March 12, 2012

F1 On SPEED!: Australia 2012

It's been a long time since we last met back in November of 2011.  We were in Brazil back then, watching Seb Vettel take home his second consecutive Driver's Championship at the end of long and, let's face it, kinda dull season.  However, Formula 1, being what it is, always begins anew.  You know that things are starting up again when the teams drag themselves into Melbourne, their cars crated and palletized.

And such it is today as the 2012 season cranks into life!  It's back, baby!  Let's take a look at the trackmap for the traditional first race on the calendar, the Australian Grand Prix!

There's not a lot that I can say about the Melbourne circuit that I've not mentioned in the past.  While it's technically a street circuit, being run on the public roads and parking lots that go through Albert Park just south of the center of the city, it races much more like a standard road circuit.  Or, to put it another way, it's less like Singapore and more like Silverstone.  This is a good thing.  Drivers universally praise the circuit, believing it to be easy to get used to, but not so easy as to be boring.  There's a distinct sense of "going someplace" when you race in Melbourne, courtesy of the splendid scenery provided by... well, Albert Park isn't called a "park" because you leave your car there while you go to work.

Turn 8 from the golf course.
Unfortunately, there's a vocal (and loudly so) group of politicians and residents that want Melbourne to dump the race altogether.  Too loud, too eco-unfriendly, too expensive, you name it, they've yodeled about it.  Bernie "The Troll" Ecclestone, with his wonderful sense of history and style, agrees with them and thinks the race should go away.  We should enjoy this wonderful spectacle while we can, methinks.

Other than the usual bits about the circuit having not so much runoff area, fencing ridiculously near the track, and lots of painted lines on the racing surface that can play hob with grip, the big news for this year is that there'll be two DRS zones, as opposed to the last year's one.  Undoubtedly one will be on the front straight.  The location of the second is anybody's guess... I'm thinking the run from Turn 2 to Turn 3.  There really isn't any other place for it, unless you put it on the "straight" from Turn 10 to 11, which is actually a curve that needs the traction provided by the rear wing.  Then again, nothing like multi-million dollar cars careening through a catchfence and ending up in the lake to make the race go away, am I right?

It's all moot for this year, however... there WILL be a race, and the good cobbers at SPEED will be bringing us all the coverage with their usual aplomb and bonhomie.  Here's the schedule, which begins on Thursday:

Thursday: 830p - 10p  P1 streaming
Friday: 1230a - 210a  P2 live
            10p - 11p  P3 streaming
Saturday: 1a - 230a  Quals plausibly live
Sunday: 1230a - 3a  Grand Prix of Australia live
              1p - 330p GP of Australia replay

Now for a bit of Wonderduck scheduling.  There's pretty much no way I'll be able to provide coverage of P2, as there's an event at Duck U Friday night.  I'll be there from 815a to approximately 10p, give or take a half hour.  By the time I get back to Pond Central, it'll be 1030p and I'll be staring Quals dead in the face.  The good news is that I'll be trying to liveblog P1 right here at The Pond... nothing like starting the season off right, right?

F1's back, folks... let's see if we can't make it a good'un... and yes, I said "we."  I welcome, nay, nigh on require, all your questions and comments, educated or neophyte.  It makes it a lot easier if y'all participate!  Fair dinkum?  Fosters for everybody and I'll throw a few pounds of prawns on the barbie... mind the wallabies and the sugar gliders!

Posted by: Wonderduck at 08:26 PM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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1 I'll pass on the prawns, allergic. But I'll take the F1 Update. Been lookin' forward to the new season. Let's hope that some of the other teams have figured out how to give Red Bull a run for it this time, hm?

Posted by: Avatar_exADV at March 12, 2012 08:46 PM (pWQz4)

2 Count me as a 'yea' on the screaming noise of 18k RPMs, the smell of burning fuel, and the sight of pointy carbon fiber lawn darts zipping around between the curbs.

Posted by: David at March 12, 2012 10:21 PM (Kn54v)

3 Hrmm.. wonder if anyone has made a Formula De map of that course yet.   Gonna have to see if I can find a nice stream of this.  you've got me excited for F1 racing again!

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at March 13, 2012 05:54 PM (T5fuR)


I'm looking at the course on Google Earth. Looks like from turn 9 all the way to turn 13 is really pretty straight. That's "top gear floor it" territory, right? It doesn't look like turns 11 and 12 really are going to slow them down.

If they hadn't added that hook at turn 9, it probably would have been like that starting from turn 6.

Why does Ecclestone hate it? Because it wasn't designed by Wilcke? (or whatever his name is?)

Posted by: Steven Den Beste at March 13, 2012 06:50 PM (+rSRq)

5 Because Darth Bernie has a heart of flint that hasn't loved anything since he was 107 years old, some centuries ago.

No, he hates it because it doesn't make him enough money and it DOES make him bad publicity when the anti-racers go on their annual rampage.

At standard road-car speeds, yeah, the "back straight" is nothing.  At 160mph, with a car that is always on the ragged edge of adhesion, any downforce is welcome, and voluntarily taking some of it away while you're in a turn, albeit a gentle one... well.  It'll be interesting if the run from 10 to 11 is where they stick the second DRS zone... interesting and ugly.

Posted by: Wonderduck at March 13, 2012 08:25 PM (QD1qx)

6 I don't remember what a "DRS zone" is.

Posted by: Steven Den Beste at March 14, 2012 01:19 AM (+rSRq)

7 "Drag Reduction System" - where a driver opens up his rear wing so suddenly he has less downforce. During a race, you're only permitted to use it in certain zones, and even then only if you're less than 1 second behind the car immediately in front of you. On a long straightaway, it gives a nice speed advantage and resulted in a LOT more overtaking last season. (But it pretty much has to be on a straight, because you need that downforce in the curves...)

Posted by: Avatar_exADV at March 14, 2012 03:55 AM (GJQTS)

8 To see the DRS in action, watch this viddy.  It's from the 2011 Australian GP Quals.  In Practice and Quals, there's no limitation on DRS use, btw.

Posted by: Wonderduck at March 14, 2012 06:29 AM (QD1qx)

9 Oh, and it looks like they used DRS on the Back "Straight" last year in Quals.  Hrm.  Well, wouldn't be the first time I was wrong...

Posted by: Wonderduck at March 14, 2012 06:32 AM (QD1qx)

10 Well, if they weren't crazy, they wouldn't drive F1 to begin with, right?

Posted by: Avatar_exADV at March 14, 2012 04:20 PM (pWQz4)

11 "The zone on the start-finish straight remains, joined by a second on the subsequent straight between Turns 2 and 3. Both share a single detection point, just prior to Turn 14."


Posted by: flatdarkmars at March 14, 2012 09:49 PM (I55Es)

12 Well, score one for the duck, I guess.

Posted by: Wonderduck at March 14, 2012 10:14 PM (Ao5ht)

13 And now you have a tough decision to make. Come Saturday morning, do you watch F1 first, or Mouretsu Pirates? Which is more important to you?

Posted by: Steven Den Beste at March 14, 2012 11:12 PM (+rSRq)

14 I'm three episodes behind on Bodacious Space Pirates.  F1 FTW.

(I'll probably stay up for quals anyway, so the question is moot)

Posted by: Wonderduck at March 15, 2012 06:26 AM (PHdMw)

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