New Year's Eve 2015
In the grand scheme of things, I suppose 2015 would have to count as a wash. It started out pretty badly, somehow managed to get even worse, then the metaphorical arrow began heading up. Slowly, to be sure, but up. Certainly things look brighter than they did at the end of 2014, for no other reason than I'm employed. So the prospects for 2016 look promising, yes? One can only hope so... I'm kinda tired of bad years.
Thank you all for another year of finding The Pond interesting enough to stick around. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. Without you folk, I'd just be talking to myself and you know what that means, right? ("You have a bluetooth headset?" Shut up.)
Have a happy new year! It's funny hat time for all, and for all, a funny hat!
Random Anime Picture #107: Country Cooking -Shokugeki no Soma, Ep20
After having finished the first series of SnS (the second is airing Summer of 2016), I get the distinct impression that some part of the production staff really wanted to make Shokugeki no Megumi instead. On the whole, she's a much more interesting character than the lead is, that's for sure. The titular character is a wizard in the kitchen, able to do just about anything, sometimes effortlessly, sometimes having to work at it. But it's a fait accompli that he will wind up reaching his ultimate goal: it's that sort of show, after all, and he's the lead! I find it amusing that he's actually lost substantially more head-to-head cooking battles than he's won thus far. Even in defeat, he's gained the people's ovation and his opponent's respect and won over the judges to boot.
But then there's Megumi. She's literally a hick from a fishing village, attending an elite (some would say THE elite) culinary academy in the world. Prior to the main character meeting her, she was on the verge of being kicked out in disgrace. After a couple of pep talks, though, she gained confidence in her abilities and has been surprising people left and right. To be blunt, she's a lot more interesting than Soma. I suspect that it's no coincidence that at the end of Series 1, she advances in the big tournament... on the other side of the bracket from Soma.
She's also cute as a button and owns a rubber duck. That's gotta count for something!
When I was going through the series to plunder it, I noticed that too. Megumi is a lot more interesting character in nearly every way. I think it wasn't an accident that Doujima chose Megumi to put Shinomiya in his place. I think eps 11 and 12 are the best ones in the series, and the reason is because it's impossible to not care about Megumi.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at December 30, 2015 09:48 PM (+rSRq)
I see what you did there...and I still think the intro to the original Iron Chef is totally cool, even after all these years and even with the high cheeze factor.
She's also cute as a button and owns a rubber duck. That's gotta count for something!
Where do you find these wonderful characters? Actually, I get the impression (rightly or wrongly) that Japanese animated movies and TV shows are, in general, much more character-driven (as opposed to plot-driven) than productions in other genres; this in turn would give more opportunity for writers to create adorable secondary characters like Megumi (and Asuka in Hibike! Euphonium).
Posted by: Peter the Not-so-Great at December 30, 2015 10:35 PM (XC8ds)
I have one huge question: How is it that Souma has a different surname than his father?
The reason the writer did that was so that people like Doujima wouldn't recognize Souma as being that guy's son. But how could it happen?
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at December 31, 2015 12:25 AM (+rSRq)
Peter, my original idea for this post was to do it as an Iron Chef episode. It's clear that the production staff / original source material were/was huge fans. I don't think that Megumi is a secondary character, though... she's not the lead, but she's probably #2 in total screen time and has had entire story arcs about her.
Steven, my assumption, and I have nothing to base it on, is that he changed his name to avoid attention... he probably kept it real name during his first series of world tours, but when he "settled down" to his own little neighborhood cafe, he just wanted to a local guy.
I have no idea if that's correct, but that's my working hypothesis.
Posted by: Wonderduck at December 31, 2015 08:05 AM (zAcee)
Except that when he shows up at the school and cooks for the kids, he's using the same name and the house mother at Souma's dorm knows him by that name.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at December 31, 2015 10:28 AM (+rSRq)
No, that's what I mean... when he settled down, he "became Soma's dad", including the different name. His real name is what the school (and gastrophiles world wide) know him as.
Why this would be the case is beyond knowing at the moment.
Working hypothesis!
Posted by: Wonderduck at December 31, 2015 05:58 PM (zAcee)
Your Weekly Asuka, the OVA... or 12.5, whichever.
It's been quite some time since we last visited the Hibike! Euphonium show, but a few days ago the long-awaited OVA came out. Considering how much I enjoyed the series, it shouldn't come as any surprise that I immediately watched it with one eye peeled for Asuka, the vice-president of the band club.
It should also come as no surprise that the Goofy Cute was being both goofy and cute... for the thirty seconds she was in the episode. Alas, KyoAni stopped using her as a character around Ep12 in the original run, so Asuka bringing the goofy was to be expected. Since that was her entire contribution to the story, it was a little bit disappointing.
The rest of the OVA was quite entertaining, and it was really nice to be back with this bunch of characters that we came to love over the course of three months or so. As usual, it was outstanding visually, but it was really quite nice to focus on the "junior leads", as it were, instead of the main characters. Which is not to say I wouldn't have liked to see more of Asuka.
Since, y'know, that was kinda the whole point of this little series of mine in the first place. I guess we'll just have to wait for the second season... or maybe the recap movie will have a little bit more about her in it. Either way, it'll be good fun. Unless KyoAni doesn't expound upon her character, in which case I'll be quite grumpy.
Residual Photoshoot Thingy
Back last August, I finally posted the "creative project" I worked on for much of my enforced extended vacation. In that post I mentioned that I had purchased a new camera for my birthday. While I was learning how to use it, something I can honestly say I haven't figured out yet because it's a little more advanced than a point'n'click, I decided to see how it did in low-light situations. The very first picture I took told me that I had gotten a nice camera.
If one wished, one could click on the picture for a bigger version.
I still think its the best picture I've taken with it. Not bad for something taken on a whim with one hand holding the camera, the other holding the EL Wire. The most surprising part was the faintly red background... that's from a glowing mushroom in my dining room. I'm going to have to explain that, aren't I?
Back when I had the Cardiac Incident in 2005, I had... concerns... that one night I'd have to call 911 and not be able to get out of bed due to whatever was happening in my chest. I thought it'd be best if the EMTs would be able to see so a light would be needed... but it would have to be relatively unobtrusive, otherwise I'd not be able to sleep. Some weeks later, I stopped at Walgreens and found a low-wattage red CFL for some decent price. I put it into a more-or-less translucent mushroom-shaped lamp, put it on a small side table in the dining room, and turned it on. Save for a few minutes here and there when I vacuum, that light has been on ever since. Nearly 10 years... well over 80000 hours! I don't care that it's "just a light bulb", that's pretty amazing. Particularly since wikipedia suggests the usual lifespan for a CFL is ~15000 hours. I don't know what I'm going to do when it finally passes from this world to Light Bulb Valhalla.
Amazing what a good camera can do, eh? I don't like this picture anywhere near as much as the first, but it's still a swell photo. Anyway, enjoy, won't you?
That first pic is quite good, yes! Cleverly done.
And wow, that's one heck of a long-lasting CFL. Longest life I've seen in one was in my lamp at work, though it wasn't on 24/7. Lasted about 8 years before finally giving up the ghost last month.
Posted by: GreyDuck at December 28, 2015 08:41 AM (rKFiU)
I'm trying to figure out why your number keys have 2 leds.
Posted by: Ben at December 28, 2015 09:23 AM (DRaH+)
Ben, probably for the symbols. Frankly, I'm kind of jealous, I'd like a lighted keyboard too, especially on my laptop.
That first picture is very nice. I got myself a good camera this year too - A Canon EOS Rebel T5. What did you get?
Posted by: Mauser at December 28, 2015 11:00 AM (5Ktpu)
Ben, though it looks like it, there's only one LED illuminating each number key. Mauser has it right, both the numbers and symbols are glowing (example: $ and 4).
The keyboard is a Logitech G105 Gaming keyboard, and by "gaming" they mean the WASD keys are grey, the rest black. There are also a few macro keys and a "game switch" that turns lets you hit a key rapidly without Windows asking if you'd like sticky keys turned on... important when you're trying to land on the Mun and jiggling the throttle control like a really determined hummingbird. Amazon has it for $39.99 right now.
Mauser, you've got a nicer camera than mine! I've a Sony A3000 mirrorless camera... it's sweet, but it's no Rebel. However, I got it on sale for $200, when it used to street at $399, so... yeah, great deal, and it's more than enough camera for me.
Posted by: Wonderduck at December 28, 2015 03:44 PM (zAcee)
After the torture of trying to shoot the Reno Air Races with my Olympus Point-and-shoot, I decided I needed a DSLR with a decent zoom. You just can't read an LCD screen in the desert sun, and the trigger delay was intolerable.
What I really need though is a simple picture sharing site that I can easily share the shots in some form of organization with my box-mates. I've posted a few on DeviantArt, but I wouldn't want to send some of those folks to that site....
Posted by: Mauser at December 28, 2015 11:57 PM (5Ktpu)
imgur? How about talk to Big Papa Pixy and start another blog? Or have him set you up with something like he did for Shamus and "DM of the Rings"?
Posted by: Wonderduck at December 29, 2015 03:03 AM (zAcee)
Well, one thing that makes it kinda difficult to do a lot of images here is the awkwardness of file management. Upload one at a time, get BBCode, paste BBCode into a blog entry etc. PhotoBucket has a nice drag and drop interface, and I was using that for entries in my LiveJournal, but I've got the privacy cranked up on that. I might be able to set up some public directories, but if I move anything I might break some links in posts that admittedly nobody will ever look at again.... Also, the images in their current state are rather large, something over 3k pixels wide.
I think I have an account on Flickr, but that one has an annoying interface for browsing images. I haven't looked at it in ages. (I've also got a Blogspot I never use....)
I'll work something out once I get off my butt.
Posted by: Mauser at December 29, 2015 04:20 AM (5Ktpu)
BTW, If anyone's interested in the EOS Rebel T5, it IS an awesome camera. But get the 250 mm telephoto, not the 300. The 300 doesn't have image stabilization. And ask me for an Amazon Marketplace link so I can get a little kickback.
Posted by: Mauser at December 29, 2015 04:21 AM (5Ktpu)
Today, It Finally Happened.
As of today, December 25th in the year 2015 of the Gregorian Calendar, I, Wonderduck, have officially become an ADULT. Because today, Christmas Day, I received some pairs of socks and some big bath sheet towels.
AND WAS HAPPY ABOUT IT!!! Indeed, that was pretty much all I really asked for.
Because socks are useful. And bigmclargehuge fluffy towels are great. Also office supplies. And a jar of lingonberry.
See? Adult. Grownup. Me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go watch a japanese cartoon about Santa Claus.
Merry Christmas again!
I wasn't exactly looking for a Christmas show, but I fired up an old Tenchi movie that happened to open with a Christmas scene, before everyone got stuck in an endless summer.
Posted by: Mauser at December 26, 2015 02:42 AM (5Ktpu)
I'm 59, and I got a Groot mug. Still a kid. Wouldn't mind some lingonberry, though. Been many years.
Posted by: skyhack at December 26, 2015 09:02 AM (wa1Z/)
Skyhack, if there's an Ikea near you, they carry their own brand of lingonberry. It's not as good as Roland (the one I linked) I don't think... it's a little too sweet... but it's not bad.
If you're truly desperate, you can get Roland lingonberry jam on Amazon... for a ridiculous $18/jar. Here in Duckford, the same size jar is $5.95... if you can find it.
The problem is that the city has a LOT of Swedes or descendants of Swedes in it, and general consensus is that Roland has the best lingonberry jam, followed by Felix, with Hafi being a distant third and Ikea's "Sylt Lingon" close behind that.
So Roland sells out fast.
Posted by: Wonderduck at December 26, 2015 09:20 AM (zAcee)
Christmas 2015
Merry Christmas, my friends... or, if you don't celebrate that particular holiday, Happy Chinese Take-Out Day! It's been quite the year, but without you folks it would have been even moreso. Thanks for putting up with me.
Well. THAT Was A Day.
It was sixty degrees today, the highest high ever for this day in Duckford history. We also had a half-inch of rain fall, mostly when I was walking from my spot in the parking lot to the office. Now we're getting 60mph wind gusts. I love winter in Illinois... I just wish it was, y'know, happening this year.
At work, I can honestly say that the claims kicked my ass all day. Twerent none of 'em what went down easy. It felt like every one of them had something wrong with it, as opposed to being of the "three key presses, two mouse clicks and get paid" variety. It isn't really that simple, but I'm not exaggerating by all that much. It's nowhere near as intimidating as it used to be... mostly. When you have a claim for $60000 hit your screen and you know that every auditor between here and the home office in Texas is just dying to find the teeniest mistake and doom you to a lower tax bracket forever, it can be a little stressful.
When a claim enters your queue, it's supposed to be all set and ready to be processed. Today, though... today was apparently Drive Wonderduck To Drink day. Literally a quarter of the 200 or so claims I worked today didn't have the name of the doctor or the organization he bills through listed correctly. Sometimes you can fix that... the computer isn't so smart that it can pick out the right organization when the doc works with, like, eight different places. Think I'm exaggerating? Doctor's own office. The hospital he works with. Two different hospital-associated clinics: one pediatric, one adult. His office might have a clinic as well. The doc's specialty practice. The partnership he has with another doc. Then the Urgent Care place people go to when they can't get appointments with their "real" doctor. That's eight right there, and while they're all the same doctor, he might be billing to any of them at any time... fortunately each of them has a separate ID number. In theory. That's where the computer falls over and we have to come in and fix the mess.
Except when we can't, because sometimes a doctor was hired by an Urgent Care two months ago and is only now getting around to sending us the bills for his patients. And gosh, lookit that, we have no record that Dr Smith works at that place! So away goes those claims to the home office to deal with... hopefully we'll get them back at some point, after Dr Smith has been added to the rolls.
Imagine beating your head against a wall. It's kinda like that, except the wall is covered with broken glass, razor blades, and that stupid hot mustard Chinese places serve for you to dip your egg rolls in. Each one of those takes time and doesn't pay you anything. Bah.
Oh, and I discovered that I had been looking at the wrong Holiday Days Off list, too! I had been looking at the one for the other branch of our business, the collections folk based in Colorado or somewhere like that, and they get Christmas Eve off. Me, I have to be in tomorrow. Well, shucks.
It could be a lot worse, though. I stopped at the Walgreens near the office to pick up my monthly batch of Keep Wonderduck Alive pills on the way home tonight. That's the Walgreens that's a block away from the Big Shopping Mall in the area. The place was packed with Crazy... and that's just a drugstore near the mall. What must the mall itself be like? I know not, nor wish I to know. I've done my time in Hell after all, and to that place I intend to never return. If I'm lucky.
In years past, the week of Thanksgiving and the one leading up to Christmas are traditionally slow-slow-slow so everyone clears out on vacation and/or schedules their "rainy day" projects into that period.
So of course this year the week of Thanksgiving was a bleepin' madhouse and this week has been one wackadoodle call after another. In both cases we had a new guy starting that Monday as well. New guys in "my" "department." Who I haven't gotten to actually train because: Wackadoodle calls. Which we can't escalate because all the lead techs are on vacation.
One of these days, someone in charge is going to deny a vacation request. It'll be a first.
Posted by: GreyDuck at December 24, 2015 08:25 AM (rKFiU)
You won't be alone working Christmas Eve. I've been at it since early. I probably wouldnt, but we're supposed to get a ton of snow, if the weather reports are right.
Posted by: Ben at December 24, 2015 10:29 AM (0PD0H)
It was colder here today! Our high was only in the mid-40s... and it drizzled a little bit.
I was talking to one of my cow-orkers today... he has to mow his lawn.
Posted by: Wonderduck at December 24, 2015 06:43 PM (zAcee)
At Last, Closure.
Duckford is many things, but "large" would not be considered one of them. However, many people would consider that a feature, not a bug, and whatever else, it's still a city of respectable size. What I'm saying is that just bumping into someone randomly must be considered quite unlikely. Throw in my hermitish tendencies and all in all, bumping into one of my old employees from the Duck U Bookstore must be in the "ridiculously low" category.
This past Sunday, I had brunch with Ph.Duck and RN(ret)Duck at a place that falls into the category of "Duckford Original", the Stockholm Syndrome Inn. Try the swedish pancakes! Feel your arteries clog like someone poured fast-setting concrete into 'em! Make sure you apply liberal amounts of lingonberry because oh my. Please note that I'm not a huge fan of swedish pancakes, but I'm probably the only person in Duckford that's true for. Me, I had a stack of regular pancakes and a hashbrown-like thing with cheese and onion.
As we were all nomming away, catching up on our adventures (or lack thereof) over the past while, I suddenly heard someone saying "I thought that sounded like you, Wonderduck!" I immediately scanned the area for escape routes, cursing myself for letting down my guard. Turning my head towards the voice, I found myself facing one of the three employees that I had on staff when my Bookstore Management career came to a screeching halt. We'll call her Betty because that's not her name. She was still working at the Duck U Bookstore, and we began catching up... it had been 18 months since I last saw her, after all. Eventually I asked how THAT fall semester went after I was gone. Turns out there were some problems, as expected... and I'm willing to believe that at least some of them were because I wasn't there anymore because, y'know, 10 years and stuff, and I'm willing to delude myself.
But none of the problems Betty told me about had to do with textbook acquisition. THAT part, at least, went smooth as butter on silk. Hearing that bit of information made me feel pretty darn good... I may have been unceremoniously kicked to the curb, but I'll be damned if it was because of poor performance. I also heard that they finally got spiral notebooks and folders with the school's new name on 'em... some two-plus years after the change from "college" to "university" occurred, and over three years since the announcement was made... at which point, I immediately began trying to get things with the new name. See? Not my fault, and screw anybody who thought it was.
But I can finally say that I know that when I got canned, the store was in good shape. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't for lack of trying... and I can finally close the book on that substantial bit of my life. And good riddance.
Working! No, Really!
I'm slowly beavering away on the whole blogging thing. Soon, I hope to be back into the groove and start generating fun and entertaining posts again.
No, really! Why are you laughing? Stop that this instant!
Random Anime Picture #106: Cheesecake -Shokugeki no Soma, Ep17
For a show that I only began watching to see if there were more rubber ducks involved, I'm pleasantly surprised to admit that Shokugeki no Soma is really quite good! Cross a fighting anime with Iron Chef and you've got the basic idea behind the show.
Just... don't watch the show when you're hungry. Or on a diet. Swear to god, you gain weight just watching the dishes they prepare. Best of all, none of them are stupid: you could "easily" make them yourself. Heck, many of the recipes were included in the manga!
There are other reasons to watch, too.
Gakkou Gurashi Ep06
This has been a tough one. Not just because of the subject matter, which as you'll see is less unicorns and rainbows and more zombies and more zombies. No, actually, zombies and more zombies would have been okay. This particular episode of Gakkou Gurashi is of a type that makes for really tough recapping, because it relies heavily on sound to convey a very dramatic turning point in the series. And, in case you haven't noticed, much of this blog is silent, occasional music posts to the contrary. So how to actually do this? I've given it much thought, and to be blunt, "I dunno. I just dun." Which might be a first. Well, that's always exciting, huh? Breaking new ground, heading off into the great unwashed unknown. As always, however, I must caution you, the reader, against spoileriffic activities and discussions, if for no other reason than I'm watching the show as I do the writeups... Ep06 is as far as I've gotten! If you even drop hints that could be spoilers, I will not hesitate to do Bad Things. And nobody wants that. So! On with the story, eh? Last time out, we got to see how Miki joined the gang. What wonders does Gakkou Gurashi bring us this time?
Sorry, I'm just not sure that being stared at by a weird kid is how I'd want to wake up after having survived a shopping mall full of undead horrors. A glass of water, though, is exactly what Miki needs, and after that...'s time for introductions! Well, introduction-singular, as Miki just completely ignores Megu-nee and concentrates on the amazing fact that Yuki is a senior. While that is something of a shocking revelation, it doesn't seem like enough reason to completely blow off a teacher to me.
A short conversation between Megu-nee and Yuki about explaining the School Living Club to Miki does nothing to help matters, as the garterbelt-wearing lovely seems to just get more confused. The talk ends when Yuki hands her teacher the water bottle she's holding. Turning back to Miki, we hear the sound of a water bottle hitting the floor. Curiouser and curiouser.
A tour of the school is in order, it appears, even though Miki's a student there. Ever a good kid, Miki points out that they've left the door to the room open. "That's okay, Megu-nee is still in there!" Hmmm. But you'd think the junior would have noticed that...?
Mystery solved, at least. (Ugggh.) Just a skosh dark! A smidgen! It IS a zombie show, I suppose that's par for the course...
Posted by: GreyDuck at December 14, 2015 08:21 AM (rKFiU)
Question (I haven't watched this, FTR): Yuki *wants* to have a sports festival, or says *it's time* to have *the* sports festival? Just trying to gauge whether any part of her mind is staying rooted in reality.
Posted by: Ben at December 14, 2015 10:34 AM (DRaH+)
"Everybody! Let's have a sports meet! Playing sports together will make things more fun!"
So... more she wants to have one.
Posted by: Wonderduck at December 14, 2015 05:45 PM (zAcee)
Ok, that makes sense. I would think she's not, in all likelihood, actually delusional. Or rather, not psychotic may be a better choice. She's intentionally overlaying a select version of what she wants to be real over what IS real. She may not even actually be doing it consciously, but she's not so deep that she's strictly abiding to an alternate, remembered reality. I suspect that she's far enough out of it that she can get people hurt, though. Or worse. Damn, this is a dark, depressing show.
Posted by: Ben at December 14, 2015 07:18 PM (DRaH+)
Going along with Yuki's stupid ideas are probably what keep Kurumi and Yuri sane and the group together, as opposed to Kei leaving on her own.
Posted by: muon at December 14, 2015 10:41 PM (IUHrD)
Posted by: Wonderduck at December 14, 2015 11:15 PM (zAcee)
I was replying the Ben's comment about Yuki's delusions putting them in danger. Her ones of Megu-nee help keep her from danger as in the library, and they overall help keep the girls together, as opposed to what happened with Miki and Kei.
Posted by: muon at December 16, 2015 04:47 AM (IUHrD)
Posted by: Peter the Not-so-Great at December 13, 2015 06:07 PM (XC8ds)
Lewis Hamilton is on Sixty Minutes tonight. Apparently they think we'd like to hear cuts from his new album, because that's the most important thing about F1.
Also a segment on John Williams and on Star Wars: Force Awakens.
Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at December 13, 2015 06:44 PM (ZJVQ5)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at December 14, 2015 05:40 AM (2yngH)
That max-adorbs marsupial was also the namesake of a groundbreaking sports website. Devised for non-mass-participation (and in some cases quite difficult to cover) sports as well as the familiar stadium games, it'd be considered bold today from a design and function standpoint, and hardly anybody was doing things like that in the late 90s. (Alas, not that many users back then had computers, browsers, and Internet connections that were quite up to it either...)
Had its brief gaudy hour extended into the present age of fantasy sports (not to mention broadband and multi-core machines), I wonder if it would have achieved the mass appeal it needed to survive.
Sleep Is For The Weak. And The Tired.
I fall into both categories right now, after having two horrendously stressful days at work and very vivid nightmares two of the past three nights. Technically, the fact that I had nightmares meant that I also slept, but I'll be darned if you could prove it by me.
Surprisingly accurate portrayal of Wonderduck right now.
I kept nearly dozing off in front of the computer at work today. As that's the one sure way to get yourself fired, this is A Very Bad Thing. So, to prevent that from occurring tomorrow, I am going to take a nap now. "But Wonderduck," you say... nope, I'm not gonna throw in anything here like I usually do, gotta keep y'all on your toes... "it's 830pm!" Yes, I reply, and I care not at all. I need sleep like ducks need rye bread.
UPDATE: "Seven hours" is the answer to the question "how long was the nap?" I'm awake only to post this update and to release pressure in my hydraulic system. Going back to bed now.
Humanity Deserves Better Than Humans
During my period of... um... unplanned vacation... I made jokes about becoming very hermit-ish in my everyday life. There were whole weeks when I never left Pond Central. Heck, there were long periods of time where I never opened the door, let alone leave for any reason. At the end of such long stretches, I would find myself beginning to get antsy for human contact, leading to some epic runs of motormouth during dinners with The Librarian or Ph.Duck. On the whole, though, I was pretty okay with being a recluse. I had a radio, I had a TV, I had a computer... really, it's hard to think of what more a modern-day hermit could desire.
I'm now gainfully employed, of course, which means I pretty much have to leave Pond Central at least five days per week. Six days isn't uncommon, though going out seven days is totally unheard of... Sunday is always totally mine for F1 or football or whatever. Even with having to go out, I'm still awfully hermity. The job itself is a solitary position, and it doesn't take any effort at all to go the entire day speaking a total of four words: "Good morning" and "good night." I'm pretty okay with that, though the person sitting next to me is becoming something of a work buddy... we're starting to play pranks on each other.
However! There are times where I cannot avoid the outside world... like this afternoon. We ran out of claims after I got six hours in, which was okay with me because in the trunk of the DuckMobile was nearly fifty pounds of laundry. The situation had become desperate... hell, I needed to wash clothes back as far as Thanksgiving. Problem is, I couldn't bring myself to actually do it. Couple of reasons for that. First, I'm in one of those periodic fits of self-loathing I tend to get into. Second, I'm also in one of those fits of hating just about everybody that I tend to get into. The LAST thing that combination warrants is going to the laundromat.
But no clean clothes means away I went. The good news is that at 3pm on a Tuesday, the place was nearly empty. The bad news is the "nearly" part. During the two hour, eight loads of laundry span of time I was there, I rediscovered just how much I despise most of humanity. For example, the screaming baby. Actually, I had no problem with the baby... it was hungry and that's what babies do when they're hungry. However, mommy was 18, tops, and much too invested in her phone to actually feed the poor child. She was even taking selfies... in a laundromat?... no doubt to update her myfacetwitsnaptube page. Meanwhile the baby screeched on. Speaking of phones, there was also the charming lass talking on her phone at high volume, whose use of the language would have made sailors blush. How in the world can you carry on a conversation when every third word was f'n this, or f'n that or f'n the other? Then there was the guy who actually made little jokes about me... because I was reading a book. I'm not sure if he was offended by my reading, or if it was because it was an actual book and not a Kindling or a Niche or whatever. In case you're wondering, it was Heinlein's Expanded Universe. Finally, as if simply to mock me, the TVs were showing some Judge Judy-alike with much yelling and banging of gavels. By the time I broke the zipper on the small laundry bag from overstuffing it, I was ready to do Very Bad Things to everybody.
The big bag, now containing approximately 200 pounds of clean clothing, continued to not explode, something it has managed for over a decade now. Dragging the 500 pounds of stuff out to the DuckMobile was somewhat troublesome; carrying the 943lb bag up the stairs to Pond Central nearly killed me, not least because the railing on the stairs is badly rusted and it fair to broke at one point, nearly catapulting me down two flights of stairs. So now I've got 2000lbs of clean laundry to deal with, and I have to go back to work in the morning, and I would rather do anything else right now. Because Humanity kinda sucks.
I think we've found the other end of the odd-sock wormhole.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at December 08, 2015 11:02 PM (2yngH)
The last time I was living in an apartment and had to use a common laundry room, it seemed safe enough to start a load in one or more washers, set a timer to come move things to dryers, etc. As you've discovered, the slight risk of a mishap occurring to one's clothing was preferable to actually spending time to t he people one meets in a laundromat. But I still remember the time I came back to pick up my clothes, and found that the dryer contained all my shirts, pants, and towels, but not a single pair of socks or underwear, despite the fact that nearly every such article I owned had gone into it an hour earlier. I do wonder if the wormhole was just especially active that day, or if some something more nefarious was the cause.
Posted by: David at December 09, 2015 01:08 AM (+TPAa)
I don't use the Pond Central's common laundry room because the equipment universally sucks. Hard water in the washers, and I get better results by hanging stuff up in my bathroom with a fan blowing on it than I get using the driers.
Plus there's there whole matter of the stairs... when your knees are made out of kneaded erasers and hate like mine, that's a major issue.
Posted by: Wonderduck at December 09, 2015 01:44 AM (zAcee)
Ah, a day spent with the dregs of humanity. That'll cure what ails your psyche, won't it just. *shudder*
Posted by: GreyDuck at December 09, 2015 08:15 AM (rKFiU)
But your choice of reading material was faultless. I do believe we're well into RAH's "Crazy Years" - with no flippin' end in sight.
Anyone else think N. Scudder has already put in an appearance?
Posted by: The Old Man at December 09, 2015 02:53 PM (duGaw)
One of the local laundromats will wash, dry and fold clothes that are brought in for a couple of bucks a washer load, this is over the price for using the machines.
Much less expensive then bringing them in to a dry cleaner / laundry.
Bring the bags of dirty clothes in, hand them off, walk out, come back later, pay and leave with clean and folded clothes.
Might there be one like this around where you live?
Note, I don't use the service as I have a washer and dryer in my basement.
But I do know a couple of people who use the service and like it.
Posted by: jon spencer at December 09, 2015 07:36 PM (JSYPT)
Mine will wash, dry and fold your laundry for $1.35/lb. I did that all the time while I was working at the Duck U Bookstore, and even now and again whilst not working. However, when you're talking 50 pounds of clothes...
Posted by: Wonderduck at December 09, 2015 07:39 PM (zAcee)
Ducks In Anime: Disapproval -Shokugeki no Soma, Ep07
Over the years, I have encountered many rubber ducks in episodes of anime, and this is good. I approve of this trend wholeheartedly. One thing that I do not countenance, however, is the use of rubber duckies as projectiles. Bath toys of any sort should never be thrown at others... it could hurt the duckie!
This occurred in Rio: Rainbow Gate! and Kanon '06 as well... no more! No more, I say!
Darn humans, always messing it up for the rest of us.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at December 05, 2015 04:09 PM (+rSRq)
... along with "I've got a bad feeling about this."
Posted by: Mauser at December 05, 2015 10:10 PM (5Ktpu)
Sidetracking a bit (sorry, Wonderduck...) but interesting thing, Steven. Lucas recently admitted that the changes to that scene in Star Wars wasn't "that's the way he intended it" but because he wanted to edit the movies to be more wholesome and kid-friendly. As he got older, he wanted to present Han Solo more as a stereotyped John Wayne character than a Clint Eastwood man-with-no-name character. Kudos to him for finally manning up.
Posted by: Ben at December 06, 2015 08:19 AM (DRaH+)
That'll Buff Right Out, You Betcha.
November 29, 1968 was shaping up to be just another day for Santa Fe 213L, an EMD F7A in freight service on the Plainview District main line in north Texas.
Hook up and run through Hale Center, taking its load of cars to wherever they needed to go. Shame about the tornado that tore through the center of town a few years earlier, though. Never was a big place, and some folks decided they didn't want to come back afterwards... Lubbock to the south, Amarillo to the north, plenty of big city reasons to move in either one. 'Sfunny how things change. Even that US 87, runs parallel to the main line, it's gettin' replaced by something called I-27. Saw it gettin' built as we ran back and forth over the years. Dunno if it's better, but it's new... train'll still carry more stuff than trucks will, more than likely. Although that may not be true for long... lotta guys retirin' early, or just being let go, and who ever thought that'd happen?
Huh. Could swear that looks like a train out there, just south of Hale. Hm...
Ha! Dad grew up in Lockney, just a quick hop east of there. Hardly any town left now. Wasn't much of one to start, for that matter. I'd say that he would probably remember the wreck, but he may have been in Germany. I'll ask him, anyway, he'll get a kick out of the photos.
Posted by: Avatar at December 02, 2015 04:38 AM (v29Tn)
I'm not sure the track is even there, anymore. The line along 87 used to terminate south of Lubbock in Lamesa, but at least the stretch between those towns was taken up about 15 years ago.
Posted by: Ben at December 02, 2015 08:50 AM (S4UJw)
Alas, that was about a year after he moved to Houston. Hadn't heard of the wreck. "News didn't move as fast back in those days, son." Can't deny that.
But how'd YOU find it?
Posted by: Avatar at December 03, 2015 04:53 AM (v29Tn)
I hang out in the seedy back alleys of railfandom.
Posted by: Wonderduck at December 03, 2015 06:40 PM (zAcee)
Posted by: Wonderduck at December 04, 2015 12:31 AM (zAcee)
I was born in Plainview and dad moved us to Lubbock in '65.
We moved to New Deal in mid 70's. That track ran about 2 miles west of the homestead. I could hear the horns on a calm night. I have about 30 bucks worth of squished pennies around here somewhere from that grade crossing!
I love the look of those riveted cranes, too. WOW!
Posted by: STxRynn at December 17, 2015 08:21 PM (Kt97F)