that being untrue, but I'm no software expert.
Practice safe surf.
Posted by: Wonderduck at October 29, 2006 06:55 PM (fEnUg)
I use P2P a lot. I'm one of those people that "file sharing afficionados" hate. I installed the software and set it so I can download but that it is never to share anything from my machine (ever)! I've never been good at sharing... ask my sister. I believe in the virtue of selfishness! And yes, unless you're running some kind of anti-virus/adware/malware software on your machine... P2P is a wonderful way to catch all kinds of stuff. It's the casual sex of the computer world.
Posted by: madmike at October 30, 2006 01:05 PM (P1mII)
SDB's reservations about P2P reminded me of
this news story from a few months back.
Having previously dealt with malware-infested computers as part of my job, I'm pretty wary of P2P networking software myself. The only exceptions I make are for BitTorrent (which doesn't really count as a P2P network) and Winny (which has raws of obscure shows and other stuff you can't get anywhere else).
Posted by: Andrew F. at October 30, 2006 04:07 PM (zkbOu)
Andrew, could you explain
why BitTorrent doesn't count as a P2P? Is it because of the 'distributed' nature of the downloads?
Posted by: Wonderduck at October 30, 2006 05:30 PM (0Co69)
BitTorrent is P2P but isn't a P2P
network. Every file shared using BitTorrent is basically its own standalone network. That's why I like it. While I'm downloading file X, I'm sharing that file. When I stop BitTorrent, I'm not sharing anything at all. On that basis, it's no more dangerous than FTP.
Meanwhile, I seem to have lost the login for the AMV account I created after I lost the login for my AMV account when all my computers died at once.
And I even donated money, so double meh.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 31, 2006 02:13 AM (sWLEp)
If I could get him to watch just two, it would be CCS/Silent Lucidity and AL/When Angels Deserve to Die (and I'd have a DVD in the mail tomorrow if he'd let me
And yeah, AMV.org is its own host. Some of the videos linked there are stored offsite, but it makes it pretty clear where you're d/ling from. It's one of the greatest inventions since sliced bread--and has gotten me into at least a half dozen series that I would never have watched otherwise.
Posted by: Big D at October 31, 2006 12:16 PM (2wI5S)
Uh, Pixy just about covered it.
The only thing I'd add is that it's almost impossible for a single malicious individual to effectively distribute a virus using BT. Most P2P viruses spread by making themselves available for P2P download from the victim's PC, as with the Antinny virus mentioned in that article. They have the potential to spread exponentially--if a machine infects n other machines, each of those could itself infect n others, et cetera ad infinitum. With BitTorrent, however, there's still only one torrent no matter how many machines get infected, the survival of which depends on the willingness of victims to actively continue sharing the file that infected them.
Posted by: Andrew F. at October 31, 2006 12:29 PM (zkbOu)
"...it would be CCS/Silent Lucidity..."
A fine video... takes itself a little too seriously, but a fine video nevertheless.
Posted by: Wonderduck at October 31, 2006 04:21 PM (Eodj2)
Yeah, Pixy is right. BitTorrent is different. HOWEVER, you still can get in trouble if you use a malicious client. For that reason I only use the mainline and Azureus. Mainline allows me to run downloads disconnected, with all computers shut down for the night except the server where btdownload runs. And you can rebuild them from the source if you want.
Andrew got a point too. Since the checksums are stored in the central tracker and are reasonably strong, it's not possible to modify contents of a torrent. But I'm not completely sure that it's impossible to spread viruses over torrents. The key component is some kind of torrent publication service. Virus authors would need to incorporate postings to TorrentReactor or TokyoToshokan or something. I thought about possible attack vectors a bit, but they do not come out universal enough.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at November 03, 2006 02:38 AM (9imyF)
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October 28, 2006
PockyPalooza II: Electric Boogaloo: The Lineup!
Here's the lineup of Glico products (and one Meiji product) for PockyPalooza II: Electric Boogaloo on Halloween (UPS willing... the order from
Robert's is scheduled to arrive Halloween morning at the Duck U. Bookstore):
Pocky G
Men's Pocky
Almond Crush Pocky
Coconut Chocolate Pocky
Custard Fondu Mousse Pocky
Wheat Milk Chocolate Pocky
Pineapple Cream Pocky
Mild Chocolate Mousse Pocky
Strawberry Bits & Chocolate Pocky
Choco Custard Poare (A 'backwards Pocky', where the coating is on the INSIDE of the 'biscuit')
Caramel/Cocoa Pretz
Salad Pretz
Cheese Pretz
Meiji Chocobaby
Thanks to Vaucaunson's Duck for the Pretz, the Chocobaby, and the Coconut, Men's and Almond Crush Pocky!
Though I'm concerned about the Salad Pretz...
Posted by: Wonderduck at
10:02 AM
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Post contains 118 words, total size 1 kb.
What? No pork? Porky Pocky! YUM
Posted by: Librarian at October 28, 2006 10:29 AM (aTcoe)
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Librarian has visited!!!
Posted by: Wonderduck at October 28, 2006 10:31 AM (vFS/o)
Dude, I think I'm lost, and uhm, what's with the ducks?
Posted by: librarian at October 28, 2006 11:13 AM (aTcoe)
Dudette, they just moved in on their own. They don't even pay rent or anything.
Posted by: Wonderduck at October 28, 2006 03:49 PM (GIL7z)
So how was the salad pretz, anyway?
Posted by: Vaucanson's duck at October 30, 2006 07:03 AM (oplPK)
Dunno yet, Vauc! PockyPalooza II:Electric Boogaloo is on Tuesday.
And yes, it's been hard keeping myself from ripping into the stuff you sent!
The Chocobaby has been opened, I'll admit... not bad, for little not-quite-chocolate stuff.
Posted by: Wonderduck at October 30, 2006 10:31 AM (jnjCa)
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October 25, 2006
PockyPalooza II: Electric Boogaloo
Thanks to the good graces of Vaucanson's Duck, who lives within walking distance of Little Tokyo in San Francisco, the next Anime Night will see the return of
Though, technically, it should probably be called Glicopalooza, since there will also be tastings of three different styles of Pretz, and something called Chocobaby, which looks like chocolate-covered tictacs.
I'm considering placing an order with Robert, as well, just to make it a full-fledged event.
Thanks, Vauc!!!
UPDATE: Order placed, PockyPalooza II: Electric Boogaloo is a GO!
Posted by: Wonderduck at
06:41 PM
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October 24, 2006
Anime Night: CardCaptor Sakura
So The Librarian and I are through 10 episodes of
CCS now, and we're even MORE amused by the show than we had been. Again, I'm entirely sure that CLAMP knows
exactly what they were doing, but here's some thoughts we've come up with regarding the show:
*Li is a preteen transsexual Hannibal Lechter-wannabe. "*long stare* A sharp blow right at the base of the neck, and OMIGODOMIGODOMIGODTHERE'SYUUKI OMIGODICOULDJUSTDIEOMIGOD..."
*(after Sakura swallows an entire loaf of bread in one bite) "She's going to be popular in a few years..."
*"DON'T hit pause. Just don't. Let it go." "But..." "Just don't."
*"So Tomoyo has a rubber AND catgirl fetish. Kinkyyyyyyy... yet strangely arousing."
*"Whoa. WOOD got back."
*...and WAAAAAAY too many times to note: "Bow-chikka-bow-bow!"
Seriously, seriously funny stuff, even if CLAMP didn't mean it... but they did. This is a great, GREAT show.
Yes, we're laughing at it, but it's more 'laughing WITH it,' because there's no doubt CLAMP intended this. It's a wonderful story, WONDERFUL characters (except Li Shioran... so far, I really don't much like him) but so far the best part is the (non-existant?) subtext.
If you've seen CCS, you know what I'm talking about.
If you haven't seen this yet, why not?
Posted by: Wonderduck at
06:12 PM
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October 19, 2006
Thank you, CLAMP, for teaching me how to love... again.
You may remember that recently I watched the pile of catgirl droppings known as
Dokuro-chan. This experience, which left me wanting to claw my eyes out and left my eyes begging to
be clawed out, scarred my anime-lovin' soul, leaving it a small, flinty cinder.
Then my friend The Librarian came over for Anime Night. After a pleasant hour of dinner 'n' conversation, we decided to pop open the 19-disc MegaStack of CardCaptor Sakura, and watched the first five episodes.
My soul is restored. I'll talk more about it down the line, after I've seen more than 1/14th of the series (70 episodes!), but so far there's been absolutely nothing about the show I can complain about... even the unintentional comedy is pure gold (though that might just be because of the shared sense of humor The Librarian and I have:
"...and they all die."
"The End."
You have NO idea how funny that exchange can be when it's well-timed, though that's hardly what I'm talking about when I say 'unintentional comedy'. I'm talking more about things like Tomoyo filming upskirt shots on Sakura as they're crawling through the Kinomoto house, though knowing CLAMP they knew exactly what they were doing).
Anyway... Boooooo, Dokuro-chan.
Hooooooray, Cardcaptor Sakura!!!
Posted by: Wonderduck at
04:48 PM
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You think it's good now, just wait until Shaoran shows up. Arguably this series is about him as much as it's about Sakura, and to me he's actually a more interesting character.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at October 20, 2006 06:25 AM (+rSRq)
A musical about the witches from The Wizard of Oz breaks West End box office records, its producers say...
Posted by: Samson Mims at December 11, 2006 10:28 PM (ABcIk)
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October 18, 2006
I Love You Too.
"20061017.1535 We can skip Dokuro-chan (unless we're stupid, like Ubu Roi) and love Haibane Renmei and get the best of both worlds."
UPDATE: AAAAGH! AAAAGH! Yes, I meant Wonderduck, not Ubu Roi! AAAAGH!!! I'm the stupid one for botching up a joke like that! AAAAGH!"
I may be stupid, Steven, but at least I don't set up an easy joke and then pee it straight down my leg. *heh*
Posted by: Wonderduck at
02:47 PM
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Post contains 87 words, total size 1 kb.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at October 18, 2006 06:51 PM (+rSRq)
On the other hand, he doesn't own (even for free) fansubs of Inukami! That one has (around episode 5 or 6) a big build up to an incredibly lame and very unfunny laxative joke. And for the rest of the episode, it's a running joke.
(Yes, I deserve a fate worse than death for that pun...)
Posted by: ubu roi at October 19, 2006 04:58 AM (FsdF/)
(looking for the 'ban' button)
Posted by: Wonderduck at October 19, 2006 06:19 AM (+rGmJ)
You won't believe it guys, but I thought (at first) that Steven meant Ubu's unimpressive review of ZnT. I only recognized my error when I thought, "Hmm, this is unusual for him to be so partisanish about a show. Must be the Siesta's melonpan doing it. No, wait a moment. Steven doesn't watch fansubs, he can't know anything about Zero... wait... what? what IS this? Mwuahahahaha!"
-- Pete
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at October 20, 2006 10:45 AM (9imyF)
Oh, on review, I realized that I sounded a lot harsher on ZnT than I felt; it's just my sarcastic way of writing and nitpicking of details. And desire for common sense, plus a little logic. Zero was realtively ok if all you wanted was mild fanservice and a light comedy-adventure, with the occasional bit of drama. The problem is, that's NOT all I want, most of the time. Besides aforementioned common sense and logic, if they're going to put in a romance sub-plot, then the guy needs to get the girl. It gives all us otaku hope, you know.
Well, if we could just get a harem first, that is. I mean,there has to be at least one girl around first, after all....
Posted by: ubu roi at October 22, 2006 07:24 AM (0Ra5S)
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October 16, 2006
Clubbed-To-Death-Angel Dokuro-Chan
Right, I admit that I said, after viewing the OP, that watching this show was
"too horrible to contemplate."
But I watched it anyway.
That's about the worst thing I've ever inflicted on myself. My GOD, that was awful. Horrible. Terrible. EVIL.
As Steven DenBeste puts it, "I'm not nearly afraid enough of the Japanese."
I'm not even going to get into details. If I can sandpaper that chunk of memory out of my brain, I will. With a powersander.
Learn from my mistake: DO NOT WATCH THIS SHOW. EVER.
Eiken is better than this. And that made me want to pour battery acid in my eyes, then into my eyesockets after my eyes burned out.
Dokuro-chan is worse than that.
Posted by: Wonderduck at
03:17 PM
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Post contains 123 words, total size 1 kb.
Sometimes I wonder to what purpose I write those blog articles, if people just ignore them. I even was more descriptive and less judgemental... ^_^
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at October 17, 2006 11:11 AM (9imyF)
Were you hoping for something so-bad-that-it's-good or just feeling masochistic?
I actually thought it might be kind of cool. As I was in the middle of watching Elfen Lied at the time, my tolerance for blood, gore, and nudity was pretty high, so I figured Dokuro-chan might fall into the so-very-wrong-that-it's-just-right category. I purged it from my hard drive after watching the first half-hour OVA... it had already exhausted every atom of its comedic potential before totally grossing me out in the second half.
I can only imagine the horrors contained in the remaining episodes. But for the sake of my mental well-being, I won't.
Posted by: Andrew F. at October 17, 2006 01:22 PM (56thb)
"Were you hoping for something so-bad-that-it's-good or just feeling masochistic?"
I thought there might be SOMETHING in there that made it worthwhile... maybe as a fanservice-delivery vehicle.
I was wrong. So very, very wrong. But it was sort of like watching a Subcompact Car vs Supertanker accident... I just couldn't stop from watching.
Oh Lord, forgive me, for I am weak. I have paid for my sins, both past and future, now that I have watched
Posted by: Wonderduck at October 17, 2006 03:03 PM (fEnUg)
For me it was the sonic diarrhea that did it for me. The violence I found half amusing if still over the top. "Bowel shaking earthquakes" have no place in anime for me.
Posted by: Sci at October 18, 2006 12:20 AM (v+mR8)
First episode was actually kinda funny, especially the news reports. Second one definately dropped off. By the fifth one, it was in the realm of "MY EYES! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU, GOD???"
I haven't purged it from my HD, only because I fully intend to inflict the horror on someone else. Eventually. Pain must be shared, after all, but it'll have to be someone I won't mind being a lifelong enemy of...
Posted by: ubu roi at October 18, 2006 01:45 AM (dhRpo)
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October 10, 2006
The Wonderduck Award for Greatest AMV of ALL TIME!
An AMV, like any anime, is subjective. What I like may not be what you like. However, the AMV that is being given the
Wonderduck Greatest AMV of ALL TIME! award is one of those rare things that everybody I've shown it to has liked (maybe 40 different people), and has a huge rating at
Friends, allow me to introduce the AMV of all AMVs: Odorikuruu.
I've seen many, many, MANY AMVs. Odorikuruu has been on my hard-drive for close to four years and was one of the first ones I ever saw... even though it wasn't on The Org for some time (back then, I used KazaaLite). To this day, I can click on the viddy at any time and just lose myself for four minutes in complete mindcandy. It's got a catchy tune ("Mamboleo" by Elissa), uses clips from 34 different anime (though some get a total screentime of one second), and is very tightly edited. It's very much a shame that the creator, Aokakesu, stopped making AMVs after this... or, at least, making them and listing them at The Org.
No, this isn't the 'Citizen Kane' of AMVs... but it may be 'The General' of them, and that's at least as good.
Posted by: Wonderduck at
06:12 AM
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is fun.
What with both my notebook and my desktop PC crapping out, I lost access to AMV.org, so I only just got to watch it now.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 14, 2006 10:37 PM (4JWw+)
I like how the file is padded to exactly 42,000 KB.
Oh, the video? Well, the song is catchy, but not knowing most of the featured anime lowered my enjoyment... though this doesn't seem like the type of video where that would make a difference. Guess I prefer AMVs that have more to do with the actual show.
Posted by: Andrew F. at October 15, 2006 03:22 PM (s29vF)
seen 10 or 11 of the anime used in the vid, am familiar with probably another 10 (I've never seen
Di Gi Charat, but I know what it is, for example), and I can honestly say that such knowledge means the squareroot of 'diddly-over-squat'.
Which, I think, is a feature, not a bug. It's the perfect AMV to show to someone who either isn't an anime fan or has no experience with AMVs, but it can also be appreciated by someone who has seen umpty-ump number of 'em... like myself.
I just don't get tired of the thing. I'm not sure I CAN get tired of it.
For what it's worth, there is a comment on The Org's page for 'Odorikuuru' that knock it for exactly the reason you give:
" I prefer AMVs that have more to do with the actual show."
Posted by: Wonderduck at October 15, 2006 04:23 PM (fEnUg)
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October 02, 2006
How To Scare An Otaku.
My friend The Librarian sent me an e-mail today.
The e-mail contained a link. THIS link.
Click only if you won't miss your sanity.
Go ahead, I'll wait. When you're done, click below:
Posted by: Wonderduck at
11:35 AM
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Here's some background. (wouldn't let me post the link for some reason... take out the spaces)
http://www.anime news network.com/article.php?id=6749
Apparently it's just now getting its own label, having been under Dark Horse Comics previously. Such a move suggests that it hasn't been a total failure.
What would have surprised me had I not read that article is that this is actually authentic Japanese manga, with over 250 volumes published, not a cheap cash-in like some of Tokyopop's OEL stuff.
Admittedly, I don't know a lot about the romance-novel-reading demographic (or the female-manga-reader one, for that matter). What makes a "Harlequin-style" romance novel and what's their target demographic?
Posted by: Andrew F. at October 02, 2006 03:16 PM (ty0hy)
Do you have some strange vendetta against ANN that you won't allow it to be linked from your comments? When I tried, it told me that ANN was "objectionable content"... probably an anti-spam measure... does
this link go through?
Yeah, they're hardly a paragon of accuracy (I'll never forget the time they mixed up Kare Kano and Saikano), but I don't know a more comprehensive English language site for general anime news.
Probably nothing... sorry for the double comment.
Posted by: Andrew F. at October 02, 2006 03:28 PM (ty0hy)
Hrm. No, I don't have ANN blocked... at least intentionally.
Ahh, I see I was off slightly! It's not that Harlequin hired Debbie Macomber to write the manga, but it's a Japanese manga using an existing romance novel as source material.
Harlequin Romance buyers, in my experience, are in their late 30s or above (often VERY 'above'), are locked into
one of the Harlequin/Shillouette 'lines' (for example, there's a monthly series of romance novels involving single fathers. Or firefighters. Police. Cowboys. Sheiks...) and generally don't wander off it.
Unless they go for ALL the novels.
Meanwhile, here in the USA, manga trends towards younger males (yes, I'm making a generalization).
But, hey, if DarkHorse carried it for a while, and it didn't die off... this scares me even more!
Posted by: wonderduck at October 02, 2006 05:26 PM (vFS/o)
(I'll never forget the time they mixed up Kare Kano and Saikano)
*cleaning soup off monitor*
Posted by: Wonderduck at October 02, 2006 05:27 PM (vFS/o)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 04, 2006 03:44 PM (FRalS)
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