Vividred Operation Ep10
Okay, here we go... we've reached double digits on this show. I totally didn't mean for that to rhyme; now I feel like I need to make this intro paragraph into a bad song or something, and I think I'd rather saw my leg off with a rusty nail file than do that. To be blunt, this show doesn't deserve the effort. It's not as bad as some people have made it out to be, but there's no real way to say it's been good. Having said that, it's a lot better fodder for one of these writeups than, say, Girls und Panzer. That was a good, entertaining, well-written series (the OVA I covered notwithstanding), and the recent ending was excellent. I've not seen the ending of Vividred Operation yet... actually, I haven't even seen Ep10 yet... but I can't imagine it's going to be as good as GuP's. What I'm saying is "go watch Girls und Panzer, it's really good." However, I'm not telling you to leave here... we've got to finish this show together. And we will, before the next Formula 1 race on April 14th. On this I swear to all that's... um... swearable. But before we get to Ep11 and Ep12, we need to get through Ep10, and the first step in doing that is this: I'll admit, there are times that it's easier to do these reviews than others. Hot Dark Wet Girl Rei is in the shower, providing us with a handy recap as to her motivation to destroy the Phlebotinum Engine: in her "parallel world," it went nuts and destroyed everything. The infamous unseen THEY promise to restore it good as new, as long as Hot Dark Moist Girl Rei succeeds in destroying this world's Phlebotinum Engine. Sure. Makes sense to me. Then her parakeet starts screaming like a little girl that had her American Girl doll taken away and in this show, we all know what that means.
Croooow! is being a dick again. It knows that the parakeet freaks out when it's around, so of course it parks its feathered butt right on top of the cage. Oh, and for the record? While Hot Dark Damp Girl Rei stalks over, we hear the parakeet screaming and flapping its wings frantically... but there's no movement inside the cage. Mmmmmm... you can just smell the quality animation! Croooow! notes some... shall we say disobedience? from Hot Dark Drying Girl Rei, and does that trick with the eyes that it does.
Suddenly, there's a glare of light across the camera and Hot Dark Nekkid Girl Rei is on all fours, making the sort of noises you'd associate with a Japanese porn video, and the towel falls off buythedvds. It's good to be the bird... until it goes too far. It threatens to kill Hot Dark Towelless Girl Rei if she doesn't swear obedience to it, and she calls bullhockey.
Sure enough, it's just a servant of THEM and can't kill her. Score one for the Dark Girl. The scene ends with a standoff... Hot Dark Girl Rei explains that she'd use all her remaining arrows on the next Alone if she could be there when it first appears, and Croooow! prevaricates on whether or not it can tell her. Sounds like her plan could work, and work big. She's got this in the bag, yay for her!
Except for that whole "she wins, our world dies" part. That's kind of... a bummer.
Vividred Operation Ep09 Nutshelled
To be blunt, however, the title of this should be "Ep09 NutSHOTted." Because, oh my god, that's the least of what the Production Staff deserves. Episode 08 was, in my opinion, the best of the series so far, full of drama and character development. I really enjoyed watching it, mostly because it required that Team Aquos to succeed without the RHF, who is really the Kryptonian in the woodpile. Everything has to run through her, because only with her can they reach the ultimate potential of the Vivid System amd become completely unstoppable. Just like Superman. And it becomes boring, just like Superman. So seeing "The Jordanaires" succeed without her was quite nice. Now, it's common for there to be a dropoff after such a tour de force, I understand that. I do, and was actually expecting it. I mean, let's face it, this is Vividred Operation we're talking about here, not ARIA or some excellent show like that.
What I didn't expect was what we got. What we got was an episode that honestly made me angry with the pointlessness of it all. I wanted to inflict deep hurting on the Production Staff. And they would have deserved it, all of it and more.
Well, at least the perineum-cam is working, both near and far focus based on the cap....
Posted by: Mauser at March 21, 2013 03:35 AM (cZPoz)
Reading your and Steven's posts on VO, I'm not sure it's worth watching at this point. The art is good but the series seems to *almost* completely whiff on structure, story and characterization.
Vividred Operation Ep08
After looking back at it, I realized that I've been dealing with this
bronchitis thing for three darn weeks. No wonder I'm so bloody tired!
At least the antibiotic has been working its magic upon me for these
past seven days... I feel a lot better. Now, I'm sure y'all are reading
this and saying something to the effect of "well, that's nice,
Wonderduck, but what, exactly, does this have to do with Vividred Operation?"
A fine question, and I'm proud of you for calling me on it. Keep the
duck honest, I always say. Well, since I feel better, I'm much more
likely to do a good job with this writeup! I mean, the last two have
been done while I've felt miserable, so this one oughta be fantasmic!
Or something like that. I dunno. We'll find out. As you may remember,
at the end of last week's episode the RHF had been zorched by a seemingly-defeated Alone and was
plummeting from the sky while the rest of Team Aquos watched helplessly
and Hot Dark Girl Rei chuckled darkly to herself. So where do we start this episode?
Ladies and gentlemen, the Production Staff went somewhere that even I
didn't go, and it's AWESOME. I saw this scene, of medical staff rolling
RHF down a hall while Team Aquos crowded around her broken body and
immediately knew I'd seen it somewhere before... I just couldn't figure
out where.
It did eventually come to me, and it may be telling that I was under the
influence of a cough medicine that contains a decent amount of codeine
when it finally clicked. We're in Ep09 of Ga-Rei Zero! The more I think about it, the better VividGaRei OperationZero sounds to me.
Is that what Hot Dark Girl Rei is shooting at the Alones? Fragments of
the Death Stone? Is RHF going to turn into The Schoolgirl In Black?
When's the pocky eating scene between Rei and Himawari? Did I really just say that out loud?
I don't think the new vacuum is going to help with the bronchitis.
You've put a lot of work into this, I feel ashamed. I really should try to get at least a few shots out of Nyan Koi, but the Speed-review is going pretty quick. I wanna actually finish something for once.
Oh, and that special camera angle? I call it perineum-cam.
Posted by: Mauser at March 18, 2013 05:32 AM (cZPoz)
After my wife came from anastesia, they gave her a spirometer and told her to use it every hour. Supposedly it helps prevent pneumonia. Not sure about bronchitis, that one is different (inflamation of upper passageways, not lower ones). Still, maybe something to google out.
Posted by: Pete at March 18, 2013 05:34 PM (RqRa5)
Ah, I finally figured it out. Pete's word was "anesthesia".
Some AMVs
It's been a while since I've coughed up an AMV post, mostly because I've sorta dropped out of the AMV scene. However, earlier today I stumbled across a post over at Ben's place that reminded me of how fun they can be... and how good they can be when they're done right. The "Forever" video sent me browsing for others.
First I stumbled across Nostromo's Running Man.
For a long while, I believed that Nostromo was the greatest technical video editor AMVs would ever see. That doesn't mean he makes the best videos, just the most impressive as accomplishments, if that makes sense. I mean, Thrust SSC is a great technical success, but you're not gonna go to the grocery store in it.
From there, I wound up with this on my screen:
Ileia might be the best editor at "internal sync" you'll find. EVERYthing is to the beat, even if it's not obvious. Her work feels more "right" than Nostromo's, more fun. From there, though, I discovered that she had done a zombie version of the greatest AMV of all time, which lead me back to track down that very classic:
That was made in 2002. If someone asked me what the point of AMVs were, I'd show 'em Odorikuruu. It's 100% distilled fun in a four-minute viddy.
But then I found an AMV that literally made me cry weep manly tears.
I've made an AMV. I know it was pretty decent, particularly for a first try. I also know that, no matter how hard I try, I could never come up with something as good as this. It's very subtle, but there's something surprisingly awesome to this one. I can't put my finger on it, but it's there.
Which is why I put this post together tonight... because I wanted to share that awesomeness.
I have the first three on my hard drive already, but that last one is a treat. Thanks for sharing!
And hooray for my Nexus phone being able to play "Gratuitous" without so much as a stutter. Heh.
Posted by: GreyDuck at March 10, 2013 10:24 AM (xbP2x)
Man, I remember when AMV's were made with two VCR's and the pause button.... ("Mr. Roboto" done with Gundam...).
Posted by: Mauser at March 10, 2013 05:44 PM (cZPoz)
Oh, and in the first one, I thought the black and white footage was kind of interesting. But mostly I was noticing the use of Kate Bush in the song...
Posted by: Mauser at March 10, 2013 05:44 PM (cZPoz)
Funny to remember when Kevin Caldwell was the acme of technical video editing (not that his work is no longer worth the time).
It's certainly worth highlighting good amvs from time to time.
Posted by: HC at March 10, 2013 08:08 PM (Yyzy6)
Caldwell's Engel is still on my short list of best AMVs ever.
Posted by: Wonderduck at March 10, 2013 09:35 PM (1BL+a)
What, "...Angel."? Thanks! It's been a long time, but I still like hearing it praised.
Or are you talking about the rest of the post?
Posted by: Wonderduck at March 10, 2013 11:16 PM (1BL+a)
1) Your AMV, which is excellent. I remember you mentioning making an AMV, but never saw it.
2) Your post, which had several good AMVs
3) You linked my blog, and being a polite Texan, I complimented your consideration and your taste!
I love very well done AMVs. I didn't think I was the only person who knew about Odorikuruu, but it felt like it.. Still one of my favorites. Another was Tenacious D's Wonderboy set to Big O. The paper bag puppets of the Bigs sell the whole video.
And I fail on links tonight... *sigh* Wonderboy Big O will get you the right vid on youtube.
Posted by: Tom Tjarks at March 11, 2013 09:14 PM (k3SCe)
Wow, that's high praise. Thank you! And you'd be surprised at how many kids-these-days didn't know about Odorikuruu! I did Zomboleo as part of a contest in which the competitors needed to parody a well-known AMV and I had to supply the judges with the source so that they'd get the reference. Shame on them!
Posted by: Ileia at March 13, 2013 05:39 PM (55BDN)
Oh, and Zomboleo was probably the most wrong video I've ever seen. I love it, but it's so not right. I'm amazed that the judges weren't familiar with the reference... but then, when I saw first saw Odorikuruu, it was only a couple of years old.
Posted by: Wonderduck at March 13, 2013 10:04 PM (1BL+a)
Vividred Operation Ep07
Keeping up the routine. Keeping up the routine. That's what it's all about with my writeups for Vividred Operation. It's not a bad show at all, it just hasn't caught me the way the other three completed writeup series (Ga-Rei Zero, Rio Rainbow Gate!, High School of the Dead) did. No, I'm not going to drop it... I'm too far into it to do that. Besides, it's not like I have anything else to write about right now. So what the heck, let's take a look at what's going on after the debacle that was Ep06.
It seems like the RHF was out late, defeating another Alone. How lame
must this one have been to not even get any screen-time? Are there
nerdy Alones? Was this Alone the equivalent of having a bowl cut,
coke-bottle glasses and a pocket protector? Was it picked on by the
other Alones, shoved into lockers, tripped in the hallway, that sort of
thing? Finally, it had enough and decided that it'd show all those
bullies and took its shot at doing something none of the others could
manage: destroying the Phlebotinum Engine! Then maybe the cute Alone
cheerleaders would pay attention to him! Hope you feel proud, RHF and
the rest of Team Aquos. I hope you're really happy as you drool onto
your breakfast. That Alone was just trying to be loved... is that too
much to ask for? And you guys were just like all the rest, you slapped a
"Kick Me" sign on its back, took its lunch money and then disposed of
it. Buncha bullies, that's what you are! Meanwhile, as "Our Hero"
sleeps through breakfast...
...Hot Dark Girl Rei and her kickarse scarf lament their failure to
destroy the world. Again. Worse, it took another of her powerups,
leaving her with six. More importantly, she's running out of episodes
to accomplish her task. If she ever shows up with a rubber duck, I'm
going to just go out of my mind... in a good way, not a creepy way.
Well, maybe it'd be a little bit creepy. I wouldn't be proud of it, though.
The end of this bothered me: the other three girls watched Akane falling, and none of them flew after her to try to save her from splattering on the ground?
Two ways to look at it:
1) They're Only Middle Schoolers. They just saw their friend and leader get blown out of the sky. They're shocked and stunned, and as a result, they don't react.
2) Finally, It's My Turn. "I never really liked RHF anyway. Himawari, come dock with me."
It's probably #1, but #2 amuses me to no end.
Posted by: Wonderduck at March 09, 2013 11:18 AM (1BL+a)
Problem is, Wakababa really wants to dock with... Momo.
(I'm not sure how they're going to pull this show up out of the steep dive they put it into after making Angsty-Rei such a big part of things. Plus that training episode. Sigh.)
Posted by: GreyDuck at March 09, 2013 05:53 PM (xbP2x)
Am I the only viewer that LIKES Hot Dark Girl Rei?
Posted by: Wonderduck at March 09, 2013 09:35 PM (1BL+a)
I sure don't like her. I don't even feel very sorry for her. I suppose they're trying to make her a sympathetic character, what with her tendency to pet cats and feed birds, but it just feels like unsubtle manipulation. And I'm just as sure as I can be that the black crow is fooling her, so she's not only angsty, she's gullible and stupid.
About Rei:
They're trying to make her into Fate Testarossa, an opponent who is nonetheless sympathetic. In the case of Fate, we know why she's doing what she is, and it makes perfect sense. She isn't evil, but whether knowingly or not, what she's trying to do is evil and so we hope she fails.
Yet when she does, we feel sorry for her. And when she finds redemption -- not the redemption she sought, but redemption nonetheless -- we feel catharsis.
I'm not getting that vibe from Rei. I don't like her. I understand why she's doing what she is doing, but there's a difference between her and Fate: Fate didn't know that she was working to bring about a catastrophe. Rei does. Rei is willing to destroy Akane's world in order to save the one Rei came from -- and that's a consciously evil act, no matter how many kittens we see her petting or how many times they let us look between her thighs.
Now I'm Grumpy.
90 minutes of work on the Vividred Operation Ep07 writeup, right down the old bitbucket. All because I couldn't remember the name of a yo-yo trick.
Does this man not have a pot of boiling water and a jar of seadfood sauce?
Posted by: Kurisu Shimei at March 08, 2013 05:53 AM (wP19N)
A particular yo-yo trick, or just any yo-yo trick in general? Or do you know something about acclaimed cellist Yo-Yo Ma's trips to red-light districts?