Ducks In Anime Can't Be This Cute
-Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai 2, Ep01
I find OreImo, as this ridiculously long-titled series is called by anybody who has had to type it more than once, to be something of a mixed bag. On one hand, I rather enjoy it. On the other hand, there's Kirino, perhaps the most annoying, spiteful, hateful and nasty teenager ever. Unfortunately, she's something of a major character. As in, "the show doesn't occur without her."
So, yeah, I have some problems with it. I did finish the first series, though. And now I've completed Ep01 of Season 2... this screencap is from about 15 seconds into it. First Duck In Anime since January!
Ducks In Anime: Mochi Edition -Tamako Market, Ep01
Well, the first episode of the new KyoAni show debuted today. Unlike almost everything else they've done, Tamako Market is original to Kyoto Animation, not based on a manga, light novel or video game. This... may not be a good thing, as KyoAni's previous foray into original work, Munto... let's just say it wasn't worthwhile and leave it at that.
As far as THIS original work goes, jury is still out. It had some good points (it looks great, as all KyoAni shows do, and Anko is also great) and bad (wtf bird?), but it's anybody's guess as to which will win out.
Still, they put a duck in it. That counts for a lot.
The Munto OAV wasn't terrible, just a bit nonsensical. The remake TV series, though... they clearly wanted to expand on the story & setting and had no idea whatsoever how to do so. The only good thing about the TV series was that it was slightly prettier (oddly enough) since they had better-honed skills and better technology than they had back in the OAV days.
So, yeah, unless they've hired an actual writer, they may have problems here. Adaptations are their strong suit...
Posted by: GreyDuck at January 10, 2013 08:17 AM (xbP2x)
Ducks In Anime: Purple -Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai!, Ep05
Kyoto Animation doesn't do ducks very often, but when they do, they're usually nothing to write home about. It's almost as if they didn't give much thought to ducks in everyday life or something. It does appear, however, that with Ep05 of Chuu2, they've seen the error of their ways. A lovely shot in a lovely scene.
Did I offend, or did the video of the giant Duck in Sydney Harbor get caught up in a spam purge?
Posted by: Mauser at January 05, 2013 08:48 PM (cZPoz)
Your comment was blank, Mauser... and I'm not a fan of video embedded in comments, in any case. I've seen the video, of course... five different e-mail made sure of that! Florentijn Hofman is an artistic legend.
Posted by: Wonderduck at January 05, 2013 10:25 PM (cymHZ)
Huh, It wasn't blank in the preview. Or do you mean that it was posted without comment? Whatever, as long as you saw it. No harm, no fowl. *grin*
Posted by: Mauser at January 07, 2013 05:36 AM (cZPoz)
Aww, I missed it. My office is just around the corner from Cockle Bay there the ducky is currently bathing. I'll see if I can get a photo when I'm next in. (Later this week or Monday.)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at January 07, 2013 06:28 PM (PiXy!)
Ducks In Anime: Some Perspective
As if there hasn't been enough duckplay on this site in the past few weeks... -HidaSketch x Honeycomb Ep11
This weekend was the 12th and final episode of Season 4 of HidaSketch, and I've gotta say that this was easily the best of the bunch. Indeed, the final minute or two nigh on made me weep, it hit all the right buttons for a good episode of the show.
In fact, looking back at it, it was the perfect way to say goodbye if there isn't a fifth season. Fortunately, I can't imagine the franchise not getting one more run of episodes; we're too close to the obvious end, the graduation of Sae and Hiro.
Don't be confused, though: I'd be perfectly happy with more. Actually, I'd really like a spin-off for Nori, the computer girl. She's become, far and away, my favorite in the show.
Posted by: Wonderduck at December 07, 2012 07:00 PM (LbiZL)
Apologies. I'd rather have sent an email, but being in a hurry, I couldn't quickly find one.
Posted by: dkallen99 at December 08, 2012 12:00 PM (g3YBi)
You misunderstand, dk... I loved the link, I just hated that it was a raw URL.
Posted by: Wonderduck at December 08, 2012 01:48 PM (LbiZL)
Oh yeah, I got that. I didn't take any offense whatsoever, and it was an honest apology for not abiding by your request (as I should have done). If I can find that link again, I'll re-post it properly.
Posted by: dkallen99 at December 08, 2012 02:53 PM (2lHZP)
Ducks In Anime: Art School Called -Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb Ep07
I'm noting a distinct whiff of "artsy-fartsy" coming from HSxH these days. I can hear you now: "Wonderduck," you say, "it's an anime about students at an art school... what did you expect?" And you're right, of course. You then continue, "Plus, it's animated by SHAFT, the reigning monarchs of artsy-fartsy anime." And I can't disagree.
What can I say? I'm a simple duck. I like my ducks in anime to be simple. But HSxH has been pulling out the odd camera angles of late and that scares and confuses me.
The newbies are disappointed.
I'd better not watch this series, then, because the ART!!!! stuff drove me nuts in the earlier ones.
Posted by: Ed Hering at November 22, 2012 04:40 AM (7I+sl)
Ed, it seems particularly artsy-fartsy recently.
The thing is, I love the characters so much that I normally don't notice... or care, honestly. Heck, I've even gotten to the point where I tolerate The Cabbage (Nazuna, newbie on the right) and would be quite happy to see Nori (newbie on the left) to "main character" status. Heck, a picture of her is my cellphone's wallpaper.
So I love the show. This episode's duckshots just caught my eye as... odd.
Posted by: Wonderduck at November 22, 2012 08:09 AM (V/OLv)
Ducks In Anime: Talented -Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb, Ep04
I have no ducks that float upsidedown normally. That's a skilled duckie.
I'm hard at work on the Halloween project. Thanks to friend GreyDuck and his helpful pointer, I have a chance to get it done in time... if it works out, this will be EPIC.
Ducks In Anime: HidaSketch Is BACK, Baby!
(subtitled: Yuno's Duck in Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb Ep02)
For the rubber duck fan, the HidaSketch franchise is the gift that just keeps on giving. Even if they've done a bathhouse episode before, it doesn't matter... this isn't the sort of show where things like that are important.
Just a very nice episode all around. And Yuno's Duck gets an entire bathhouse to swim around in, which really is rubber duck nirvana. The only thing better would be a heated olympic-sized pool.
By the time we return to the Hidamari apartments for the traditional "Yuno-in-a-bath" moment, we've gotten three great duckshots, and plenty of HidaSketch "awwwww" moments. Just what this tired store manager needs after a long day of training sessions.
Ducks In Anime: Kyousuke's Back!
You know, there's probably no way I won't like Little Busters, the most recent Key game to be made into an anime. While I wasn't fond of AIR, I loved Kanon, Clannad, and the sequel ~After Story~. There's something about their work that just hits me the right way, y'know? Even the knowledge that it isn't being animated by KyoAni didn't stifle my enthusiasm much. So it was with a hint of excitement that I began the first episode... and what to my wondering eyes did appear? -Little Busters, Ep01
Yep, I'm going to like this show.
Ducks In Anime: We Must Repeat
Not all that long ago, I said that I hadn't watched a single episode of Nisemonogatari. That has now changed, and I've watched up to Ep04. And found a better image of the duckie!
SHAFT draws the best duckies. Hands down.
Much like Bakemonogatari, this show's predecessor, there's an awful lot of talking going on and not much of it makes a whole heckuvalotta sense. Stylistically, it's the show of the year. Content-wise? Maybe not so good. Still, it's got a duckie... that's gotta count for something.
Posted by: Siergen at March 27, 2012 05:23 PM (3/gGt)
Idolm@ster had a live duck, but I don't remember if it was moving (I mean, animated and not just being dragged across the frame). The one in Bincho-tan was animated.
Posted by: Pete at March 27, 2012 06:47 PM (5OBKC)
Do ClayMation ducks count? There was one in "Shaun The Sheep: Back in the Baaath." Which is a lot of silly Aardman Animation fun.
Posted by: Mauser at March 29, 2012 05:04 AM (cZPoz)
Yeah. NisioioisiN, or however he spells it, well, it's all about style, and no substance, like a Pontiac Fiero, or Solstice. Remember Pontiac? They once had a racing heritage.
Posted by: skyhack at March 30, 2012 11:36 PM (3ESSA)
Ducks In Anime: Wamphyri
-Nisemonogatari Ep04
I haven't watched one episode of this show yet. I just jumped into the middle of Episode 04, realized the scene I was watching was taking place in a bathroom, and waited. I knew SHAFT, being SHAFT, couldn't resist adding a duck into the scene.
Since Brickmuppet complained about it, I've put this picture behind the NSFW tag.
For a second, I thought that they had slipped Yuno's duckie into the show... both HidaSketch and this one are by SHAFT, after all... but no, it's a different duck altogether. Pity they missed that opportunity, I think.
Ducks In Anime: Yarrrrrrr! -Bodacious Space Pirates, Ep01
I'm... not sure about this show. On the one hand, everything seems to be perfect. The characters are believable, or at least they're as believable as a show like this ever gets, the artwork is quite appealing, the animation is acceptable, there seems to be plenty of room for both humor and drama, and there's a bodacious space pirate rubber duckie. Oh, and "Bodacious Space Pirates" would be a great name for a band. Like I said, perfect.
Bodacious Space Pirate Waitress
On the other hand, everything seems to be perfect, and that scares me. This could go so very very wrong... which would actually be pretty fun. I find that I'm quite looking forward to Ep02.
Anything that can pull you out of Skyrim (which has no ducks) must be worth a try...
Posted by: Siergen at January 14, 2012 11:49 AM (vA1YL)
Somehow I knew you'd be checking this out once I saw the duck...
(Two episodes in, here, and so far it hasn't really missed a beat. Which worries me. It can't go that well. Can it?)
Posted by: GreyDuck at January 19, 2012 09:10 PM (eHm8o)
I'm sure something will go wrong eventually; no show is perfect. Maybe they'll show Ms Bodacious Space Pirate with organized and coiffed hair or something.
Posted by: Wonderduck at January 19, 2012 09:12 PM (f/6aJ)
Canards dans l'animation: Je ne parle pas francais -Wakfu, S02E14
Now that, my friends, is one smug looking duckie. As one would expect from a floating convenient censorship device. Not that he doesn't have reason to be smug...
...after all, rubber duckies get to hang out in bathtubs with teh hawt chix0rs.
Yes, he has a reason to be smug.
Interesting show, this Wakfu. Or, more correctly, interestingly animated show. From what wikipedia says, it's all Flash-based, yet it's much better than any Flash cartoon coming out of the US. To be honest, if I didn't know better I'd say it's animated the same way as any anime, just with a more cartoony look. A look that fits the tone of the series, I might add... though since I've only seen the one episode, I'm hardly an expert on the thing. A fun way to spend 20 minutes, though.
You're very Welcome. Personally I love the show.
I first ran into one of the artists on DeviantArt, who had done the character designs for a game called Dofus, then the MMORPG Wakfu that followed. Beautiful stuff. French artists have a rather distinctive style.
Then I found out there was a cartoon based on it. I know it's CGI, but I'm not sure if it's flash based. Probably something more advanced.
The first season is highly recommended. The Big Bad has one of the most unusual and unique motivations I've ever seen. And there's some serious badassery in the fight scenes, as well as humor.
The only downside is that each season (of 24 eps) is marred sometime in the middle with a three-episode Arc about some kind of Soccer/Rugby/Calvinball sport in the world.
But all in all, it's brilliantly and cleverly written, and the TL that I have on hand does a pretty good job in dealing with the numerous French puns. And there are some very sexy secondary characters too. Although this was the first time I saw a Duck.
(Also, if it helps, a Kama is the name of the gold coin that is the currency of the world. And Ruel is from a "race" known for ruthless pursuit of wealth. (But it isn't an ethnic stereotype.) And Triestepan is from a race known for brave and heroic warriors who are also incredibly dense.).
Posted by: Mauser at November 17, 2011 03:30 AM (cZPoz)
I couldn't remember that scene from Wakfu, and I would have - hey, new episodes! It's been a while.
Have you been watching it or did you just pick up that episode? The first season of Wakfu started slow but (as Mauser notes) ended up awesome.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at November 17, 2011 10:28 PM (PiXy!)
Oh, and if you haven't been following Wakfu, be glad that you didn't come in on the teh hawt chix0rs a couple of episodes ago. Be very very glad.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at November 17, 2011 10:30 PM (PiXy!)
(Reads to the end of the post, answers own question....)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at November 17, 2011 11:54 PM (PiXy!)
Posted by: Wonderduck at November 18, 2011 02:31 AM (2YMZG)
Hmm. I thought I'd been reading your blog for several years, but since I don't recall either of your posts about Duck Duck Go, maybe I was still only a sporadic reader (just following links to occasional posts).
Glad to hear that you both own and enjoy it! Would you be interested in one of the sequel games? There are a couple already available.
Posted by: Hypozeuxis at November 18, 2011 10:09 AM (KvnlP)
You know, it suddenly occurred to me that he might be an African duck. More particularly, the Ubangi tribe - the ones who put the plates in their lower lips, er, bills.
Posted by: Mauser at November 19, 2011 01:51 AM (cZPoz)
Hypozeuxis' comment that I referred to has been removed because one of the links included gave my computer a virus. It's reproduced below with the links removed:
Only sort of related, but today I ran into a board game that uses
duckies, and in fact has commissioned a lot of custom designs and allows
you to choose the ones in your set:
(refers to Duck Duck Go) Even though it is themed as a kid's game, it has been well received
among serious board gaming groups - as an example, here's a review from
Board Game Geek (which is THE site for board-game related information). (linked to review)
Posted by: Wonderduck at November 19, 2011 10:28 AM (2YMZG)
His link about a duck-based board game gave you a virus? You mean you've been infected with...the bird flu?
Posted by: Siergen at November 19, 2011 03:40 PM (xZ196)
Posted by: Wonderduck at November 19, 2011 10:39 PM (2YMZG)
I'm really sorry about the bad link... I got the URLs directly from
Google, and talked with the website owners (real nice people) at the
board game convention I was at last week.
I suspect their sysadmin-fu is significantly weaker than their
boardgame-fu (which is mighty) and bad guys deposited crepe on their
Posted by: Hypozeuxis at November 21, 2011 11:22 PM (5eWak)
Oh, BTW, did you notice the other duck-thing at 4:45? (I know the Sadida Songstress before that was a little distracting.)
Posted by: Mauser at November 27, 2011 05:24 AM (cZPoz)
Coin, coin! (That's "quack, quack" en francais). Hee
Posted by: Colleen at November 28, 2011 11:01 PM (yjcgx)
I'm a firm believer in the magic of rubber duckies. Really, there's nothing a rubber duckie can't improve. I'm glad the folks at SHAFT agree with me, at least as far as HidaSketch goes.
I was about to challenge your assertion that "there's nothing a rubber duckie can't improve". However, an unfortunately successfully Google search proved me uncomfortably wrong...
Posted by: Siergen at November 12, 2011 10:20 PM (sOpcO)
I'm going to assume that's a Rub My Duckie you've linked to.
Yup. NOTHING a rubber duckie can't improve.
Posted by: Wonderduck at November 12, 2011 11:50 PM (2YMZG)
Ducks In Anime: Yuno What It Is -Hidamari Sketch x SP Ep01
It's been a long time since we last got to hang with the gang from the Hidamari Apartments. The arrival of the first of two Specials for the third series has fixed that, however, and with a vengeance!
L to R: Nori, Nazuna, Yuno, Miyako, Hiro, Sae
The first half, where the six girls visit an art museum, is pretty much a perfect HidaSketch episode. There's humor, kindness, fun... just a group of six different personalities doing things together. If this doesn't sound like a great way to spend fifteen minutes, then the HidaSketch franchise is not for you. Those of you who are fans of the show are probably scrambling for the torrent sites right now. The second half, where the girls (minus Hiro and Sae, who are studying for college exams) visit an indoor swimming pool, isn't quite as heartwarming. Point in fact, there's a lot of fanservice.
Yes, that's tame. But in comparison to the rest of HidaSketch, it's flat-out scandalous. Again, I'm not complaining, just stating a fact. Of course, I'm also the duck who stitched that picture together, so who am I to judge? FWIW, I've realized that Nori is far and away my favorite of the girls now... and no, it's not because she looks good in a swimsuit, I came to that decision a while ago. Now if only she had a thing for rubber ducks...
Not that there's anything wrong with that... quite the contrary! It just felt a little... wrong for HidaSketch. As a visual exercise though, it was plenty good. The Special ends with the sleepover from Vol 5 of the manga, where Yuno falls asleep as soon as it starts. It's a little rushed, but still fun.
Then of course, there's Yuno's duckie. How I've missed seeing it every week! Well, there's still one more Special to go, and then the fourth season with air (date still TBA, last I checked). Plenty of duckie still to come, and I for one wouldn't have it any other way.
So they've banned the duck?
He is an eX duck?
Yuno has impaled him with her hair thingies?
Posted by: brickmuppet at November 06, 2011 10:26 PM (EJaOX)
Well, see, Yuno made a sculpture out of bath products, then decided that it needed something more. So she added duckie, then decided that it needed her "signature." So she added the hair thingies. If you look carefully, they're resting on the cup as opposed to being stuck into the duck.
Posted by: Wonderduck at November 06, 2011 10:36 PM (o45Mg)
If you say so. Personally, it looks to me like someone was trying to crucify it between a pair of St. Andrew's crosses...
Posted by: Siergen at November 07, 2011 08:04 PM (sOpcO)
I was thinking rubber-band-powered paddlewheels.
Posted by: Mikeski at November 08, 2011 03:50 PM (GbSQF)
A Dark Duck In Anime Has Seven Lives -Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi ep12
To be honest, after having watched ep12 of ITnKU (or "A Dark Rabbit Has Seven Lives"), I have no idea what the show's title means. What I do know is that a) almost everybody in the show can use magic, 2) almost everybody in the show has the hots for the protagonist, and III) the female lead has hair that's longer than she is tall. And of course, the final episode of the season takes place as a bath house.
The duck on the left wears a bow tie. Bow ties are cool.
To say that this show isn't my cup of hairmeat tea would be an understatement. The only worthwhile thing about the last episode were the ducks. To be fair to the show, the ducks are great. They're obviously cousins of Yuno's Duck from HidaSketch, and made an obvious throwaway episode worth watching. Even if it was with the volume down (half the cast has voices that sound like fingernails on a blackboard) and the subtitles off (I'm dumb enough already to have to have braincells killed by the script).
I gather the show is based on a successful series of light novels. Hopefully they're better than the one episode of the anime I just watched. But hey, ducks!
ITnKU (or "A Dark Rabbit Has
Seven Lives"), I have no idea what the show's title means.
I think it means that the rabbit (which is dark) has 7 lives.
Posted by: brickmuppet at October 16, 2011 02:12 AM (EJaOX)
But do you have any pictures of a rubber duck wearing a Fez? Because "Fezzes are cool" too!
Posted by: Siergen at October 16, 2011 07:48 PM (sE+wA)
Thanks for the lovely site, a great place to get my duck fix. I have a tip for you: there are some non-toy ducks in episode 15 of Mawaru Penguindrum, about halfway through. (If you haven't watched the series up to this point you won't have a clue what's going on, but just focus on the cute!)
Posted by: foozlesprite at October 22, 2011 08:29 AM (WL69J)
Sugar. Spice. And Everything Nice. These Were The Ingreedients Chosen To Create The Perfect Ducks In Anime.
-Powerpuff Girls Z, Ep21
The original Powerpuff Girls was an intelligent, engaging, entertaining and funny romp of a show, one that never failed to make me laugh at its aimed-at-adults humor. The Japanese, seeing it as homage to Super-Sentai style anime, thought it would be a good idea to remake it in their own unique way. Thus was born Powerpuff Girls Z. It was a magical girl show, with three normal little girls becoming "Hyper Blossom," "Rolling Bubbles" and "Powered Buttercup." It was also turned into a kids show. In short, it was everything the original was not... in particular, it was not funny or clever in the least. But it did have a rubber duck in one episode. In fact, the rubber duck was even the main "villain" of Ep21 "Quack Quack Attack". Given life by the "black light" that created monsters, the duck eventually grew to enormous size.
The duckie wound up accidentally terrorizing the city of Townsville as it tried to find its owner, which it loved very much. All it wanted to do is be reunited with the little boy that dropped it one day. Eventually it was, it returned to normal duckie size, and all was right with the world. The End.
But hey: rubber duckie. That's the only worthwhile thing to come out of PPGZ, right there.
I only made it through the first episode. Having seen what they did to Mojo Jojo, that was enough.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at September 14, 2011 11:12 PM (+rSRq)
I only lasted three episodes, Steven. I guess I had more tolerance for crap shows back then. No, a wikiwander put me on the episode list page, saw the synopsis for Ep21, and immediately d/l'd it.
It did nothing to change my opinion of the show in general.
Posted by: Wonderduck at September 15, 2011 06:08 AM (o45Mg)
I find it oddly comforting to know that the Japanese can screw up a good American idea (almost) as much as Hollywood can screw up good anime.
Posted by: Karl at September 15, 2011 11:53 AM (USMrf)
Wasn't it PPG that had an episode where every line was a lyric from a Beatles tune?
I remember watching PPG long ago, and loving how they managed to destroy their city in the process of saving it from the bad guys... and how grateful the city mayor was when they did it.
Posted by: dkallen99 at September 20, 2011 10:22 AM (2lHZP)
Ducks In Anime: Don't Call It A Comeback
The bad thing about hunting for rubber ducks in anime is that you can go for months without ever seeing one. Even shows where a rubber duckie would make the most sense, like one taking place in an onsen, will inexplicably skip the duckie... and yes Hanasaku Iroha, I'm very disappointed in you.
And then from out of nowhere, in a show you'd never expect to include anything as light-hearted as a duckie, you get rewarded.
-Blood-C, ep08
I mildly enjoyed the first few episodes of Blood-C, but not really enough to keep up with it. I wasn't a fan of the first two installments (Blood: The Last Vampire, Blood+) and the addition of CLAMP to the team for C did nothing to keep me enthralled. I found myself wondering just exactly why Saya would do her hair like that, which is probably not what the creators intended. Then came the censoring of the fight scenes in later episodes, and I just gave up. But something told me to download this episode today... maybe it was a mystical link I have with duckies, maybe it was fate, maybe it was Doki's preview picture, I don't know. But there, in the middle of an dark, dark anime about a schoolgirl with a sword killing the bad things that go chomp in the night (and in the day, for that matter)... is a duck.
A nice duckie, too. Good sized, big eyes, floats well, an all-around attractive duckie.
Do you float-test every duck in your collection? Are there any that don't float at all?
Posted by: Siergen at September 05, 2011 10:28 AM (HfzDP)
No, and yes, many. In fact, I'd say the majority of the flock don't float well, led by Rusty II, the cast-iron duck that weighs about two pounds.
Posted by: Wonderduck at September 05, 2011 11:12 AM (o45Mg)
Well, if ever get stumped for a blog topic (after you fully recover from your recent travails), perhaps you could do a full float test of your entire flock (with photos, of course). does Duck U have an engineering department? If so, they could help design tests for buoyancy, stability, etc...
Posted by: Siergen at September 05, 2011 08:59 PM (HfzDP)