Random Anime Picture #69: That Was... Odd -Nazo no Kanojo X Ep01
What a seriously quirky show. I'm not even going to attempt to summarize it, I'll send you to Mauser's place for that. If you can get past the drool, there's potentially quite a little gem here.
There's absolutely no symbolism involved in the show at all whatsoever.
Heh, thanks for the plug. (I really need to edit the blogroll to link back to everyone I read. But mee.nu can be a little.. arcane. Adding pictures works, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it the best way.)
I just got episode 4 from HorribleSubs, and wow, the twists this plot takes!
I have to admit, I hope for more comments. That's what keeps me from thinking I'm just shouting into the wind.
Posted by: Mauser at April 29, 2012 11:48 PM (cZPoz)
Mauser, I'm going to have a post tonight you'll be interested in reading, I think. Your "shouting into the wind" comment just inspired it, after all...
Posted by: Wonderduck at April 30, 2012 06:41 AM (PVVuW)
High School Of The Dead Ep06
As you may remember, last episode was quite the action-packed lil' thing. We met the Japanese Police
Force's fifth-best sniper, for example. We saw four teenage delinquents
act all delinquently, and get water-cannoned into the river for their
troubles, and good riddance to 'em, too. I know I was never a jerk such
as them back when I was a teenager, some 25 years ago. Now, I was a
well-behaved lad, raised right and all that sort of thing, but c'mon...
teenagers arguing with police in armored vans armed with high-pressure
water cannon deserves to be taught a lesson by Chuck D. As opposed to Chuck D...
that'd be an entirely different type of lesson. Though, if you think
about it, it'd be exactly the same. Anyway, Shido-sensei formed his
little cult of personality, the larger portion of the Fellowship of the Ring Our Heroes bailed out of the bus, but not before Hirano went all Rambo
on Shido... is there a word for last-letter-of-a-word-alliteration? After they left the bus, the smaller group of Our Heroes
appeared out of nowhere just in time to clean up a zombie horde... and
the Fellowship was rejoined. They then decamped to an apartment nearby,
apparently owned by Boing-chan's friend, the fifth-best sniper in the
Japanese Police force. Which is where we pick up the action, more or
Well, actually, we pick up the action on a nearby bridge which looks
very much like the Dan Ryan "Expressway" (aka I-90/94) around 5pm on a
Friday afternoon... and how a 14-lane highway can have traffic problems
is entirely beyond me. It may have something to do with the dismounted
police officers blocking gaps between cars to form a defensive barrier
against encroaching Packers fans zombies. I mean, in the show. On the Dan Ryan, the cops wouldn't last
a minute. Getting back to the show, while I applaud the efforts of the
shield-wielding police, shouldn't they have adopted a better defensive
position, tactically? Using the cars is clever, but please note that
the four-man groups are unable to support each other easily. The cars
are in the way! If the zombies come en masse,
the police are screwed. And I've just dissected a defensive position
to determine its effectiveness against zombie attack. Thank heavens for
the internet.
Oh, but they've got a dog with them, never mind. Lil' Yappy up there is
promptly eaten by a zombie. No, no, sorry, no, Yappy goes running
away. The undead don't seem to care... or do they? Hmmm... could that
have been foreshadowing? Bwah-hah-ha-hahahahahahahahahaahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Meanwhile, at the safehouseapartment, the girls prepare to take a bath. Wait, what?
Cue the sirens and put on your civil defense helmets, HSotD has gone to Fanservice Condition Red! I say again, Fanservice
Condition Red! Oh god help us, it's a bathtub scene. This business
will get out of control... it will get out of control, and we will be
lucky to live through it.
It should go without saying that everything beyond this point should be considered Not Safe For Work.
You must have had a blast writing this. I had the giggles reading it, enough that my katz looked up from naping.
Posted by: vonKrag at April 28, 2012 09:30 AM (XIY2m)
Normally I'd be insulted by your comparison of Packer fans to to a horde of slow-moving, mindless zombies. However, it is the off-season, and most of us are functioning in state of quasi-hibernation right now...
Posted by: Siergen at April 28, 2012 01:26 PM (3/gGt)
*applause* I highly respect your choice of FSOTW. In fact, when I first saw the other picture of Saiko's "Naked Apron fetish" outfit, I wondered why you didn't choose the wonderful profile, and now I know. Nicely done!
It seems to be an anime meme that girls in the bath play with each-other's boobs (The grab from behind being especially popular.) Alas, finding out if this is a reflection of reality requires a research budget beyond my means (especially the legal defense portion).
(Meanwhile Mysterious Girlfriend X has distracted me from Deadman Wonderland reviews, but I need to study up on Game Theory to explain why the second episode of DW is made of fail.)
Posted by: Mauser at April 28, 2012 02:11 PM (cZPoz)
The fanservice shots are very...um...fascinating (cold shower time), but that shot of Hirano looking at the rifles has me busting a gut laughing. Extra bonus points for the quote from The Hunt for Red October, too.
"Finally, FINALLY, Our Hero has had enough and tells her to
shut the fsck up...Then she kisses him. I don't exactly claim to understand
women, but what the hell?"
There's a school of thought that says that when a woman complains about or nags at the man she's in a relationship with, she's actually testing him. If he stands up for himself, she gains respect for him, if he takes it meekly, she loses respect for him and may ultimately develop contempt for him. I'm not sure what to think about this theory; it strikes me as a little misogynistic (a variant of the old "women are irrational" stereotype), but IMHO it also bodes quite ill for relations between the sexes if it's anything like realistic.
Posted by: Peter the Not-so-Great at April 28, 2012 05:07 PM (KiYAY)
I came very close to dropping the series at this point...or rather in the unfathomably gratuitous bath scene which even Wonderducks screencaps don't fully convey. However this episode and the next one ended up impressing me. There's a brief but surprisingly serious talk between Takashi and Saeko
in which they discuss the fact that things are going to have to be different on this side of the apocalypse with Saeko suggesting that they can't be operating under the same ethical rules anymore. This counter-intuitively foreshadows the next episode where Takeshi and Hirano decide that there are still things they won't abide.
There are other bits I liked, there is something almost akin to character development here and Hirano is shown to have something resembling a brain and not just be an idiot savant.
Oh god...I..I was...unsnarky...I apologize for my transgression.
Posted by: brickmuppet at April 28, 2012 07:34 PM (EJaOX)
It Was With The Best Of Intentions
Dragging myself home from another long day at the Duck U Bookstore, I had planned to finish my writeup of High School of the Dead Ep06. That is, after I had dinner of course... that sammitch that rules all other sammitches: the Reuben. As I munched, I watched what was turning out to be a bad movie. As a lover of bad movies (see: Wonderduck's collection of 122 MST3K episodes), I stuck with it... and it was a very bad movie indeed. When Samuel L MF'ing Jackson is overacting so badly that even a Samuel L Jackson fan is astonished by it, you know there's something wrong with the movie. Anyway, when the movie came to its welcome end, it was almost time for the Bears to make their first round pick in the 2012 NFL Draft. When THAT was done, I took a shower, and then it was now. 1030pm, and I've yet to type a single word for the Ep06 writeup all night.
Fortunately, it's about half-completed already. One last big push, and it'll be done. My guess? Friday or Saturday, hopefully Friday. It should be worth the wait, I think.
I guess watching a "very bad movie indeed" is a good warmup for watching the Bears...
Posted by: Siergen at April 27, 2012 01:27 PM (3/gGt)
Hi Wonderduck,
Sorry to add this comment to a random entry, but your website is still acting broken on both Safari and Chrome on my Mac, and also in Safari on iPhone. With some entries, such as "Random Anime Picture #69: That Was... Odd", it's not possible to add comments -- clicking on the Add Comments link just goes back to the main page somehow. And with very long entries such as the HSotD recaps, the blog post is cut off half or two-thirds of the way through and it's impossible to read past that.
Posted by: Mark at April 30, 2012 08:12 AM (n8Xce)
The blog post cutoff is a known issue (see this comment thread, amongst many, many others). I've never heard of anybody say they haven't been able to leave comments before. Of course, if they can't leave comments, how would I?
Posted by: Wonderduck at April 30, 2012 07:03 PM (PVVuW)
High School Of The Dead Ep05
So, last episode we saw Takashi and Rei get their photo taken by a recon plane, rob two
policemen and a gas station, and leave a survivor for the undead. Oh,
and about a third of the episode was taken up by a recap. Which would
be like this paragraph turning out to be seven hundred words long...
don't worry, I'm not gonna even try to do that to you. You want a recap
of last episode, or of the show so far? Read the episode posts!
Advantage: The Pond! So, High School of the Dead, what wonders bring you me with Episode 05?
"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. The crew has
finished its inspection of everybody on board, and apart from Mrs
Snodgrass in First Class, nobody has shown any sign of being either
infected or already dead. So as to not disturb the patrons in First
Class, she has been moved to Coach. We will be experiencing a short
delay as the runway seems to have been infested with the undead... or as
we up here in the cockpit call them, passengers.
Ha ha, just our little joke, we're kidding of course. We know you have
your choice of airlines, so on behalf of all of us, we thank you for
flying with Oceanic Airlines today."
Sucking a destroyed zombie into an engine would be only mildly better
than sucking a "live" one into an engine, but you can push dead ones off
the runway. Turning living undead into dead undead is her job, and
she's quite good at it.
Her name is Rika, she lives on the second floor.
She's the fifth-best sniper in the Japanese Police Special Assault
Team, which seems rather a specific ranking. Me, I'm the third-best
duck-based anime blogger whose name beings with a 'W'. I move up to
second if you only count those of us who are currently blogging HSotD. Rika and her partner were scrambled to this unnamed "floating airport" which is pretty obviously Kansai International to help with a "terrorism" problem. Terrorism, undead, eh, whatever.
They've got plenty of ammo, but sooner or later, they're gonna run out.
What then? Well, she's got a friend in the city that she'll have to go
find... a nurse at one of the high schools.
Well, isn't that convenient? Subtlety, thy abbreviation is HSotD.
Slight correction, it's still DAY ONE of the Zombie Apocalypse. But on the other hand, one gets the impression that Shido-sensei is very well-practiced at developing a cult of personality, and this IS his class, after all.
Posted by: Mauser at April 12, 2012 01:54 AM (cZPoz)
Mauser, allow me to direct your attention to the very first picture of Ep04's writeup. Please note the text at the bottom of the picture. The production staff, the authors of the manga, and the duck that's writing these posts disagree with your assessment of what day it is.
Posted by: Wonderduck at April 12, 2012 06:50 AM (PVVuW)
Doh! You're right. While Takashi and Rei got to spend an evening together, I guess I was thinking in terms of the crew on the bus, who apparently had a completely uneventful night.
Posted by: Mauser at April 12, 2012 02:48 PM (cZPoz)
Losing track of what day it is turns out to be an early indicator zombie-syndrome...
By the way, I am thinking of changing my screen name to one of your fish-pairs. How does "Nefarious Guppy" fit me?
Posted by: Siergen at April 12, 2012 04:35 PM (3/gGt)
I was quite amused by "hooligan nibblefish," but "nefarious guppy" is good too.
Posted by: Wonderduck at April 12, 2012 07:31 PM (PVVuW)
The Return Of Humvee-kun!
Over two years ago, during the writeup for Ga-Rei Zero Ep11, we saw the reoccurring character of HMMWV-san killed by one of the Spirit Beasts. But in Episode 05 of High School of the Dead, we see the return of Humvee-kun.
It's back, and it's better than ever. Keep your eyes open for the Ep05 writeup... coming soon to a Pond near you.
Ten Years Of Joy
April 8th, 2002 was just another day for many people. They woke up, went about their daily business, came home, and went to sleep. But in between waking and sleeping, some of these people were fortunate enough to watch something wonderful occur. For it was on April 8th, 2002, that Azumanga Daioh premiered on the TV Tokyo network.
I've written about Azumanga Daioh before. It's my Favorite Anime Series Of All Time, and it was also the subject of my first bit of anime writing, way back in 2005. In fact, it was shortly after I wrote that 2005 post that Big Papa Pixy offered me a spot in MuNuVia, so I've always thought that this blog owes its existence to the show. There's no way I'd still be blogging so many years later if I was still stuck in the Blogspot ghetto.
While AzuDai was not the first anime I'd ever seen, it was the first that made me appreciate that the genre could be something more than just mere cartoons. Pretty impressive, considering that the first time I watched, I didn't like the show. I only made it two episodes before I said "nah, not for me." Some months later, I watched the first episode again... and wondered what was wrong with me the first time. I would watch an episode a night, for this was the dark time when I had only dialup internet; a single episode would take anywhere from 12 to 16 hours to download. But I did it, and gladly. Besides, anybody who needed to get a hold of me knew my cellphone number anyway. Once I had watched the series via fansubs, it became the first one I ever purchased, six DVDs at $24.99 each. But I paid that $150 gladly. I wasn't the only one, either.
There's something about AzuDai that hits many people right in the happy place. It's not a masterpiece of writing. The animation, while very good, wasn't the best, even in 2002. There's practically no plot to speak of. And yet, an episode of the show is usually enough to bring a smile to anybody's face. It may be a wistful smile, but it's there nevertheless. In fact, it may be that wistful smile that gets to the heart of AzuDai's success. It reminds us of what the good parts of high school were like, the day-to-day interactions with our friends, obnoxious and annoying as they have been, the little triumphs that made things worthwhile. The series brings us those rose-colored memories with a skill and aplomb I've not seen since, though some have come close (the Hidamari Sketch franchise and Sketchbook are two that come to mind). Sure, the characters are a little more out-there than your circle of friends, probably, but still entirely believable. In the end, the six girls that make up the main cast of AzuDai are more than just moving pictures on the television screen... they're people. For the trick of pulling that off alone, the show deserves praise. There are people out there who don't like AzuDai, or are critical of its weaknesses. To be sure, it has faults... but they do not (or should not) detract from the whole.
It's been ten years since Azumanga Daioh was first broadcast. Ten years of joy.
It always occurred to me that AzuDai was less like something that actually happened and more like how someone would have remembered it happening from a few years later.
It set a standard that is tough to surpass - Hidamari and GA and K-On all get in that same area, but in the end it's only second place that they're running for.
Also pure joy to work on. Only wish I'd subtitled it instead of just the DVDs (not that there was anything wrong with the subs, and the translation was pretty magnificent to start with.)
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at April 08, 2012 02:03 AM (GJQTS)
Avatar, yes, exactly so. The way I think of the series is that Azu got the girls together ten years later and took them to a restaurant and bought them dinner, and beer, and got them to spend an evening reminiscing. And then he told us exactly the same stories they told, exaggerations and all.
Azumanga Daioh really redefined a lot of what could work and introduced a whole genre. It also
contained a great deal of awesome.
I personally liked Lucky Star better,
in part because I felt that LS ended one season too soon and AZU went
on a tad too long. I'm occasionally tempted to recommend new viewers not watch the last disk.
The flaw in that plan though is that the last disc contains "Jumping
Rope" and the graduation...some of the best television
ever. There is also the obvious fact that without the success of Azumanga, Lucky Star and the other 4-Koma shows would likely never have been financed.
Posted by: brickmuppet at April 08, 2012 08:34 PM (EJaOX)
And, unfortunately, a lot of 4-koma shows have been garbage, such as "Kill me Baby".
*Tomo and Yomi are teaching at that same school.
*Chiyo is 24! (Or something like that)
*Yamamaya is about 11, pretty old for a cat.
*Osaka married a rich businessman and moved back to Osaka.
Any other guesses?
Posted by: Anonymous Coward at April 09, 2012 06:21 PM (eOVyl)
* Sakaki runs a small veterinary clinic.
* Kaorin is married with a young daughter and a second baby on the way.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 11, 2012 02:29 AM (PiXy!)
{quote] Avatar, yes, exactly so. The way I think of the series is that Azu got
the girls together ten years later and took them to a restaurant and
bought them dinner, and beer, and got them to spend an evening
reminiscing. And then he told us exactly the same stories they told,
exaggerations and all.
There was some rueful discussion of the irony that Tomo, (having scored SO poorly in chemistry) had been able to successfully make that much sarin.
The bulk of the reunion concerned far happier things.
Yomi it turns out runs a cafe in Niigata and is happily married.
'Osaka' was sorely missed, but her duties as a newly elected MP had carried her to Tsushima that weekend. Chiyo brought gifts from her as they still correspond regularly (and share a dark secret).
Sakaki revealed that she had gotten her degree in veterinary medicine. She runs a small practice in Hokkaido mainly serving farms and knows absolutely NOTHING about chickens that may or may not have been eaten by what the locals claim is some sort of panther.
After college Kagura made a name for herself as a pro wrestler. She also makes occasional appearances in more conventional acting roles, usually as herself. (She continues to correspond with Chiyo (They share a dark secret).
Kaorin is an accountant who has recently opened up her own accounting firm which she operates from a home office, She's happily married and has a daughter . She was contacted by Kagura four years ago, who shared with her the dark secret that she is now a part of.
Chiyo has multiple degrees and certifications in English that she gleaned from her time in the US. She has passed the interpreters exam and currently resides in Tokyo where she is in high demand as a result of her hard work and impeccable respectability. Behind that veneer of respectability however, Chiyo conceals a dark secret.
She Kagura, Osaka, and Kaorin form the doujin circle PANTYFEST CHAIN GANG which is both highly regarded and quite notorious.
Posted by: brickmuppet at April 11, 2012 06:28 PM (EJaOX)
It's pleasing to come across another dedicated fan of Azumanga Daioh. Such praise! (It's well deserved!!)
I'm fortunate, I suppose, to have discovered the series at my local DVD Rental place, and whatched it twice tru. When they suddenly went out of business, I swooped in and bought all my fave series - in this case getting all six disks for just $5 each. My wife then chanced upon the omnibus on special somewhere, and my life is complete. I take my fat manga with me to every appointment and sit chucking over it and occasionally sounding out the sound-effects - still all in Japanese.
If you haven't yet, do get the manga. There are scenes in there that never made it into the anime. Kiyohiko Azuma is a true master.
His Yotsuba& series is fabulous too.
Posted by: Ged Maybury at December 09, 2012 07:35 AM (IYQ2v)
High School Of The Dead Ep04
If my memory is correct, last episode Our Heroes escaped from Zombie High in a mini-bus. Along the way, they picked up Mr Shiro (a devious teacher) and what survivors from his class that remained (lickspittle whining toadies). At the end, Rei and Takashi leave the mini-bus, then are separated from the rest of the cast by an exploding busload of flaming zombies. They go on to find a motorcycle and head for the city. Then they find a F-4 Phantom II and take to the skies!
...or the JASDF has made an appearance, one of the two. Interestingly enough, a small amount of research indicates that the plane, probably a RF-4EJ, didn't take off in Japan proper. Instead, it almost certainly flew from Okinawa, home of the Southwestern Composite Air Division, which is the only unit of the JASDF to fly the recon variant of the standard F-4. So one could posit that, while the rest of the world is being affected, there are still some places that aren't. Okinawa, for example. The Falklands, certainly. One could continue to speculate, but that's not the point here. The point is, the authorities are trying to figure out what's going on
The picture isn't good, at least in this city. I don't know that I would have expected fires to have broken out like this so quickly, but maybe it's the result of all those incendiary undead from last episode. Are there armor-piercing zombies, too? However, all hope is not lost.
For where there is life, there is hope. Even if said life is a pair of teenage kids riding a motorcycle without helmets or even a license between them. While I commend the pilot for his exciting flying, does the show really expect us to believe that the Japanese don't make a camera that's got a halfway decent zoom lens on it for their recon aircraft? I mean, really? Do the names "Nikon", "Minolta," "Konika", "Pentax" or "Canon" ring any bells?
Whatever they've got, it's got one heckuva fast shutter speed to be able to take blurless photos with the combination of the aircraft's velocity and the distance to the aiming point being so ridiculous. At least the backseater's got decent taste in where he's got the camera focused.
But then again, this IS High School Of The Dead... what else would we expect?
Here's another headscratcher regarding that cop car--was that little revolver the only firearm the cops had on them? I don't know how much firepower Japanese police officers usually carry on patrol, but in almost any other country in the world, you'd expect at least one high-capacity semi-automatic pistol per officer, with two or more spare magazines (lots of ammo, which would come in handy in a Zombie Apocalypse situation). There might also be a shotgun, or even an assault rifle, stored somewhere in the cruiser itself. (Mind you, someone else may have pilfered all the good stuff before Takashi and Rei came along.)
Posted by: Peter the Not-so-Great at April 05, 2012 10:12 PM (KiYAY)
Peter, you aren't seriously trying to look for things like logic, and consistency, in a show about zombies, are you?
The Preying Mantis does state that there was another pistol, but it was "unusable". I assume that's a euphemism for "there was a crankshaft in the barrel."
I can't seem to find anything online (in English) on what weaponry is stored in the car itself. My guess is "not very much," but that's just a guess.
Posted by: Wonderduck at April 06, 2012 06:23 AM (PVVuW)
I thought that your average policeman in Japan was actually very lightly armed?
Posted by: Tom Tjarks at April 06, 2012 12:53 PM (T5fuR)
High School Of The Dead Ep03
Yes, really. If I can, I want to get a few more episodic recaps done before the next F1 race, too.
As you may remember from just a couple of days ago, the three pairs of
survivors had made contact with each other and were making plans to
rescue their family members when Rei turned on the TV...
...just in time to see a remote news team turned into hors d'oeuvres by a wave of reanimated corpses. The reaction of the television
channel to the death of their newswoman and cameraman... on camera, no
less... is just about what you'd expect from the world of TV.
Is there nothing that can't be fixed by a brightly colored scene,
hand-drawn by kids? End of the world? Zombie apocalypse? Eh, just get
more crayons! Saeko, apparently repulsed by the color magenta, changes
the channel, perhaps looking for Ninja Warrior but instead stumbling across...
...uh... CMN? Whatever. The Cable Mews Network anchor reports that
things are going zombietime all across the planet. Beijing is in
flames. Contact has been lost with Moscow. London has managed to
maintain control, undoubtedly because they've had experience lately,
what with 28 Days Later and Shaun of the Dead and
all. There's looting in Paris and Rome, which means it's basically
just like every other day in Paris and Rome. Here in the US, the
President is allegedly being evacuated to an aircraft carrier-based
command post. Meanwhile, A-10 Warthogs are bombing the streets of New
York City.
I'm okay with this. Really. Do we need to have a reason to do that? Aim for the New York Times building while you're at it... the place is full of mindless undead. Oooh, snap! from the apolitical anime blogger! While I'm feeling all sorts of triumphant for sticking it to Da MAN,
the Pink Haired Harpy Saya is harshing everybody's groove by pointing
out that they've got a pandemic on their hands... one that seems to be
following a similar pattern to the 1918 Spanish Flu... or the Black
Death in the 1300s. Y'know, two pandemics that ended only because they
killed people too quick for them to pass the disease on? Except with
this one, the vectors are human-sized and they walk...
With that thought ringing in your ears, sleep well tonight!
Hate to harp on the "browser won't show the whole page" thing, but (from Chrome) I right-clicked "open in new tab" the timestamp link on WD's front page to get to this post, and it would only scroll to the picture above "Again with the running. Seriously, there's an outrageous amount of running involved." I copied the URL and opened a new IE window, and it loaded the whole page fine. Then I pasted into a new tab in Chrome and it showed the whole page. Go figure.
Posted by: RickC at April 02, 2012 09:32 AM (OGSbi)
Sometimes when that happeens, if you reload the page it will work thereafter. It has to do with the fact that the page source doesn't include picture size info, so the browser can't figure out how long the page is until it's loaded all the pictures. When you reload, all the pictures are in the cache and the browser can get it right the second time.
It wouldn't happen if the "img" tags all had image sizes, though. Then the browser could do the calculation before the images load, and get it right the first time.
Every time someone complains about the page not fully-loading, a cat-girl gets turned into a zombie. Please, think of the cat-girls!
Posted by: Siergen at April 02, 2012 04:40 PM (3/gGt)
Steven, refreshing has never worked for me as such; I have to open the link in a new tab.
Also, oddly, enough, I don't think I've ever seen it happen anywhere else but mee.nu and mu.nu. I've seen many long web pages with lots of pictures, and I don't recall ever seeing this happen anywhere else.
Posted by: RickC at April 02, 2012 05:22 PM (WQ6Vb)
*sigh* 2165 words and all anybody can talk about is how the post doesn't load all the way.
Posted by: Wonderduck at April 02, 2012 06:04 PM (AzTWp)
*sigh* 2165 words and all anybody can talk about is how the post doesn't load all the way.
Well, since you posted a picture of Saya wearing glasses, brickmuppet is...busy, and can't type right now. Also, it's dinner time in many time zones; zombie posts are best viewed on an empty stomach - or with a spill-resistant keyboard...
Posted by: Siergen at April 02, 2012 06:22 PM (3/gGt)
Posted by: Wonderduck at April 02, 2012 08:15 PM (AzTWp)
I'm gonna have to re-watch this series. It'll be a great palate cleanser when I'm through with Deadman Wonderland. (Just posted my first episode review.)
Posted by: Mauser at April 03, 2012 05:38 AM (cZPoz)
Sorry. I find these posts wildly entertaining, if it helps.
Posted by: RickC at April 03, 2012 08:25 PM (WQ6Vb)
Ga-Rei Zero Live Action A Go? Maybe!
Potentially exciting news from Japan, where it was revealed that a live action version of Ga-Rei Zero is in the works. Brickmuppet will have more details, since he's the one who did most of the legwork on tracking it down; I just heard little rumors. Considering the lack of information in English, I defer to his knowledge of Japanese on this one. If it's true, I'm going to be one happy Wonderduck.
Actually, GRZ would make a fine movie... plenty of action, drama, even a romance if they want to try and work it in. Even if they didn't, there's plenty there to work with. Just the main "Schoolgirl in Black vs Everybody Else" storyline would make for a fun action flick. I'd think they'd do away with the twins, Nabuu and Nabuu, Isayama (the guy with the drills), Kazuki (the one who dies... well, one of 'em. The guy with the multi-barrelled briefcases), Motive Power Kiri-chan and The Boss with her Rocket-powered Wheelchair of Awesome, even Kagura's friends on the swim team, all of 'em gone. Which would be a shame, because c'mon, they're what makes GRZ so much fun.
But the Monochrome Schoolgirls and Mr Laser Weasel would surely be in there. I wonder if they'd even bother to do the "Spiritual Beasts", and just stick with the sword-fighting. THAT would be a huge mistake, but it would save them money on special effects. It would also be like doing Death Note without Ryuk. Or Evangelion without EVAs. Or NOIR on American TV. Oh, wait...
I don't know that there's another franchise I'd be more willing to see Live Action-wise, come to think of it. It's not like Kanon would be a good candidate, or HidaSketch. You could do a Live Action version of ARIA, but it'd fail so hard I can hear the producers jumping out of windows right now. Maybe LA Fate Stay/Night? I'm willing to bet that Glico is more than willing to work with the production, though... particularly if there's a chance it'd get a US release. Pocky from sea to shining sea!
UPDATE: Brickmuppet is still working on his post, but he sent me a pic of Yomi (aka "Schoolgirl In Black") that he found... click on the "more" link.
ANOTHER UPDATE: 'Muppet's post is here. I must have misunderstood him, because he's saying it's gonna be a TV series, not a movie. He also says that it'll start with GRZ, then go on to cover the manga, Ga-Rei. While I'd rather see the manga turned into an anime, Live Action is perfectly okay too! I'm sure the producers right now are saying "*whew* Wonderduck approves! We were scared."
THIRD UPDATE: Muppet spills the beans. It was his idea, though, and I've got the e-mails to prove it.
Please, please let them keep the "eating Pocky sticks in a Hummer" scene...
Posted by: Siergen at April 01, 2012 10:53 AM (3/gGt)
According to the Muppet, it's got a late-night broadcast slot; in theory that should allow that particular scene through. Assuming, of course, that Japanese TV censorship rules are roughly the same as they are here.
Though to be honest, the scene doesn't really show anything that hasn't happened in US prime-time TV already.
Posted by: Wonderduck at April 01, 2012 11:28 AM (AzTWp)
You made an April Fools joke of Ga-Rei Zero?
I should have suspected fowl play from a Bears-cheering duck...
Posted by: Siergen at April 02, 2012 03:46 PM (3/gGt)
Sorry to get your hopes up, Siergen. Trust me, I'd like it to happen too.
Posted by: Wonderduck at April 02, 2012 06:02 PM (AzTWp)